







汉语拼音:qīng mù








  1. 仰慕;倾心爱慕。

    南朝 宋 鲍照 《拟古》诗之一:“宗党生光辉,宾僕远倾慕。” 明 李贽 《唐贵梅传》:“盖同乡少年倾慕太史久矣,读其书,閲其事,则必私相告语。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·宦娘》:“然女自闻琴以后,心窃倾慕,每冀再聆雅奏。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第十二章:“我爱你,不是由于别人的强迫,也不是虚荣的动机,而是对一个真正的战士的倾慕。”



  1. And yet the two admired each other more than they admired any other living poets and corresponded with an unusual seriousness of engagement.


  2. Nonetheless I admire him and think of him. I even feel all life would lose significance without him.


  3. They're just a form of life, another form of life. But they're rather curious, and I say this out of affection for them.


  4. What overwhelmed him in that instant was admiration for the gesture with which she had thrown her clothes aside.


  5. Many write letters expressing their admiration of him and some even proposing.


  6. And pale skin, pale, and a lot of admiration for my colleagues do, it seems to return to college!


  7. Frequent working contacts, the two alternate admiration of the heart, the working relationship quickly "upgrade" to the lovers.


  8. Man's confidence comes from a woman to his worship, women's pride from one man to her admiration.


  9. And there's not really in depth story line , but there's , you know , a love interest in it.


  1. 他们彼此倾慕,尔后彼此相爱。

    They have mutual admiration and then mutual love.

  2. 她非常倾慕那位艺术家。

    She was ardent in her admiration of the artist.

  3. 它们遥遥相望,彼此思念,彼此倾慕。

    They look and adore each other in the distance.

  4. 我默默无声满怀倾慕地凝视着她。

    I gazed at her in mute admiration.

  5. 我对您的优雅和美丽倾慕已久。

    I'm most fond of grace and beauty.

  6. 两人相互欣赏,甚至流露倾慕之意。

    The two corresponded with appreciation and even with signs of affection.

  7. 女人的高傲来自一个男人对她的倾慕。

    From a woman proud of her Qingmu men.

  8. 她可以感觉得出来他的倾慕是真诚的。

    His admiration was genuine, she could tell.

  9. 任何男人都有机会令任何女人向她倾慕。

    Any man has a chance sweep any woman off her feet.

  10. 而我,天空答道,倾慕你的谦恭宛转。

    And I, returns the sky, your humble touch.

  11. 倾慕再加上任性便不难作出决定了。

    Inclination as well as perversity made the decision easy.

  12. 全世界的女性影迷都倾慕布鲁俊俏的脸庞。

    Women worldwide fell hard for Bloom's handsome face.

  13. 他们和我有时属于一个互相倾慕的社会。

    They and I sometimes belong to a mutual admiration society.

  14. 他以不加掩饰的倾慕和敬意看着她。

    He looked at her with undisguised admiration and respect.

  15. 女人身上最倾慕的特质呢?温柔亲切, 自然, 聪慧。

    The quality you most admire in a woman ? Gentleness, naturalness, intelligence.

  16. 在他的每句话里, 她都体会到他对她的倾慕。

    She felt his drawing toward her in every sound of his voice.

  17. 他好像没有觉察到这个姑娘的讨好倾慕之情。

    He seemed unaware of the girl's fawning admiration.

  18. 那便是你出现在我的梦境中, 令我如此倾慕。

    Which I desir twas but a dream of thee.

  19. 那便是你出现在我得梦境中,令我如此倾慕。

    Which I desir twas but a dream of thee.

  20. 我知道你对她有多么倾慕。你也早该告诉她了。

    I know you are trusting with affection towards her. It's high time you let her know.

  21. 穆里尼奥和科尔曼常常相互倾慕对方得工作。

    Mourinho and Coleman have frequently expressed admiration for each other's work.

  22. 穆里尼奥和科尔曼常常相互倾慕对方的工作。

    Mourinho and Coleman have frequently expressed admiration for each other's work.

  23. 刹那间充斥心怀的, 是对她扔衣动作的倾慕。

    What overwhelmed him in that instant was admiration for the gesture with which she had thrown her clothes aside.

  24. 在男人身上你最倾慕的特质是什么?聪慧,道德感。

    The quality you most admire in a man? Intelligence, moral sense.

  25. 她需要并想要被爱的滔滔激情和倾慕所包围。

    She needs and wants to be loved with overwhelming passion and adoration.

  26. 这使他很不好受, 心里隐隐引起一阵倾慕和骑士得热肠。

    It troubled him, arousing vague feelings of attraction and chivalry.

  27. 这使他很不好受,心里隐隐引起一阵倾慕和骑士的热肠。

    It troubled him, arousing vague feelings of attraction and chivalry.

  28. 他在旅途中赢得了来自不同背景的美国人的尊重和倾慕。

    During his travels he won the respect and admiration of Americans of all backgrounds.

  29. 济科在主罚任意球时所采用得方式, 同样让我非常倾慕。

    Jike when penalty kicks free kick uses the way, lets me adore similarly.

  30. 济科在主罚任意球时所采用的方式,同样让我非常倾慕。

    Jike when penalty kicks free kick uses the way, lets me adore similarly.


  1. 问:倾慕拼音怎么拼?倾慕的读音是什么?倾慕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倾慕的读音是qīngmù,倾慕翻译成英文是 admire



明 李贽 《唐贵梅传》:“盖同乡少年倾慕太史久矣,读其书,阅其事,则必私相告语。” 明 冯梦龙 清 蔡元放 《东周列国志》第一百回:“二人方据垆共饮,信陵君遂直入,自通姓名,叙向来倾慕之意。”