


1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……


1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……



汉语拼音:xiāng yào






  1. 邀请。要,通“ 邀 ”。

    南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·文学》:“﹝ 谢尚 ﹞即遣委曲讯问,乃是 袁 ( 袁宏 )自咏其所作《咏史》诗,因此相要,大相赏得。”《南齐书·高帝纪上》:“昨饮酒无偶,聊相要耳。” 唐 元稹 《代九九》诗:“自隐勤勤索,相要事事随。”



  1. No one wants to have a car dashboard malfunction because of an inferior part that cost only a few pence.


  2. Bruce Katz of Brookings says cities can no longer afford to compete with each other, but must work together in order to thrive economically.


  3. Say the developer wants a complex grid with client-side sorting.


  4. If so, is it a good reason to start a relationship just because I want to be "loved" ?


  5. each of them prepares a photo , and it can show that you have good manners.


  6. Not to look so slim with book-addicted face, to look healthy like sunshine as well as loving sports and travelling


  1. 男傧相要负责装饰汽车。

    And the best man decorate the car.

  2. 我的秘书以辞职相要挟。

    My secretary has threatened to leave.

  3. 我们可以预期,共和党届时将针对联邦预算相要胁。

    We can expect the G.O.P.to play chicken over the federal budget, too.

  4. 平面和球的相交点是一个圆面。我们相要找到圆面的中心。

    The intersection a plane and a sphere is a disc.

  5. 鞋子的颜色和衣服要相称,一般而言黑色最适当。

    Wear shoes that match the color of your outfit. Black is usually the best.

  6. 但要注意的是餐巾纸的颜色与所穿衬衣的颜色要相搭配。

    But try not to clash the colour of your napkin with your shirt.

  7. 照那个相也要不动啊,是不是?

    And you have to hold still for that too, right?

  8. 但我觉得很奇怪,为什么相老师要把这个名额给我呢?

    I find it very strange, why should the quota of teachers to me?

  9. 与提出的项相关联的要检查的那个值。

    Value to be checked that is associated with the named entry.

  10. 看手相得时候要先看手型,然后才看线纹。

    When reading palms, you first look at the shape of the hand and then the lines.

  11. 语文教学要与学生的生活相联系,要关注学生的情感。

    Teaching of Chinese should be associated with the students'life and focus on their emotion.

  12. 然而,它比地质学中相对应的 物质要坚硬三千倍。

    Yet, it's 3, 000 times tougher than its geological counterpart.

  13. 吃要有吃相。

    Mind your table manners.

  14. 另外,他要答谢女傧相。

    He will also thank bridesmaids.

  15. 安全性要和易用性相平衡。

    Security must be balanced with usability.

  16. 与要检索对象相关联的名称。

    The name associated with the object to retrieve.

  17. 在餐桌旁就座时要注意坐相。

    Do not sit down in an untidy state at the table.

  18. 螺丝母得型号要和螺丝钉相符合。

    The type of nut should match the type of screw.

  19. 螺丝母的型号要和螺丝钉相符合。

    The type of nut should match the type of screw.

  20. 螺丝母的型号要和螺丝钉相符合。

    The type of nut should match the type of screw.

  21. 基本建设的规模要和国力相适应。

    The scale of capital construction must be suited to the overall capabilities of the nation.

  22. 理论要跟实践相结合, 才能被证明是真理。

    Theory must be combined with practice which has proved to a truth.

  23. 问题是要找到一个相匹配的骨髓捐赠者。

    The problem is finding a compatible donor.

  24. 问题是要找到一个相匹配得骨髓捐赠者。

    The problem is finding a compatible donor.

  25. 父亲很舍不得张叔叔离开,坚持要去车站相送。

    My father is reluctant to let Uncle Zhang leave and insists on seeing him off at the train station.

  26. 父亲很舍不得张叔叔离开,坚持要去车站相送。

    My father is reluctant to let Uncle Zhang leave and insists on seeing him off at the train station.

  27. 精密套准则表示各个颜色范围要准确的相接触。

    In close register, the colour areas meet precisely.

  28. 精密套准则表示各个颜色范围要准确得相接触。

    In close register, the colour areas meet precisely.

  29. 正统的风水要遵偱五行相生又相克的基本原则。

    Traditional fengshui respects the principles of mutual creation and destruction among the five elements.

  30. 正统得风水要遵偱五行相生又相克得基本原则。

    Traditional fengshui respects the principles of mutual creation and destruction among the five elements.