


1. 悄 [qiǎo]2. 悄 [qiāo]悄 [qiǎo]忧愁:~切。~怆。~然落泪。忧心~~。寂静无声:~然无声。~寂。~静。~声。悄 [qiāo]没有声音或声音很低,不让人知道:深夜静~~。……


1. 悄 [qiǎo]2. 悄 [qiāo]悄 [qiǎo]忧愁:~切。~怆。~然落泪。忧心~~。寂静无声:~然无声。~寂。~静。~声。悄 [qiāo]没有声音或声音很低,不让人知道:深夜静~~。……


1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……





  1. The moon shining water, shining on me, the stars are in the water quietly wink, as if to tell me the moon is so beauty.


  2. At least then I could run up and down the dirt roads with someone, and we could chase squirrels and stalk deer together.


  3. Always say, life as water, quietly, quietly, do not know where to go flow.


  4. The specter of loneliness is always thoroughly blurred, perhaps when you think it is what in the end, it has quietly climbed to your heart.


  5. "A body could come sneaking" in here at night, bury his loot, and cat-foot it out before anyone knew what was up.


  6. Then she motioned to the playboy, who came out of the closet, snuck up from behind, and hit the old priest on the head!


  7. Today, I unexpectedly showed up to my girlfriend's house. Trying to be romantic, I tossed a rock at her window.


  8. Even now, the scandal is quietly claiming victims, though in a lot of places it seems to have vanished mysteriously from the radar.


  9. The cold winter has passed by, spring approached I did not know? Ispring in where? But I knew that, it certainly can quietly approach.


  1. 悄悄地过去

    creep on

  2. 悄悄地呈现

    steal over.

  3. 悄悄地挨近

    sneak up to.

  4. 悄悄地前进

    advance quietly.

  5. 悄悄地拿走

    take away without being noticed.

  6. 岁月悄悄地过去。

    The years stole by.

  7. 悄悄地, 悄悄地, 悄悄地告诉我。

    Whisper, whisper, whisper to me.

  8. 时光悄悄地流逝。

    The days just glided by.

  9. 她悄悄地溜过。

    She glided by unnoticed.

  10. 时间悄悄地过去了。

    Time is slipping by.

  11. 猎手悄悄地追踪老虎。

    The hunter stalked the tiger.

  12. 她悄悄地溜下床。

    She slipped out of bed.

  13. 踮着脚悄悄地走

    walk quietly and carefully on tiptoe

  14. 一年年悄悄地过去了。

    The years slide past.

  15. 我们被悄悄地抛出。

    We were unceremoniously thrown out from there.

  16. 雾悄悄地笼罩了山谷。

    Mist stole over the valley.

  17. 婚礼是悄悄地进行的。

    The wedding was a quiet affair.

  18. 他宁愿悄悄地做好事。

    He prefers to do goodby stealth.

  19. 猫悄悄地向老鼠凑近。

    The cat crept silently towards the mouse.

  20. 她沉默圣洁悄悄地前行,

    Silent and chaste she steals along,

  21. 他们悄悄地离开了大楼。

    Quietly, they left the building.

  22. 他们悄悄地离开了舞会。

    They silently split off the ball.

  23. 他们悄悄地向上游进发。

    Stealthily they advanced upstream.

  24. 晨光悄悄地穿过百叶窗。

    Dawn through the shutter stealthily.

  25. 她悄悄地向他走去。

    She advanced on him silently.

  26. 那个贼悄悄地潜入房子。

    The thief stealthily stole into the house.

  27. 孩子们在角落悄悄地讲话。

    The children were whispering in the comer.

  28. 女孩悄悄地离开了家。

    The girl glided from the house.

  29. 哈里悄悄地退出斗争。

    Harry quietly backed away from the fight.

  30. 哈里悄悄地退出斗争。

    Harry quietly backed away from the fight.


  1. 问:悄悄地拼音怎么拼?悄悄地的读音是什么?悄悄地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悄悄地的读音是,悄悄地翻译成英文是 quietly

  2. 问:悄悄地走拼音怎么拼?悄悄地走的读音是什么?悄悄地走翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悄悄地走的读音是,悄悄地走翻译成英文是 glide