




1. 色 [sè]色 [sè]由物体发射、反射的光通过视觉而产生的印象:颜~。~彩。~相(xiàng )。~调(diào )。脸上表现出的神气、样子:脸~。气~。~厉内荏。情景,景象:行~匆匆。景~宜人。种类:各~用品。品质,质量:音~。成……



汉语拼音:shēng sè








  1. 谓表现于外表。

    《孟子·尽心上》:“君子所性,仁义礼智根於心;其生色也,睟然见於面,盎於背,施於四体,四体不言而喻。” 明 高攀龙 《讲义·君子所性仁义礼智根于心》:“如此时时习去,方得根心生色。”

  2. 形象鲜明生动。

    唐 李贺 《秦宫诗》:“桐英永巷骑新马,内屋深屏生色画。” 王琦 汇解引 陈仁锡 曰:“生色画,谓画之鲜明,色像如生者。”

  3. 生动鲜明的色彩。

    明 王世贞 《艺苑卮言》卷一:“诗歌之道,天动神解,本於情流,弗由人造。如春蕙秋华,生色堪把,意态各畅,无事雕模。”

  4. 增添光彩。

    明 陈汝元 《金莲记·诟奸》:“今日丞相拈香,敢烦师兄陪款,则古刹生辉,小尼生色。” 清 王夫之 《夕堂永日绪论外编》二三:“有代字法,诗赋用之。如月曰‘望舒’,星曰‘玉绳’之类,或以点染生色,其佳者正尔含情。” 琼瑶 《剪不断的乡愁》二九:“我们的 石林 之行,也因为这两朵石莲花,而更加丰富,更加生色了。”

  5. 犹起色。

    清 唐甄 《潜书·为政》:“ 良辅 曰:‘ 武乡 之民何如?’对曰:‘有生色矣。’”《上海小刀会起义史料汇编·平粤纪闻·太仓城来信》:“此时秋租略有生色。即闻如是,难于催取,乡镇未便安闲无事,将如之何!”



  1. To forgive is the harmony in the family of the lubricating oil, can let the family of every event live optical chromophore.


  2. The neon lights that adorn our city streets have a spectrum consisting of a few wavelengths near the red end .


  3. The corona poling characteristics of the electro-optic polymer (chromophore DR19-doped PMMA) have been studied experimentally.


  4. Brighten up your bedroom with a few posters.


  5. The researchers increased the codes' usefulness by functionalizing them with a class of dye molecules called chromophores.


  6. That brightens up the sky.


  7. However, there were few reports about the research on the technology of these NLO.


  8. We observed that some amino acid residues have strong interactions with the chromophore.


  9. His gift for description adds color to his stories .


  1. 生色底物法

    chromogenic method.

  2. 有这些彩灯大为生色。

    The coloured lights are very decorative.

  3. 金瓶使这桌子生色不少。

    A Gold Vase adorned the table.

  4. 焰火使节日的夜晚更加生色。

    Fireworks added to the attraction of the festival night.

  5. 道拉太太,你使会场生色了。

    Mrs. Dowler, you embellish the rooms.

  6. 美妙的辞藻使他的语言大为生色。

    His language glitters with marvelous words.

  7. 美妙得辞藻使他得语言大为生色。

    His language glitters with marvelous words.

  8. 这张画使那道墙壁生色不少。

    This picture livens up that wall.

  9. 我明知他们也许足以为本报生色。

    I am sensible they might tend very much to the embellishment of my paper.

  10. 他擅长描写,这使得他的故事生色不少。

    His gift for description adds color to his stories.

  11. 这些是他们的权利的美化, 来使他们的未来生色。

    These are the ornaments of power with which they adorn their Galateas.

  12. 伟大的作曲家总是以质朴使其作品生色。

    Great composers adorn their works with simplicity.

  13. 挂几张印刷画让你的寝室亮丽生色。

    Brighten up your bedroom with a few posters.

  14. 修饰用装饰性的东西布置,提供,或使生色修饰

    To furnish, provide, OR adORn with something ORnamental embellish.

  15. 生色底物法测定低分子肝素钠注射液效价

    Amidolitic Method with Chromogenic Substrate for Determining the Activity of Low Molecular Weight Heparin Sodium Injection

  16. 龙达愿为多梦与进取的时候装点生色,尽情喝彩。

    Longda are willing to decorate the colorful and progressign epoch, and applause for it.

  17. 龙达愿为多梦与进取得时候装点生色,尽情喝彩。

    Longda are willing to decorate the colorful and progressign epoch, and applause for it.

  18. 负吸光度法用于生色法的研究及痕量铁的测定

    A Study on Application of Negative Absorption spectrophotometry in Add Colour Spectrophotometry and Determination of Frac Ferrum

  19. 新型含非线性生色团的聚炔共聚物的制备和光限幅

    Preparation and optical limiting of a novel soluble phenylacetylene copolymer bearing nonlinear chromophoric pendants

  20. 侧基含偶氮苯生色团的短梗霉多糖的制备及光致变色性

    Synthesis and Photochromism of Pullulan Grafted by Azobenzene Groups.

  21. 含偶氮非线性光学生色团取代炔的合成及光限幅性能研究

    Synthesis and optical limiting properties of a novel substituted acetylene with azobenzene nonlinear optical chromophore.


  1. 问:生色拼音怎么拼?生色的读音是什么?生色翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生色的读音是shēngsè,生色翻译成英文是 add colour {或} color to

  2. 问:生色团拼音怎么拼?生色团的读音是什么?生色团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生色团的读音是shēng sè tuán,生色团翻译成英文是 chromophore

  3. 问:生色反应拼音怎么拼?生色反应的读音是什么?生色反应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生色反应的读音是shēng sè fǎn yìng,生色反应翻译成英文是 color-producing reaction

  4. 问:生色底物拼音怎么拼?生色底物的读音是什么?生色底物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生色底物的读音是shēng sè dǐ wù,生色底物翻译成英文是 chromophoric substrate

  5. 问:生色团重叠拼音怎么拼?生色团重叠的读音是什么?生色团重叠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生色团重叠的读音是shēng sè tuán chóng dié,生色团重叠翻译成英文是 chromophore stacking

  6. 问:生色检测法拼音怎么拼?生色检测法的读音是什么?生色检测法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生色检测法的读音是shēng sè jiǎn cè fǎ,生色检测法翻译成英文是 chromotest

  7. 问:生色离子载体拼音怎么拼?生色离子载体的读音是什么?生色离子载体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生色离子载体的读音是shēng sè lí zǐ zài tǐ,生色离子载体翻译成英文是 chromoionophore

  8. 问:生色团内无辐射跃迁拼音怎么拼?生色团内无辐射跃迁的读音是什么?生色团内无辐射跃迁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生色团内无辐射跃迁的读音是shēng sè tuán nèi wú fú shè yuè qiān,生色团内无辐射跃迁翻译成英文是 intrachromophoric radiationless transition...

  9. 问:生色团间无辐射跃迁拼音怎么拼?生色团间无辐射跃迁的读音是什么?生色团间无辐射跃迁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生色团间无辐射跃迁的读音是shēng sè tuán jiān wú fú shè yuè qiān,生色团间无辐射跃迁翻译成英文是 interchromophoric radiationless transition...


生色,汉语词汇。拼音:shēng sè释义1、谓表现于外表。2、形象鲜明生动。3、生动鲜明的色彩。4、增添光彩。5、有起色。