


不平常的,超出一般的:~殊。~色。~产。~权。~性。~征。~需。~技。~务。~区。~价。~例。~效。单,单一:~为(wèi )。~设。~地。~惠。~辑。~使。~赦。~约。只,但:不~如此。“相如度秦王~以诈佯为予赵城,实不可得”。三岁的兽,……





汉语拼音:tè lì








  1. 有别于通例的特殊事例。如:这些书画是他最珍贵的收藏,通常秘不示人,这次对你是特例。



  1. Teams can always go over the salary cap without using their exceptions to sign their own players or to sign players to minimum contracts.


  2. Yet if you could zoom out of this tiny island to gaze across the entire expanse of Asia, you will see that she is not alone.


  3. Firstly you may be wondering at this point how I can be so passionate about your particular case.


  4. I shall argue that the postulates of the classical theory are applicable to a special case only and not the general case.


  5. She adds: "It's very rare for a hardback to outsell a future paperback, but this might be one of those exceptions. "


  6. The -join operation is a special case that has been designed to make it easy to produce traditional-style URI query parameters.


  7. But the study says the United States was an important exception -- at least so far.


  8. There have been a few notable exceptions, sanctioned by the UN Security Council, but these have been rare and post facto.


  9. Skeptics asked whether it was an early sign of a more activist administration or an isolated example.


  1. 我不是特例。

    My story is not unique.

  2. 所以他成了特例。

    So he becomes the other.

  3. 希腊是一个特例。

    Greece is a special case.

  4. 阿根廷是个特例。

    Argentina is a special case.

  5. 这其中无疑存在特例。

    There are obviously exceptions to this.

  6. 也许痢疾只是一个特例

    Maybe this is something unique about diarrhea.

  7. 英语附加疑问句特例分析

    The Analysis of the Special Tag Question

  8. 我家族中的女性 绝非特例。

    The women in my family are not exceptions.

  9. 殖民得芸术是?有特例得。

    The art of colonizing is no exception to the rule.

  10. 直言命题变形推理特例分析

    A Case Study of Deformed Reasoning in Categorical Proposition

  11. 甚至印度的穷人也不是特例

    It's not even unique to poor people in India.

  12. 国家卫生服务行业是个特例。

    The National Health Service is a special case.

  13. 绝热过程不宜看作多方过程的特例

    Adiabatic Process Can not be Regarded as Polytropic Process

  14. 这只是先前示例中的一个特例。

    This is really just a special case of the previous example.

  15. 世界各个角落的女性 都不是特例。

    and all around the world are not exceptions.

  16. 世上没有不存在特例的一般规律。

    There is no general rule without some exception.

  17. 访问控制是授权机制的一个特例。

    Access control is a specific type of authorization.

  18. 特例主要装备的新物项和新类别

    New items and new categories of special cases major equipment.

  19. 经济发展是一个充满特例的过程。

    Economics development is a process full of special cases.

  20. 因此, 我开始想, 也许这只是个特例。

    And so, I began to think about, well, maybe thats just a random sample.

  21. 这是因果一致性模型的一个特例。

    This is a special case of the causal consistency model.

  22. 我们也倾向于归纳一般情况, 忽略特例情况。

    We also tend to aver age things, ignoring special cases.

  23. 对某一个特例进行深入透彻的分析。

    An intensive analysis of a specific example.

  24. 重合点的一个重要特例就是不动点。

    A special and important case of coincidence point is just fixed point.

  25. 在柑桔一片卖难声中, 也有特例。

    In orange one sells bad reputation in, also have special case.

  26. 但在海洋里,这是生存法则,并非特例。

    In the ocean, it's the rule rather than the exception.

  27. 作者们还发现了买赠贬值法则的特例。

    The authors also found exceptions to the freebie devaluation rule.

  28. 人们容易视其为例外情形下的特例。

    It's tempting to view this as an exceptional caseexceptional circumstances.

  29. 特例包括红霉素和肠菌素得生物合成。

    Specific examples include erythromycin and enterobactin biosynthesis.

  30. 曾几何时,犀牛被认为是最后的一个特例

    The last exception was supposed to be the rhinoceros.


  1. 问:特例拼音怎么拼?特例的读音是什么?特例翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特例的读音是tèlì,特例翻译成英文是 special case



详细解释 有别于通例的特殊事例。如:这些书画是他最珍贵的收藏,通常秘不示人,这次对你是特例。 词目:特例

拼音:tè lì 英文:special case 基本解释 [special case] 特别的例子