


1. 洗 [xǐ]2. 洗 [xiǎn]洗 [xǐ]用水去掉污垢:~脸。~涮。~涤。~澡。~心革面(喻彻底悔改)。清除干净:清~。像水洗一样抢光,杀光:~劫。昭雪冤枉:~雪。~冤。照相的显影定影:冲~。~印。玩牌时把牌搀和整理:~牌。基督教……





汉语拼音:xǐ pái






  1. 把牌搀和整理,以便继续玩。

    《红楼梦》第四七回:“铺下红氊,洗牌告么,五人起牌。” 周立波 《山乡巨变》上三:“不要叫他洗牌,他会把好牌间花插在对家拿得到手的地方。”



  1. For years, experts have predicted a shake-out with the fervour and inaccuracy of cult members heralding the next messiah.


  2. This action broke the communication barrier between the bank apparently, have the idea of market of reshuffle group company greatly.


  3. A deck of cards, the bottom part is most easily control card in those positions, no matter take a card or other shuffle method.


  4. Major personnel reshuffle is a term of two years each, after the U. S. government to go through the restructuring pains.


  5. You do not want the person on the other end of the line to hear you shuffling papers in the background!


  6. Harry stepped over a pack of Self-Shuffling playing cards on the floor and looked out of the tiny window.


  7. Trying to debug an application that has scripts that have been shuffled and obfuscated is not for the faint of heart.


  8. Indeed, she said the Street faced a "resizing" not seen since the cutbacks that followed the bursting of the dot-com bubble a decade ago.


  9. She's heard that the new boss plans to "shake things up" in her department.


  1. 请你洗牌。

    Please shuffle the cards.

  2. 洗牌别作弊。

    Do not stack the cards!

  3. 请重新洗牌。

    Reshuffle the cards, please.

  4. 洗牌作弊袭击

    Stack Attack by Lew Brooks.

  5. 洗牌和切牌。

    The Shuffle and Cut.

  6. 该你洗牌了。

    Your turn to make the pack.

  7. 洗牌不要作弊?

    Do not stack the card.

  8. 不要洗牌作弊。

    Don't try to stack the deck!

  9. 请你洗牌好吗

    Will you make the pack.

  10. 式洗牌选牌法

    Erdnase system of cull shuffling.

  11. 你怎敢洗牌作弊!

    How dare you stack the deck!

  12. 发牌者正在洗牌。

    The dealer was shuffling the cards.

  13. 发牌者正在洗牌。

    The dealer was shuffling the cards.

  14. 他洗牌之后发牌。

    He will shuffle the deck and deal the cards.

  15. 洗牌作弊以欺骗某人。

    Stack the cards against sb.

  16. 首先是洗牌和签牌。

    First the pack is shuffled and cut.

  17. 你洗牌怎么可以作弊呢

    How can you stack the card

  18. 也谈客车产业洗牌问题

    Talking about Shuffle of Bus and Coach Industry

  19. 她洗牌洗了很长时间。

    She cut the deck for a long time.

  20. 马特把牌拢起来洗牌。

    Matt picked up the cards and shuffled the deck.

  21. 之后将你的牌库洗牌。

    Hmm. maybe lotuses this year.Illus.

  22. 为了防止作弊,他重新洗牌。

    So as to prevent cheating, he was asked to reshuffle the cards.

  23. 桶装瓶装水业洗牌在即

    Changes of Barrelled Drinking Water caused by newest water standard

  24. 美国和全球金融体系重新洗牌。

    US and whole world financial system reshuffle.

  25. 裁判长可以自己事先洗牌发牌。

    The Director may himself perform the shuffle and deal in advance.

  26. 你可以用美国人的方法洗牌。

    You can shuffle cards in the American way.

  27. 这就加快优胜劣汰洗牌得过程。

    This will speed up the process of reshuffling the survival of the fittest.

  28. 这就加快优胜劣汰洗牌的过程。

    This will speed up the process of reshuffling the survival of the fittest.

  29. 若你如此作,将你的牌库洗牌。

    If you do, shuffle your library.

  30. 媒体界面临着全新洗牌的形势。

    The situation of media industry faces anew reshuffle.


  1. 问:洗牌拼音怎么拼?洗牌的读音是什么?洗牌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洗牌的读音是xǐpái,洗牌翻译成英文是 shuffle; rearrange

  2. 问:洗牌作弊拼音怎么拼?洗牌作弊的读音是什么?洗牌作弊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洗牌作弊的读音是xǐ pái zuò bì,洗牌作弊翻译成英文是 card stacking