







汉语拼音:yú xiè






  1. 鱼和蟹。泛指鱼类水产。

    《北史·魏咸阳王坦传》:“﹝ 坦 ﹞性好畋渔,无日不出。秋冬猎雉兔,春夏捕鱼蟹,鹰犬常数百头。” 唐 韩愈 《南海神庙碑》:“人厌鱼蟹,五穀胥熟。” 唐 陆游 《戒杀》诗:“既畜鸡鶩羣,復利鱼蟹贱。”



  1. Dams to be built across fish and crab migration routes shall be provided with appropriate fish passage facilities.


  2. The autotomized tissue had no lethal effect to fish Therapon jerboa and crab Portunus sp.


  3. Comprehensive high - yield technical testing and exploration on interbreeding fish and crab with rice


  4. Environmental friendly poly-culture of fish and crab has good benefit


  5. Utilization of water weeds on aquiculture of fish and crab


  1. 在鱼蟹回游通道筑坝,要建造相应的过鱼设施。

    Dams to be built across fish and crab migration routes shall be provided with appropriate fish passage facilities.

  2. 然后就倾囊而出,把鱼蟹乌龟买下来去岸边放生。

    Then he would get out his money and take the fish and crabs and turtles to the shore and let them go.

  3. 土豆蟹鱼糕

    Potato Crab and Fish Cake.

  4. 鱼和蟹搜寻腐烂的组织为食。

    The fish and crabs scavenge for decaying tissue.

  5. 我们的特色菜有炸板鱼 炒蟹及牛排。

    Our specialties are fried sole, deviled crabs, and beef cutlets.

  6. 我人的特色菜有炸板鱼 炒蟹及牛排。

    Our specialties is fried sole, deviled crab, and beef cutlet.

  7. 蟹粉鱼面筋

    Crab meat with wheat gluten.

  8. 我们的特色菜是炸板鱼,炒蟹和牛排。

    Our specialties are fried sole, deviled crab and beef cutlet.

  9. 众小猴吓坏了鱼鳖虾蟹龟和蚌。

    Young Monkeys Frighten fish, turtle, shrimp, crab and mussel.

  10. 鱼先生把蟹和他女儿请进他舒适的办公室。

    Fish. Mr. Fish invited the crab and his daughter into his cozy office.

  11. 炸板鱼。烤蟹及牛排是这家餐馆得特色菜。

    Fried sole, deviled crab and beef cutlet are this restaurant's specialities.

  12. 炸板鱼。烤蟹及牛排是这家餐馆的特色菜。

    Fried sole, deviled crab and beef cutlet are this restaurant's specialities.

  13. 南希点了一盘烤牛肉, 一盘糖醋鱼外加一份蟹肉汤。

    Nancy ordered one roast beef, sweet and sour fish, and crab soup on the side.

  14. 稻鱼蟹混养

    paddy ecosystem.

  15. 食鱼蟹类中毒

    allergy after eating fish and crab

  16. 他们还买回鱼蟹,放回水里。

    They bought fish and crabs and eels and put them back in the water.

  17. 他们中大多数由新鲜的鱼,虾,蟹和其他海鲜做出。

    Most of them are made with fresh fish, shrimp, crab, and other seafood.

  18. 本品适用于淡水,海水养殖的鱼,虾,蟹及贝类等养殖水体。

    This applies to goods freshwater aquaculture fish, prawns, crabs and shellfish aquaculture, and other water bodies.

  19. 在这家饭店可以尝到蟹,对虾,鱼,各种贝类等等。

    In this restaurant you can have crabs, prawns, fish, shellfish, and the like.

  20. 蟹粉烩鱼唇


  21. 鱼籽蟹肉烩燕窝

    Braised Birds Nest with Crab Meat and Fish Roe

  22. 他们贩售鱼类还有蟹类。

    They sell fishes and crabs.

  23. 这儿有卖鱼得。你看龙和蟹。

    Here is the fish counter, look at the lobster and crabs.

  24. 这儿有卖鱼的。你看龙和蟹。

    Here is the fish counter, look at the lobster and crabs.

  25. 他们有小虾, 龙虾, 蟹, 还有鱼类

    They have shrimp, lobster, crab, fish.

  26. 冻鱼,冻蟹,冻头足类,其它水产制品。

    Frozen Fish, Frozen Crab, Frozen Cephalopod, Other Aquatic.

  27. 但是这里是海岛国家, 盛产鱼虾蟹。

    But here is an island country, rich Yuxia Xie.

  28. 鱼类虾类贝类蟹类其他鲜活水产品

    fish fillets frozen pollock hake fillets cod fillets shell fish bay scallop

  29. 你们用拖网捕鱼时可能会捕到寄居蟹。

    When trawling you may catch hermit crabs.

  30. 巨蟹鱼你和鱼儿是黄道带里最敏感的2个星座。

    You and the Fish are probably the two most sensitive signs of the zodiac.