


1. 还 [huán]2. 还 [hái]还 [huán]回到原处或恢复原状:~乡。~俗。衣锦~乡。返老~童。回报别人对自己的行动。~手。~击。以眼~眼。以牙~牙。偿付:归~。偿~。~本。原物奉~。古同“环”,环绕。姓。还 [hái]依然,……


1. 盖 [gài]2. 盖 [gě]3. 盖 [hé]盖 [gài]有遮蔽作用的东西:~子。锅~。瓶~。膝~。天灵~。伞:雨~。由上往下覆,遮掩:覆~。遮~。掩~。~浇饭。压倒,超过:~世无双。方言,超出一般地好:这本书真叫~!用印,打上……



汉语拼音:hái gài






  1. 回车。盖,车盖,指代车子。

    北周 王褒 《送观宁侯葬》诗:“寂寥还盖静,荒茫归路昏。” 唐 王勃 《七夕赋》:“儼归表而容曳,整还盖而迁延。”



  1. The barrow was got ready and the corpse placed on it, covered with a blanket, and bound to its place with the rope.


  2. the initiates also gave masters gifts to two homeless men , one of whom had been sleeping on a roadside under a plastic sheet.


  3. Kelly: It's amazing. Only a few months ago the roads were covered with snow and sleet.


  4. Only Park yard also green.


  5. What else do you suppose they have built?


  1. 壶掉到地上后,盖子还盖在壶上。

    The lid still stayed on when the pot had dropped onto the floor.

  2. 这张桌子上还盖着一块很美丽得漆布。

    This table had a cover made out of beautiful oilcloth.

  3. 这张桌子上还盖着一块很美丽的漆布。

    This table had a cover made out of beautiful oilcloth.

  4. 虽然他们出来了 但仍然危险 证件上还盖着犹太人的章

    Well, they were out, but they were always in danger. The big Jew stamp was still on their papers.

  5. 游泳池得设备都已经折叠起来, 堆在那里, 还盖上了防水布。

    The pool furniture was folded, stacked, and covered with a tarpaulin.

  6. 游泳池的设备都已经折叠起来,堆在那里,还盖上了防水布。

    The pool furniture was folded, stacked, and covered with a tarpaulin.

  7. 他们把车准备好,将尸体放上去,还盖上毯子,用绳子捆好它。

    The barrow was got ready and the corpse placed on it, covered with a blanket, and bound to its place with the rope.

  8. 棺材盖还没有盖上呢。

    The coffin's still open.

  9. 锅带有柄的一种圆形较深的炊具,通常还带有盖

    A round, fairly deep cooking vessel with a handle and often a lid.

  10. 在暑夏中午时分还要盖上苇席帘, 防晒, 冬季移入地下室。

    In the heat of summer still covered with reed mat curtain around noon, the sun, the winter moved into the basement.

  11. 房子还没有完全盖好。

    The building was not yet quite finished.

  12. 他还帮助村民盖了两间新的教室。

    He also helped the village to build two new classrooms.

  13. 还能把盖在它头上大石头顶开呢!

    Also to cover the head stone in its head to open it!

  14. 苏珊,哪种邮票更好,盖过邮戳得还是没盖邮戳得?

    Which is better, Susan, a cancelled or an uncancelled stamp?

  15. 你还在迷恋盖伊。他若爱上别的女人, 你怎么办?

    You're still crazy about Guy. What if he falls in love with another woman ?

  16. 我们还不知道机舱盖能不能开。

    And we still don't know if the hatches will open.

  17. 哦, 你烤肉的手艺还真不是盖的。

    Oh, you're a really good barbequtionist.

  18. 我们还供应热饮料盖和冷饮料盖匹配。

    We also supply the hot beverages lids and cold beverages lids matched.

  19. 我还没给他盖好被子他已睡着了。

    He was asleep before I tucked him in.

  20. 酒还在发酵就盖住瓶口是很危险的。

    It's dangerous to cork up these bottles while the wine is still fermenting.

  21. 酒还在发酵就盖住瓶口是很危险得。

    It's dangerous to cork up these bottles while the wine is still fermenting.

  22. 员工还可以给总裁盖保罗写匿名信, 反映问题。

    Employees can write anonymous letters to the president Gaibao Luo, reflecting the issue.

  23. 饮花茶时, 除闻茶汤香气外, 还可闻杯得盖香。

    When enjoying Jasmine tea, one can smell not only the fragrance of the tea liquor but also the fragrance on the lid.

  24. 饮花茶时,除闻茶汤香气外,还可闻杯的盖香。

    When enjoying Jasmine tea, one can smell not only the fragrance of the tea liquor but also the fragrance on the lid.

  25. 塑料盖会浮会还是沉?

    Will the plastic cap float, or sink ?

  26. 我们还给80户人家盖了两座住宅楼。

    We also constructed two apartment buildings for 80 households.

  27. 我还没来得及给他盖好被子, 他就睡着了。

    He was asleep before I tucked him in.

  28. 护照和这些盖了章得申报表还给您。

    Let me return to you your passport and the stamped documents.

  29. 什么时间盖好新宿舍,还没有准稿子呢。

    Nobody knows when the new dormitory building will be completed.

  30. 盖得甚至比苏丹王得皇宫还棒。

    It was nicer than the sultan's palace.