







汉语拼音:gāo jǔ








  1. 高飞。

    《楚辞·九辩》:“鳧雁皆唼夫粱藻兮,凤愈飘翔而高举。” 汉 贾谊 《惜誓》:“登苍天而高举兮,歷众山而日远。” 清 吴伟业 《毛子晋斋中》诗:“携家就 赤诚 ,高举凌黄鵠。”

  2. 谓远行。

    汉 东方朔 《非有先生论》:“今先生率然高举,远集 吴 地。”

  3. 谓退隐。

  4. 谓逝世。

    清 刘大櫆 《祭张闲中文》:“悵别泪之方新,讶凶音之遽至……子高举以离羣,余索居而寡慰。”

  5. 犹首倡。

    汉 扬雄 《羽猎赋》:“狭三王之阨僻,嶠高举而大兴。” 宋 司马光 《朝鸡赠王乐道》诗:“星河满天月光白,东望扶桑悄染色。一声高举耳目醒,四远羣阴皆辟易。”

  6. 高抬(物价)。

    晋 干宝 《搜神记》卷十六:“ 充 ( 卢充 )后乘车入市卖鋺,高举其价,不欲速售,冀有识。”

  7. 高其行,行为超出凡俗。

    《楚辞·渔父》:“何故深思高举,自令放为?” 王逸 注:“独行忠直。” 唐 韩愈 《与祠部陆员外书》:“独执事眇然高举,有深思长虑,为国家树根本之道。”

  8. 高高地举起。如:他高举着奖杯向观众致意。



  1. John explained that he couldn't raise his arm above his head. John told him that he had an accident to home while digging in the garden.

  2. But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil.

  3. When he took over the Obituaries in 1995, just after their launch, he kept the Asian flag flying.

  4. I hold up my hands for silence, and I suggest, why don't we all just call it a night.

  5. The implied promise evidently was that of life raised to its highest development of perennial bliss and glory.

  6. M. Mabeuf, pale, haggard, his eyes lighted up with the mournful flame of aberration, raised the flag above his head and repeated.

  7. On his way out of the game, Yao Ming thrust his fist through the air, and soon made that long, wobbly walk to the Chinese bench.

  8. All of you criminals in the cell, form a line and start coming out of the cell with your hands raised in the air.

  9. Ten thousand slaves lifted bloodstained hands as she raced by on her silver, riding like the wind.


  1. 高举双手祷告

    hands upraised in prayer

  2. 高举理论旗帜

    To hold high the banner of Theory

  3. 高举手臂的投掷

    an overarm throw.

  4. 他们高举喷绘罐

    They're taking a spray can.

  5. 他高举双手投降了。

    He spread his arms over his head in surrender.

  6. 主我高举你的名

    Lord I lift Your name on high

  7. 他在祈祷时高举双手。

    He upraised his hands in prayer.

  8. 双手高举当我们飞翔时

    Hands high when we fly by

  9. 我们必须高举革命大旗。

    We must hold high the great standard of revolution.

  10. 故我爱高举十字宝架。

    So I'll cherish the old rugged cross.

  11. 高举酒杯,这么专注啊!看样子,

    Raising high his wine cup, how intent he looks!

  12. 别格接过铁锅,高举在手。

    Bigger caught the skillet and lifted it high in the air.

  13. 他高举着奖杯向观众致意。

    He held the cup high to greet the audience.

  14. 他在全世界高举和平火炬。

    He carried the torch of peace throughout the world.

  15. 勇士们, 高举战旗, 奋勇前进吧!

    Raise your standards, my brave men, and set neither measure nor limit to your merited rage.

  16. 游泳选手们把腿高举出水面。

    The swimmers kicked their legs high above the water.

  17. 高举传统文化的大旗奋进

    It Is High to Raise the Banner of Traditional Culture and to Advance

  18. 裁判员将获胜者的手臂高举。

    The referee declares the winner by raising his arm.

  19. 裁判员将获胜者得手臂高举。

    The referee declares the winner by raising his arm.

  20. 你所将要高举的是什么呢?

    Who are you going to lift up?

  21. 奖杯被环绕着体育场高举展示。

    The trophy was paraded around the stadium.

  22. 他两手放开棍子而且高举起来。

    He took his hands off stick and raised them high.

  23. 把手高举在与眼同高的位置。

    Keep your hand at the level of your eyes.

  24. 高举得锤从他得手中落下来。

    The upraised hammer dropped from his hands.

  25. 紧紧地抱著我, 高举我触摸天空。

    Hold me up, hold me tight, lift me up to touch the sky.

  26. 离开这些,是形式主义的高举,是假的高举。

    Otherwise one is being false or formalistic in holding the banner high.

  27. 故我要高举起主让世人看见。

    So lift it high in the sky let the whole world know.

  28. 高举你的双手手背超过你的头部。

    Raising your hands and arms above your head.

  29. 他将书高举到顶部的书架。

    He raised the book to the top shelf.

  30. 那个球实在太低无法高举回击。

    The ball was too low to hit an overhead re turn.


  1. 问:高举腿坐拼音怎么拼?高举腿坐的读音是什么?高举腿坐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高举腿坐的读音是gāo jǔ tuǐ zuò,高举腿坐翻译成英文是 V seat; piked sitting position

  2. 问:高举高打拼音怎么拼?高举高打的读音是什么?高举高打翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高举高打的读音是gāo jǔ gāo dǎ,高举高打翻译成英文是 high spike from high set



“高举”是个多义词,它可以指高举(辽代人物), 高举(汉语词语), 高举(明代御史), 高举(陕西省籍烈士), 高举(四川大学华西第二医院教授)。