








汉语拼音:tuì qù








  1. 罢退;去除。

    《汉书·刘向传》:“劾 更生 前为九卿,坐与 望之 、 堪 谋排车骑将军 高 、 许 、 史氏 侍中者,毁离亲戚,欲退去之,而独专权。” 三国 蜀 诸葛亮 《便宜十六策·考黜》:“进用贤良,退去贪懦。”

  2. 撤离;离开。

    《三国演义》第二五回:“ 曹操 收军, 良 亦引军退去。”《荡寇志》第一三五回:“ 公孙胜 便教左右退去,与 东方横 逊了坐。” 施蛰存 《将军底头》:“部下的骑兵散尽之后,观众也逐渐地退去了。”



  1. Meanwhile the water level went down, and one day Rat decided to see what had become of his old friends.


  2. There is no fanfare, no marching band. Just the gentle opening of the gateway and withdrawal. Now, it is all up to you.


  3. 24 he said, "Go away. The girl is not dead but asleep. " But they laughed at him.


  4. in fact , i seem to be standing on the shore of a vast restless ocean , watching the waves receding into infinity.


  5. The hurt receded and he felt boneless as he leaned up against the broad chest in front of him.


  6. As the hullabaloo of the banking crisis fades, it seems increasingly to have been a kind of distraction from the wider topic.


  7. Each day when the tide went out he would make his way along the beach for miles.


  8. Bird and swine flu might have receded for now, but the top candidate for a global pandemic remains: a novel strain of flu.


  9. So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord and afflicted Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.


  1. 洪水逐渐退去。

    The flood waters gradually subsided.

  2. 高水位退去了。

    The high water receded.

  3. 洪水正逐渐退去。

    The flood gradually subsided.

  4. 敌人沮丧地退去。

    The enemy retreated in perfect dismay.

  5. 江河洪峰正在退去。

    The rivers were falling back from their flood peaks.

  6. 潮水在中午退去了。

    The tides ebbed at noon.

  7. 海浪从礁石上退去。

    The waves tided off the reef.

  8. 海浪从礁石上退去。

    The waves tided off the reef.

  9. 渐渐退去的饥饿痛感。

    The deadened pangs of hunger.

  10. 低潮时退去的汐流。

    Waters ebbing at low tide.

  11. 我们必须等到洪水退去。

    We must wait until the floodwaters go down.

  12. 天上的颜色都退去了。

    All colour had faded from the sky.

  13. 他们向汉口方面退去。

    They retired in the direction of Hankow.

  14. 波浪翻滚着向大海退去。

    The waves flapped back out, towards the ocean.

  15. 波浪翻滚着向大海退去。

    The waves flapped back out, towards the ocean.

  16. 浅滩上的潮水逐渐退去。

    The tidal stream or current gradually decreases in the shallows.

  17. 他鞠着躬,朝门口退去。

    He bowed and backed toward the door.

  18. 很快的,烟雾会淡淡的退去。

    After a short while the smoke then subsides.

  19. 雨停得时候, 洪水开始退去。

    When the rain stopped, the floods began to fall away.

  20. 雨停的时候, 洪水开始退去。

    When the rain stopped, the floods began to fall away.

  21. 当地官员称洪水已经退去了。

    Local officials say the flood waters have subsided.

  22. 洪水退去后方舟停泊的地方。

    Where the ark came to rest following the great flood.

  23. 大水退去之后,我们返回曼谷。

    The flood having retreated, we went back to Bangkok.

  24. 潮水退去后留下的小水洼。

    The receding tide pooled in hollows along the shore.

  25. 潮水退去后留下得小水洼。

    The receding tide pooled in hollows along the shore.

  26. 是浮华退去,他变了,变得成熟。

    He is buckish recede, become mature.

  27. 那些引力波早就已经退去了。

    Those waves have long since faded.

  28. 面部的阴影部分似乎退去了。

    The shaded areas of the face seemed to recede.

  29. 面部得阴影部分似乎退去了。

    The shaded areas of the face seemed to recede.

  30. 面部的阴影部分似乎退去了。

    The shaded areas of the face seemed to recede.


  1. 问:退去拼音怎么拼?退去的读音是什么?退去翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退去的读音是,退去翻译成英文是 dismission