











汉语拼音:xīn yuán yì mǎ








  • 【解释】:心意好像猴子跳、马奔跑一样控制不住。形容心里东想西想,安静不下来。
  • 【出自】:汉·魏伯阳《参同契》注:“心猿不定,意马四驰。”唐·许浑《题杜居士》诗:“机尽心猿伏,神闲意马行。”
  • 【示例】:俺从今把~紧牢拴,将繁华不挂眼。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. To overcome indecision - think carefully about what you want. And stick to it as long as your feelings about it stay positive.


  2. Over-My-Head2 Listening: You are convinced that the subject is beyond you, so you depart, at least in spirit.


  3. Unsettled full-back Gabriel Heinze will take his dispute with Manchester United to a Premier League arbitration panel next week.


  4. Peopleknew that they were courting , and , when he sang about the lass that loves a sailor , she always felt pleasantly confused .


  5. When supply and demand curves are still Xinyuanyima to move up and down, we enjoy the opportunity to wake up before the mismatch of joy.


  6. He was now in imminent danger of asking himself if hospitality were the most sacred thing in the world .


  7. This will be your cold market may seem silly, some absent-minded, it seems that with each other to say.


  8. My thoughts are spreading. The music is slipping away from me, now that the drums have ceased.


  9. Cancers often choose one kind of taste in chocolate and rarely then change their minds.


  1. 心猿意马, 头脑的习性是四处游荡。

    It is the nature of the mind to roam about.

  2. 我睡不着, 只顾躺着寻思, 心猿意马。

    I lay awake thinking and mind jumping around.

  3. 在学习一样东西的时候, 切不可心猿意马。

    Never think of learning another subject while studying one thing.

  4. 所谓得猴子就是头脑里面仍然充满欲望,心猿意马。

    The monkey is the mind and the lustful desires keep running all over the place inside of it.

  5. 所谓的猴子就是头脑里面仍然充满欲望,心猿意马。

    The monkey is the mind and the lustful desires keep running all over the place inside of it.

  6. 第二天上班的时候, 彼得心猿意马。

    The next day Peter was back at his desk, but his mind was not on his work.

  7. 她心猿意马地转过身作了无可奈何的姿势。

    She turns confusedly and makes a faint gesture.

  8. 巨蟹座往往选择一种口味的巧克力就很少再心猿意马。

    Cancers often choose one kind of taste in chocolate and rarely then change their minds.

  9. 为解除马心中挥之不去的仇恨, 他的师父不惜舍身成仁。

    To help remove the anger and hatred in Mas heart, his mentor finally sacrifices his own life.

  10. 干马,心阳

    cardiac yang.

  11. 马来酸沛心达

    perhexiline maleate

  12. 北马里亚纳心型彩色银币

    Northern Mariana Heart Colour Silver Coin

  13. 马利亚说,我心尊主为大,

    And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord

  14. 心像平原走马, 易放难收

    The mind is like a horse aon a plain, easy to let go but difficult to stop

  15. 你必须狠下心马上离开。你必须狠下心马上离开。

    You must harden your heart to leave at once.

  16. 说实在的, 马吕斯误解了他外祖父的心。

    We admit that Marius was mistaken as to his grandfather's heart.

  17. 这些暖心的话深深的打动了骑马的人。

    Those heartwarming comments touched the horseman deeply.

  18. 马可很谢谢听友你很有心的写信来。

    Listeners, appreciate you writing to me.

  19. 记所以你并不过分担心被皇马击败?

    So you werent unduly worried after the defeat by Real

  20. 而我开始琢磨马苏德的话:'椰枣树的心。'

    I, however, had begun to think about Maood's phrase 'the heart of the palm'.

  21. 所有这些动作都是马的直接反应, 它们的心是单纯的。

    All actions are the horses'direct reaction and their hearts are simple and pure.

  22. 钙增敏剂硫马唑治疗心肌顿抑的研究

    The Study of Calcium Sensitizer Sulmazole's Role in Curing Stunned Myocardium

  23. 马吕斯心中的混乱和病态的猜测消失了。

    The troubled and unhealthy conjectures which had outlined themselves in Marius'mind were dissipated.

  24. 这在马吕斯狂喜的心中引起了真正的愤怒。

    This added a touch of genuine wrath to Marius ecstasy.

  25. 一马奔腾,射雕引弓,天地都在我心中!

    A horse dash about, shooting the carve to lead the bow, the worlds are all in my heart!

  26. 马克对珍妮狂热追求,一下就赢得了她得芳心。

    Mark gave Jane so much attention that he took her by storm.

  27. 道徒们都尊马明心为哲赫林耶之道祖。

    Road, Ma Zun only are the heart of the Road forzhe he lin ye progenitor.

  28. 所有这些动作都是马得直接反应,它们得心是单纯得。

    All actions are the horses'direct reaction and their hearts are simple and pure.

  29. 我心里充满了要见马奇梅因勋爵的好奇心。

    I was full of curiosity to meet Lord Marchmain.

  30. 钻进式井壁取心器用马笼头的分析研究

    Analysis and Study on High Voltage Cablehead of Drilling Sidewall Coring Tool


  1. 问:心猿意马拼音怎么拼?心猿意马的读音是什么?心猿意马翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心猿意马的读音是xīnyuányìmǎ,心猿意马翻译成英文是 one's heart like a capering monkey but mind like a...



中文名称:心猿意马英文译名:The accident,其它译名: Sam yuen yi ma,类 型: 剧情