







汉语拼音:qīng xīn







  1. 向往;仰慕。

    南朝 梁 庾肩吾 《有所思行》:“悵望情无极,倾心还自伤。” 唐 王勃 《送白七序》:“天下倾心,尽当年之意气。” 元 刘壎 《隐居通议·半山咏扬雄》:“ 水心 叶公 ,著《习学记言》,讥评古今,无全人矣,独於 雄 倾心焉。” 陈毅 《沁园春·山东春雪压境读毛主席柳亚子咏雪唱和词有作》词:“倾心甚,看回天身心,绝代风骚。”

  2. 指男女之间钟情爱慕。

    巴金 《家》十一:“二哥近来很倾心于 琴姐 ,他已经向我说过。”

  3. 尽心;诚心诚意。

    《后汉书·皇后纪上·章德窦皇后》:“后性敏给,倾心承接,称誉日闻。” 唐 元稹 《华三巫》诗:“使我倾心事尔巫,吾寧驱车守吾道。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷七:“妾身虽在烟花之中,那些浮浪子弟,未尝倾心交往。” 徐迟 《地质之光》:“在座的一些同志便一个个告辞,退出了房间,知道他们要倾心长谈了。”

  4. 指葵藋之类植物本性倾向于太阳。比喻忠贞不二。

    唐 刘长卿 《游南园偶见在阴墙下葵因以成咏》:“太阳偏不及,非是未倾心。” 明 何景明 《赠望之》诗之四:“孤葵慕太阳,倾心量不移。” 清 钱泳 《履园丛话·杂记上·悟情》:“又何必作葵藿之倾心,杨花之飘荡耶!”参见“ 倾葵 ”。



  1. I think until now, he is still so sure this little playmate is all for him, and this relationship is totally within his control and lead.


  2. He was more drawn to the literature of bygone Europe than to that of his own region.


  3. and yet it should seem by her manner of talking, as if she wanted to persuade herself that he is really partial to Miss Darcy.


  4. No doubt it would be awkward to see the wisdom of experts punctured and the pet policies of politicians discredited on a regular basis.


  5. Words can not express how much I feel for you. You're a wonderful wife who deserve all my love. Have a happy birthday!


  6. I started to fell for him just at the moment he put one of his classmates on her back and sent her to the hospital.


  7. Chloe is taken with him too, until the police arrive and arrest Kevin for the theft of several Dalmatian puppies.


  8. But it describes her as being enamored of Paul, at least of his gospel, and so she goes to visit him in prison.


  9. Springer maintains that De La Hoya was the last boxer that was really covered by the general sports media.


  1. 倾心爱我。

    Love Me With All Your Heart.

  2. 使某人倾心

    sweep sb. off his feet.

  3. 他们相互倾心。

    They were irresistibly drawn to each other.

  4. 两人彼此倾心。

    They were completely absorbed in each other.

  5. 他倾心于社会主义。

    He committed himself to socialism.

  6. 约翰倾心于玛丽。

    John lost his heart to Mary.

  7. 使女人倾心的男人

    lady killer

  8. 倾心应向日东西。

    And turn their faces toward the sun.

  9. 他倾心于他的女友。

    He is involved with his girl friend.

  10. 被您吸引为您倾心

    I was totally in love with you I bathed in you

  11. 爱情倾心, 永葆青春。

    True love never grows old.

  12. 爱情倾心,永葆青春。

    True love never grows old.

  13. 他越来越倾心于她。

    His heart went out more and more to her.

  14. 淑女常对莽汉倾心。

    Refined girls are often drawn to unrefined men.

  15. 他对玛丽很倾心。

    He is mad about Mary.

  16. 她对老兄你很倾心。

    She likes you a lot.

  17. 因为我已倾心于你。

    I've already lost it to you!

  18. 倾心科研乐而为之

    My Pleasure Pursuit of Academic Research

  19. 让我们倾心遵守此戒律。

    I incline our hearts to keep this law.

  20. 老师和学生在倾心交谈。

    The teacher is having a heart-to-heart talk with his student.

  21. 没有倾心的人,没有诗的灵感。

    The insincere person, does not have the poem the inspiration.

  22. 他十分倾心于一个姑娘。

    He was much enamoured of a girl

  23. 我对我的秘书颇为倾心。

    I feel quite fan attachment for my secretary.

  24. 无论是确信我们有人倾心。

    Whether it's knowing we're desired.

  25. 无论是确信我们有人倾心。

    Whether it's knowing we're desired.

  26. 他的谦逊无疑使民众倾心。

    His modesty certainly appealed to the public.

  27. 以前她一直暗暗倾心于他。

    She had always had a sneaking affection for him.

  28. 倾心服从上帝的律法吧。

    Incline your hearts to obey God's laws.

  29. 我倾心护注着我心爱的人

    I keep a close watch on this heart of mine

  30. 令美国人倾心的三种女人

    Three types of women that American Men fall for


  1. 问:倾心拼音怎么拼?倾心的读音是什么?倾心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倾心的读音是qīngxīn,倾心翻译成英文是 have a soft spot for; be sincere




它是您24小时贴身的情绪管家,它帮助你记录你的情绪,发现你的情绪变化周期(Emotional Cycle),并提供多种渠道(如内嵌的心理咨询服务)帮助您管理你的情绪。当然,作为一个情绪社交软件,您还可以用它来关注你所关注的其他人的情绪状态。扭动一下按钮即可记录当下心情拍照、录音、文字描述,让你更加确切的描述您的心情状态你可以自由选择心情的分享对象,它既可以是你的个人隐私也可以和任何你想分享的人分享情绪周期,让你以全所未有的方式从根本上了解您的情绪规律并以此更加合理的安排你的工作、生活及学习心情广场是您关注和倾听他人心声的地方发现好友或陌生人心情不好,给他的心情状态一个简单的回复,传播正能量心情不好?随机的一幅搞笑图片和笑话将给你带来些许快乐长期处于情绪不佳状态,我们的心理咨询服务将从专业角度为您排忧解难