











汉语拼音:gōng zī shuǐ píng



  1. "Our family will not die from hunger, but cannot be fed with this wage level, " she said.


  2. By contrast, a policymaker trying to target a stability price index would have observed accelerating wage inflation.


  3. Needless to say, it must be higher than the CSSA payment, or low-paid workers would be encouraged to stop working and go on CSSA.


  4. But the early years of a career are also essential and could influence pay down the road.


  5. In Egypt, the bread crisis is a symptom of a larger problem - one of stagnant wages that have failed to keep up with the cost of living.


  6. Trade between high-wage countries tends to be a modest win for all, or almost all, concerned.


  7. "The prospect of a higher wage bill is not the only increasing cost they face, " he said, adding land and raw material prices are going up.


  8. In return for 40 years of contributions, it has agreed among other things to increase pay grades on which pension benefits are calculated.


  9. Sustained higher food bills inevitably put pressure on wages, already increasing by an average 15 per cent a year.


  1. 第三产业工资水平

    wage of tertiary industry

  2. 工资水平取决于生产量的多寡。

    Wage rates depend on levels of productivity.

  3. 保持工资水平, 生产率和税收的关系。

    Maintain a relationship between wage levels, productivity and taxation.

  4. 提高工资水平可化解人民币升值压力。

    Raising the wage level may defuse the pressure of RMB appreciation.

  5. 阿历克斯,以你现在的工资水平

    Alex, based on your current salary.

  6. 很好奇, 现在华人的工资水平是怎样的?

    How much is the fee for a Solicitor

  7. 参照当地标准, 工厂所付之工资水平如何?

    How does this relate to the local standard?

  8. 华尔街的工资水平依旧远远超过其他行业。

    Pay scales on Wall Street continue to outstrip those in other professions outrageously.

  9. 工资水平在经济发展的基础上逐步提高。

    The wage scale shall be raised gradually on the basis of economic development.

  10. 维护公司的绩效制度, 确保公平公正的工资水平。

    Maintain the companys compensation system to ensure fair and equitable pay rates.

  11. 在工资水平问题上的僵局阻碍了协议的达成。

    Deadlock over wage levels has prevented an agreement being reached.

  12. 这让工资水平与约旦和叙利亚不相上下。

    This makes rates competitive with those of Jordan and Syria.

  13. 制造业和采矿业的工资水平上个月双下降了。

    Wage levels in manufacturing and mining dropped again last month.

  14. 完善对垄断行业工资总额和工资水平的双重调控政策。

    We will improve the policy of dual control over total payroll and wage scales in these industries.

  15. 职工工资水平应在企业经济发展的基础上逐年提高。

    Wages of the employees should be raised year by year on basis of the economic development of the FFEs.

  16. 高失业率是压低名义及实际工资水平的主要原因。

    High unemployment was the mechanism for driving nominal and real wages down.

  17. 最低工资水平及其调整与本国的经济形势是分不开的。

    The level of the minimum wage and its adjustment are inextricably linked to the country's economic situation.

  18. 但是在富国工资水平向下的压力可能会持续很久。

    But downward pressure on wages in rich countries could continue for a long time.

  19. 即使如此,单就他们可能被转移的威胁就足以降低工资水平。

    Even so, the mere threat that they could be shifted will depress wages.

  20. 此外,由于工资水平普遍较低,有些医务人员离开了这一领域。

    Furthermore, some medical personnel had left the field owing to the generally low level of salaries.

  21. 改革计划造成了令人无法接受的高失业率和工资水平下降。

    The reform program has brought unacceptably high unemployment and falling wages.

  22. 政府固然不应干预私人机构所厘订的工资水平和雇佣政策。

    It is not Government's place to interfere in setting wage levels and employment policies.

  23. 到这个时候,职业板球运动员的收入已经落后于普通体力劳动者的工资水平了。

    By this time professional cricketers' earnings had fallen behind average manual wages.

  24. 他们的工资根据技术水平和产量高低而有所不同。

    Their wages vary according to technical competence and output.

  25. 同时, 德里人工资和购买力水平都排在后五名。

    Delhi was also among the bottom five cities in both the wages and purchasing power rankings.

  26. 工龄工资标准和奖金水平

    rates of seniority pay and bonuses

  27. 把工资定在一定水平上。

    The fixing of wages at a given level.

  28. 把价格或工资固定在一定水平。

    fixing at a particular level.

  29. 他们把低工资教师的工资提高到一般水平。

    They average up the wages of the lower paid teachers.

  30. 政府向每个工资收入超过一定水平的人征税。

    The government exacts taxes from every wage earner above a certain level of income.


  1. 问:工资水平拼音怎么拼?工资水平的读音是什么?工资水平翻译成英文是什么?

    答:工资水平的读音是gōng zī shuǐ píng,工资水平翻译成英文是 wage level


