




1. 过 [guò]2. 过 [guo]3. 过 [guō]过 [guò]从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时:~江。~账。~程。~渡。~从(交往)。经~。经过某种处理方法:~秤。~磅。~目。超出:~于。~度(dù)。~甚。~奖(谦辞)。~量(lià……



汉语拼音:tài guò









  1. 过分。

    《红楼梦》第七五回:“这是他向来的脾气,孤介太过,我们再扭不过他的。” 许地山 《换巢鸾凤》:“ 崇阿 也觉得那晚上把女儿申斥得太过,心里也有点怜惜。”

  2. 古代关于气运变化的用语。

    宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·象数一》:“常则如本气,变则无所不至,而各有所占,故其候有从、逆、淫、鬱、胜、復、太过、不足之变,其发皆不同……山崩地震,埃昏时作,此谓之‘太过’。”



  1. I call teacher in charge teacher said, in a telephone call in to my request too, so I don't allow me to leave!


  2. Such a lean into opposition would also place the Sun too far to the North, which had been noted of late on various message boards.


  3. Could it really be that there was so much inefficiency and, to get rid of it, little more was necessary than to tell people to sort it out?


  4. This young man had a very keen sense of the comic and an inexhaustible, almost excessive, flow of words.


  5. The last few days at Amritsar seemed as if they would never pass, the call of the Himalayas was so strong upon me.


  6. Sometimes, though, you might find that you have to work a bit harder to build up and maintain a good relationship with your grandparents.


  7. This seems naive: a new party of the left, if it ever came into being, might split the Democratic vote and thus elect more Republicans.


  8. He is only, according to one of his former employers, too eager for the work that his superior hasn't the intention to let him do.


  9. But there are plenty of reasons to suspect that at least some of these predictions will prove overly optimistic.


  1. 太过高傲了

    are just too damned arrogant.

  2. 太过了,我走了

    Too much. I'm out.

  3. 情节太过错综复杂。

    The plot was too involved.

  4. 这太过简单了。

    This is far too simplistic.

  5. 是不是太过乐观?

    Is that too optimistic ?

  6. 不要说得太过火

    draw itmild

  7. 不要做得太过火。

    Dont overdo it.

  8. 呵,熟识得太过了。

    Who knew thee too well.

  9. 这似乎太过悲观了。

    This seems too gloomy.

  10. 就因为你太过放荡

    Just because you're too much of a manwhore.

  11. 我知道一生太过短暂。

    I've learned life's too short.

  12. 我知道一生太过短暂。

    I've learned life's too short.

  13. 太过相似容易混淆的。

    so similar as to be easily confused.

  14. 是我 我有时做事太过头

    It'sit's me. I sometimes overdo it.

  15. 有些场景太过冗长了。

    Some scenes drag on much longer than necessary.

  16. 有些场景太过冗长了。

    Some scenes drag on much longer than necessary.

  17. 我知道,我做的太过了

    I know.Way outta line.

  18. 光明日报太过份了!

    GuangMing Daily has gone too far!

  19. 我想是我太过奢求了。

    I guess that's too much to ask for.

  20. 我想是我太过奢求了。

    I guess that's too much to ask for.

  21. 因它的形状太过复杂

    Its shape was too complex now.

  22. 此书太过浅显了点儿。

    This is a quite easy book.

  23. 你需要,但不要太过。

    Well, you should, but dont overdo it.

  24. 我觉得有点太过了。

    It's a bit too much of a challenge, I'm afraid.

  25. 第一忌太过俊美的人。

    The first bogey too handsome man.

  26. 放肆!你实在太过份了。

    How dare you! You have gone too far.

  27. 这个旋律太过沉缓了。

    The rhythm is much too steady and slow.

  28. 这个旋律太过沉缓了。

    The rhythm is much too steady and slow.

  29. 这些模型太过精准了。

    These miniatures are obsessively precise.

  30. 你是太过丰满还是太过苗条?

    Are your too stout, or are you too thin?


  1. 问:太过拼音怎么拼?太过的读音是什么?太过翻译成英文是什么?

    答:太过的读音是,太过翻译成英文是 excessively

  2. 问:太过自信的拼音怎么拼?太过自信的的读音是什么?太过自信的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:太过自信的的读音是,太过自信的翻译成英文是 cocky