







汉语拼音:mín zhòng








  1. 众民,人民。

    《公羊传·昭公二十五年》:“ 季氏 得民众久矣。”《史记·龟策列传》:“诸侯宾服,民众殷喜。”《英烈传》第三五回:“今 苏 湖 一带地方,民众肥饶。” 孙中山 《遗嘱》:“必须唤起民众,及联合世界上以平等待我之民族,共同奋斗。”

  2. 人民众多。




  1. If such grassroots efforts do not spread and intensify, nation states may not be able to resolve the differences that exist between them.


  2. Samsung apologised for "causing concerns" to South Koreans and said that next week it would unveil a reform plan to put the company right.


  3. This voice is just one of many in a region where a new generation is refusing to be denied their rights and opportunities any longer.


  4. publish the address of litterers and legally allow the public to litter the litterer's home for a week.


  5. He told me that before he went, he had expected the residents would have wanted to talk about Iraq and Iran.


  6. If I had delayed my speech, it would have sent a message to the American people that their business had been put on the back burner.


  7. But it would not be the first time that measures taken in an atmosphere of panic had the opposite of the intended effect.


  8. Walk The Line explores the early years of the music legend, an artist who transcended musical boundaries to touch people around the globe.


  9. But he said the scientists "frightening people witless by following the party line" are motivated by politics and research funding.


  1. 民众高等学校

    folk high school.

  2. 边疆民众觉醒

    awakening border people.

  3. 民众文化普及

    cultural popularization of the people.

  4. 旨在唤起民众

    for the purpose of arousing the masses

  5. 民众反叛政府。

    The masses rebelled against the government.

  6. 听取民众的心声。

    Listen to the people.

  7. 平息民众的愤怒

    to abate the anger of the mob

  8. 愤怒得吼叫的民众

    a mob baying its fury.

  9. 武士和民众的动向

    Trends Among the Samurai and the Common People

  10. 真正有益民众的投票

    that will actually help people.

  11. 格赖斯湾的民众

    residents from Grise Fiord

  12. 民众或者说大众运动。

    A democratic or popular movement.

  13. 新闻首先要忠于民众。

    Its first loyalty is to citizens.

  14. 调查他们自己的民众。

    to investigate their own citizens.

  15. 民众讨论过这个话题。

    This topic was popularly discussed.

  16. 唤起民众的人权意识

    appeal to people's awareness of human rights

  17. 而民众也开始囤积居奇。

    people began to hoard food.

  18. 面对总统的平和的民众。

    an orderly crowd confronted the president.

  19. 而这里是新教民众。

    And this is a Protestant people.

  20. 要把她和民众隔开。

    She should be kept from the people.

  21. 他们也不怕民众了

    And basically they don't fear the people.

  22. 伦敦民众示威反对战争。

    People in London demonstrated against the war.

  23. 由民众统治暴民政治

    Government by the masses mob rule.

  24. 民众授权政府增加税收。

    The government has a mandate from the people to increase taxes.

  25. 她担心民众不接受吗?

    She fears the people will not accept it?

  26. 她担心民众不接受吗?

    She fears the people will not accept it?

  27. 我们绝不能忘记民众。

    We must not forget about the grass roots.

  28. 民众是盲目和愚蠢的。

    The common people are sightless and stupid.

  29. 多数民众参加了公投。

    The majority of people voted in the referendum.

  30. 多数民众参加了公投。

    The majority of people voted in the referendum.


  1. 问:民众拼音怎么拼?民众的读音是什么?民众翻译成英文是什么?

    答:民众的读音是mínzhòng,民众翻译成英文是 the common people

  2. 问:民众的拼音怎么拼?民众的的读音是什么?民众的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:民众的的读音是,民众的翻译成英文是 demotic

  3. 问:民众主权拼音怎么拼?民众主权的读音是什么?民众主权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:民众主权的读音是mín zhòng zhǔ quán,民众主权翻译成英文是 popular sovereignty

  4. 问:民众之家拼音怎么拼?民众之家的读音是什么?民众之家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:民众之家的读音是,民众之家翻译成英文是 Maison du Peuple

  5. 问:民众制裁拼音怎么拼?民众制裁的读音是什么?民众制裁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:民众制裁的读音是mín zhòng zhì cái,民众制裁翻译成英文是 popular sanction

  6. 问:民众团体拼音怎么拼?民众团体的读音是什么?民众团体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:民众团体的读音是,民众团体翻译成英文是 commonalty

  7. 问:民众大会拼音怎么拼?民众大会的读音是什么?民众大会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:民众大会的读音是mín zhòng dà huì,民众大会翻译成英文是 folc-gemote

  8. 问:民众法庭拼音怎么拼?民众法庭的读音是什么?民众法庭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:民众法庭的读音是,民众法庭翻译成英文是 Heliaia

  9. 问:民众神学拼音怎么拼?民众神学的读音是什么?民众神学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:民众神学的读音是mínzhòngshénxué,民众神学翻译成英文是 Minjung theology

  10. 问:民众领袖拼音怎么拼?民众领袖的读音是什么?民众领袖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:民众领袖的读音是,民众领袖翻译成英文是 demagog

  11. 问:民众骚乱拼音怎么拼?民众骚乱的读音是什么?民众骚乱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:民众骚乱的读音是mín zhòng sāo luàn,民众骚乱翻译成英文是 civil disturbance

  12. 问:民众骚动拼音怎么拼?民众骚动的读音是什么?民众骚动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:民众骚动的读音是mín zhòng sāo dòng,民众骚动翻译成英文是 civil disorder

  13. 问:民众战斗队拼音怎么拼?民众战斗队的读音是什么?民众战斗队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:民众战斗队的读音是mín zhòng zhàn dòu duì,民众战斗队翻译成英文是 Civil Armed Forces

  14. 问:民众裁判官拼音怎么拼?民众裁判官的读音是什么?民众裁判官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:民众裁判官的读音是mín zhòng cái pàn guān,民众裁判官翻译成英文是 sectatores

  15. 问:民众防毒面具拼音怎么拼?民众防毒面具的读音是什么?民众防毒面具翻译成英文是什么?

    答:民众防毒面具的读音是mín zhòng fáng dú miàn jù,民众防毒面具翻译成英文是 gas mask for civilian



民众,读mín zhòng,意思是,1人民,群众。2人民众多。3民众镇,中国广东省中山市下辖的一个镇。