







汉语拼音:liào lái






  1. 料想;估计。

    金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷四:“料来他一种芳心,尽知琴意。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第十七回:“底下还有一个字,料来是个‘归’字、‘回’字之类。” 鲁迅 《坟·未有天才之前》:“就是在座的诸君,料来也十之九愿有天才的产生罢。”



  1. You need only a few seasonings for the fish, and the steaming will create a natural sauce.


  2. Users can indirectly bring material factory, to field test, match put the right equipment.


  3. When an Italian tells me it's pasta on the plate I check under the sauce to make sure. They are the inventors of the smokescreen .


  4. Each supplier offers a range of grades and blends designed to ensure the most cost-effectie, tailored performance.


  5. I marinate the pork with different seasoning.


  6. That all you got, Megatron? - Come here, little cretin.


  1. 我料来我的前敌总指挥已经全线胜利了。

    I expected to find that my commander at the front had been completely victorious.

  2. 我料来我得前敌总指挥已经全线胜利了。

    I expected to find that my commander at the front had been completely victorious.

  3. 我用了不同的调味料来腌猪肉片。

    I marinate the pork with different seasoning.

  4. 我们同意与你们进行来料贸易。

    We agree to do processing trade with you.

  5. 制订来料,制程和成品品质报日报表,月报表。

    Prepare daily, monthly quality reports for incoming, processing, and final inspection.

  6. 主要生产钢球、不锈钢球、铜球,承担来料加工等。

    Ball major production, stainless steel ball, Copper Balls, processing, and other commitments.

  7. 这批来料质量太次, 让我们怎么加工处理啊?

    This batch of materials are of poor quality, so we can not process them.

  8. 这批来料质量太次,让我们怎么加工处理啊?

    This batch of materials are of poor quality, so we can not process them.

  9. 欢迎各位朋友来料定做各种不同品牌得吉他和贝司。

    Welcome to Friend incoming order different brands of guitar and bass.

  10. 欢迎各位朋友来料定做各种不同品牌的吉他和贝司。

    Welcome to Friend incoming order different brands of guitar and bass.

  11. 对每批来料包装上之有效日期均清楚标示及作检查。

    Expiry date is clearly indicated and checked on material package of each lot.

  12. 我没有料到你来, 我在等别人。

    I wasn't expecting you. I have someone coming in.

  13. 原来是你啊。我没有料到你来这看我。

    Oh it's you. I didn't think you came here to see me.

  14. 来挖料的私人侦探

    the hospital wants to hire to dig up dirt on you.

  15. 从研究文档里,我们挖出了点好料,一起来看看把。

    Heres a little bon mot, from theresearch files.

  16. 我没料到你会来。

    I never expected that you would be able to come.

  17. 拭接在管道工作时用一块布或皮来洒焊料来形成

    To formin plumbing by spreading solder with a piece of cloth or leather.

  18. 将玻璃料溶于稀硝酸中来完成两个组分的分离。

    Separation of the two components is accomplished by dissolving the frit in dilute nitric acid.

  19. 如果你钟爱淡口味, 那就来个轻果料蛋糕。

    If you love the subtle taste, then you can go for the light fruit cake.

  20. 保存烤盘里的牛肉汁, 可以用来做蘸料。

    Keep the juices in the tray as these will be used to make the gravy.

  21. 你知道, 我刚想离开没料到我的表弟来了。

    You know, my cousin arrive unexpectedly just as I want to leave.

  22. 实际上, 钱滚滚而来时, 你料想到他们就会买这些。

    In fact, just what you'd expect people to buy once the money started rolling in.

  23. 不锈钢转数设备可用来加工批量大的料。

    The stainless drum may be used to make larger batches.

  24. 通常, 它们都有用来填充馅和调味料得空隙。

    They usually have an empty center in them for fillings and sauces.

  25. 通常,它们都有用来填充馅和调味料的空隙。

    They usually have an empty center in them for fillings and sauces.

  26. 用高熔点的焊料来连接。

    solder together by using hard solder with a high melting point.

  27. 你负责去弄点燃料来好吗?

    Will you see about getting some fuel?

  28. 我是看他们的真才实料来评价的。

    I judge them by what they bring to the table.

  29. 这家日本工厂总是购买下脚料来进行生产。

    This Japanese factory always buy's leftover bits, and pieces to produce its products.

  30. 不要把生蛋混和酱料来蘸著食物吃。

    Do not eat raw eggs or dip cooked food into any sauce containing raw eggs.