








汉语拼音:xiāo tuì








  1. He said the U. S. will carry out a strategic and political assessment of the situation in northwest Pakistan once the waters recede.


  2. The rate ice has been receding is also faster than any other June on record, she said, as was May.


  3. "The chance of a double dip is rapidly going away, " he said. "This could be the makings of a good recovery. "


  4. With risk currencies falling, analysts said the euphoria fueled by China's pledge of a flexible yuan over the weekend has clearly faded.


  5. They bloom with an eternal freshness that seems untouched by time, as though they had been inspired by an unfading spirit of youth.


  6. Analysts said the improvement around the world suggested that the recessionary forces buffeting the global economy were starting to abate.


  7. The next moment, however, the burning in his belly died down and the world began to look more cheerful.


  8. Heat wave will not subside soon, is expected to abnormal high temperature will continue a week or two.


  9. It's a little bit weird though, because the cream starts out with a violet color that fades as the product is absorbed into the skin.


  1. 洪水的渐渐消退

    the gradual recession of the flood water

  2. 药效开始消退了。

    The effects of the drug began to wear off.

  3. 白睛红赤消退

    hyperemia of the bulbar conjunctiva disappeared.

  4. 也许怒潮终会消退。

    Perhaps the fury will abate.

  5. 他的热情开始消退。

    Enthusiasm began to ebb away.

  6. 肿胀己消退不少了。

    The swelling has gone down a lot.

  7. 消退的还挺快啊

    on me pretty quickly, huh?

  8. 眼袋它会自然消退吗

    Pouch subsidise of its meeting nature

  9. 那是冰川消退的情况。

    That's the retreat of this glacier.

  10. 毒品的作用慢慢消退了。

    The effect of the drug is wearing off.

  11. 视网膜水肿消退,血管正常。

    The retinal edema is gone and the vessels look normal.

  12. 一些人的雄心已然消退。

    Some ambitions have been trimmed.

  13. 小脓疱不会自己消退

    And it's not going away on its own.

  14. 他的淤伤正开始消退。

    His bruises are starting to fade now.

  15. 应能使耳道疖消退。

    Furuncles of the auditory canal should be allowed to resolve.

  16. 几天之后,洪水逐渐消退。

    A few days later, there was a gradual recession of flood waters.

  17. 消退异常情况的消退或终止

    The subsiding or termination of an abnormal condition, such as a fever or an inflammation.

  18. 肿胀症状很快就消退了。

    The swelling resolved rapidly.

  19. 当皮疹消退时, 出现脱屑。

    As it fades, it may peel off in small flakes.

  20. 消退一种急症病状的逐渐消退

    The gradual subsiding of the symptoms of an acute disease.

  21. 明年这些刺激应会逐渐消退。

    This should fade next year.

  22. 至少要等到急性感染消退的

    Well, at least until the immediate infection is over.

  23. 流感大流行的威胁尚未消退。

    The threat of an influenza pandemic has not receded.

  24. 而且我们生命的神圣正在消退

    and the sanctity of our life is fading.

  25. 减弱,缓和,消退降低程度或强度消退。

    To fall off in degree or intensity subside.

  26. 到了第三天,疼痛开始消退。

    On day three, the pain began to subside.

  27. 但是暴力和好奇很快地消退。

    But the violence and interest soon subsided.

  28. 我的余生, 语调, 色彩都在消退。

    My days of old have vanished, tone and tint.

  29. 随着糖尿病的控制,皮疹逐渐消退。

    With respect to diabetic control, the lesions tended to subside.

  30. 药性消退后,他又感到疼痛了。

    He could feel the pain again as the medicine wore away.


  1. 问:消退拼音怎么拼?消退的读音是什么?消退翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消退的读音是xiāotuì,消退翻译成英文是 To die out, graduate away, letdown, slip....

  2. 问:消退型拼音怎么拼?消退型的读音是什么?消退型翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消退型的读音是xiāo tuì xíng,消退型翻译成英文是 regressive type

  3. 问:消退法拼音怎么拼?消退法的读音是什么?消退法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消退法的读音是xiāo tuì fǎ,消退法翻译成英文是 extinction

  4. 问:消退说拼音怎么拼?消退说的读音是什么?消退说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消退说的读音是xiāo tuì shuō,消退说翻译成英文是 decay theory

  5. 问:消退效应拼音怎么拼?消退效应的读音是什么?消退效应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消退效应的读音是xiāo tuì xiào yìng,消退效应翻译成英文是 extinction effect

  6. 问:消退系数拼音怎么拼?消退系数的读音是什么?消退系数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消退系数的读音是xiāo tuì xì shù,消退系数翻译成英文是 extinction coefficient

  7. 问:消退性实践法拼音怎么拼?消退性实践法的读音是什么?消退性实践法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消退性实践法的读音是xiāo tuì xìng shí jiàn fǎ,消退性实践法翻译成英文是 negative practice



巴金 《灭亡》第四章:“一切快乐的感觉立刻消失了,热情也消退下去。”柳青 《创业史》第一部第十六章:“这时对 改霞 的不畅快,和对 中刘村 那哥俩的厌恶,已经从他精神上消退掉了。” 杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第五章:“洪水不定哪天才能消退,要节省粮食。”