


1. 咱 [zán]2. 咱 [zá]咱 [zán]我:~不懂他的话。总称己方(我或我们)和对方(你或你们):~们。~俩。~一起去看戏。咱 [zá]〔~家〕我,自称之辞。……





汉语拼音:zán rén






  1. He soon finds himself alone, miserable and embittered.


  1. 这咱人很快就会发现自己感到孤独、痛苦和难过。

    He soon finds himself alone, miserable and embittered.

  2. 毛主席是咱社里人

    Chairman Mao is one of us

  3. 咱班的人呢?

    Where are our classmates?

  4. 太恶心了,一个死人在咱家沙发上。

    Gross. A dead guy's on our couch.

  5. 巧妇难为无米之炊啊,没人来咱能有啥招儿。

    The Qiao Fu is tough is one impossible mission, the nobody comes us to have what recruit son.

  6. 咱家房梁上这个人就是这样。

    The gentleman above the beam is such a man.

  7. 谁让咱是一有钱人呢,等我那四个亿得工程。

    Let me show you chinese real power!

  8. 谁让咱是一有钱人呢,等我那四个亿的工程。

    Let me show you chinese real power!

  9. 咱到底还造不造人啊

    We gonna do this or not?

  10. 大喜讯!有人偷咱的书了!

    Great news! They're stealing our books!

  11. 在咱家你可不是唯一失败过的人

    Hey, you don't have sole rights to failure in this family.

  12. 咱俩今晚要去四人约会

    You and I are going on a double date tonight.

  13. 咱俩今晚要去四人约会。

    You and I are going on a double date tonight.

  14. 这咱表达法已经过时, 现在没人用了。

    That expression has gone out. Nobody uses it today.

  15. 咱家里的其他人一样去占领他的高中呢

    high school like everybody else in the family?

  16. 还有所有人都知道咱俩的事了

    I can't believe they all know about us.

  17. 有机会到咱河北老家沧州看看, 人啊, 实在。

    Hebei us to have the opportunity to look at home in Cangzhou, who ah, really.

  18. 咱俩私下说说,霍华德是个呆头呆脑的人。

    Between you and me, Howard is a stick.

  19. 在令人扫兴地约会上,咱指出咯硬币上得接头。

    I pointed out the joint on the coin at the disappointing appointment.

  20. 但是, 千万不可同任何人串通一起, 跟咱家族作对。

    But don't ever take sides with anybody against the Family again.

  21. 有人在微博上爆料移民局突击检查了咱家

    Apparently, someone is tweeting about immigration raiding our house.