


1. 节 [jié]2. 节 [jiē]节 [jié]竹子或草木茎分枝长叶的部分:竹~。~外生枝。物体的分段或两段之间连接的部分:关~。两~车厢。段落,事项:~~(一段一段地,逐步)。~目。中国历法把一年分为二十四段,每段开始的名称:~气。……


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……




1. 枝 [zhī]2. 枝 [qí]枝 [zhī]由植物主干上分出来的茎条:树~。~干(gàn )。竹~。节外生~。~柯。~节(a.由一件事生发的其他问题;b.细碎的,不重要的)。量词,指杆形的:一~铅笔。古同“支”,支持,分支。枝 [q……



汉语拼音:jié shàng shēng zhī







  • 【解释】:见“ 節外生枝 ”。


  1. 网络
  2. One complication arising from another

  1. 转向节上的轮毂轴

    steering knuckle spindle

  2. 在返校节上发生了什么事?

    What happened to you at homecoming?

  3. 大象节上一队行进中的舞者。

    Dancers in procession at Elephant Festival.

  4. 我今午上午第一节上法语课。

    I've got a French class first thing this morning.

  5. 茎匍匐,节上生根,纤细,短柔毛。

    Stems prostrate, rooting at nodes, slender, pubescent.

  6. 茎匍匐,节上生根,肉质的,无毛。

    Stems creeping, rooting at nodes, succulent, glabrous.

  7. 向转向节上安装煞车分火头护罩。

    Install the brake rotor shield to the knuckle.

  8. 儿童体育节上的障碍赛跑用计时定名次。

    The obstacle race in the children's sports day was run against the clock.

  9. 茎单生, 具条纹, 分枝, 在下部节上生根。

    Stem solitary, striate, branched, rooting at lower nodes.

  10. 茎匍匐,节上生根,上半部分并且分开上升,

    Stems prostrate, rooting at nodes, upper part and branches ascending, fulvous pilose.

  11. 但节与节间明显,节上能分枝,生叶和开花。

    Unlike a leaf, a cladode has buds on its surface.

  12. 通常越近基部的节上花芽越少, 或根本没有。

    Usually the more basal nodes are less floriferous , or not at all.

  13. 每年一届的文化节上必定有民间剪纸展览。

    Annual session of the festival must have been on the folk cut exhibition.

  14. 每年一届得文化节上必定有民间剪纸展览。

    Annual session of the festival must have been on the folk cut exhibition.

  15. 评论家们把目光集中在这份报告得后两节上。

    The critics fastened upon last two sections of this report.

  16. 评论家们把目光集中在这份报告的后两节上。

    The critics fastened upon last two sections of this report.

  17. 评论家们把目光集中在这份报告的后两节上。

    The critics fastened upon last two sections of this report.

  18. 一年一度的嬉笑节上,喜剧占据了舞台的中心位置。

    Comedy takes center stage during the annual Just for Laughs festival.

  19. 叶星散的或簇生在顶端的分枝或节上,因此轮生。

    Leaves scattered or clustered at top of branches or nodes and thus whorled.

  20. 通常越近基部或顶端得节上花芽越少, 或根本没有。

    Usually the more basal and terminal nodes are less floriferous, or not at all.

  21. 茎匍匐或平卧,具很少须根在节上,多分枝。

    Stem prostrate or procumbent, with few fibrous roots at nodes, many branched.

  22. 狗肉节上的大屠杀图片流传至网络,引发群愤。

    Pictures of carnage from the dog eating festival made their way on to the internet, incensing thousands.

  23. 不久前, 他到北京的老书虫文学节上发表了讲话。

    Recently he was in Beijing to speak at the Bookworm Literary Festival.

  24. 在第二个标准节上端装上顶梁, 并用螺栓固定好。

    Install the pillar on the second standard section, and fix it with the screw.

  25. 一条长长的茎秆的每个节上都会长出一朵浅蓝色的花。

    A single pale blue flower grows up from each joint on a long stalk.

  26. 多年生草本茎匍匐,自由分枝,疏生短柔毛,节上生根。

    Herbs perennial. Stems prostrate, freely branching, sparsely pubescent, rooting at nodes.

  27. 茎4棱具腺体在节上,无毛,单的或很少分枝。

    Stem tetragonous with glands at nodes, glabrous, simple or few branched.

  28. 茎4棱具腺体在节上,无毛,单得或很少分枝。

    Stem tetragonous with glands at nodes, glabrous, simple or few branched.

  29. 秆非常纤细,匍匐,分枝和节上生根,花枝可达10厘米高。

    Culms very slender, prostrate, branching and rooting at nodes, flowering branches up to 10 cm tall.

  30. 茎和具糙伏毛幼枝疏生柔毛,在节上的密被糙伏毛。

    Stem and young branches sparsely pilosestrigose, densely strigose on nodes.