


1. 为 [wéi]2. 为 [wèi]为 [wéi]做,行,做事:~人。~时。~难。不~己甚(不做得太过分)。当做,认做:以~。认~。习以~常。变成:成~。是:十两~一斤。治理,处理:~政。被:~天下笑。表示强调:大~恼火。助词,表示反诘……


1. 虎 [hǔ]虎 [hǔ]哺乳动物,毛黄褐色,有黑色条纹,性凶猛,力大。骨和血及内脏均可入药(通称“老虎”):~口(a.喻危险境地;b.手上拇指和食指相交的地方)。~穴(喻危险境地)。~符(古代调兵的凭证,用铜铸成虎形,分两半)。~狼(……







汉语拼音:wèi hǔ fù yì








  • 【解释】:傅:通“附”;翼:翅膀。替老虎加上翅膀。比喻帮助坏人,增加恶人的势力。
  • 【出自】:《逸周书·寤敬篇》:“毋为虎傅翼,将飞入邑,择人而食之。”《淮南子·兵略训》:“今乘万民之力而反为残贼,是为虎傅翼,曷为弗除。”《韩非子·难势》:“毋为虎傅翼,将飞入邑,择人而食之
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语;含贬义


  1. na.
  2. add wings to a tiger -- lend support to a rebel;add to the influence of a villain;assist an evildoer;give wings to a tiger -- help a villain do evil;lend support to an evildoer like adding wings to a tiger;lend wings to a tiger -- lend support to the evildoers

  1. 很多被俘获的老虎都为纯种虎。

    Many captive tigers are of purebred ancestry.

  2. 你的做法简直是为虎添翼!

    Your suggestion can only aid the evildoer!

  3. 你的做法简直是为虎添翼!

    Your suggestion can only aid the evildoer!

  4. 法师召唤17个美洲虎并使其为自己效忠。

    The caster summons seventeen Jaguars and binds them to service.

  5. 以虎为名的观赏鱼, 也同为人们所喜爱。

    With the ornamental fish in the name of the tiger, also loved the same for people.

  6. 虎虎为山中之王, 是威严和力量得象征。

    Tiger Tiger is the king in Mountains, as well is a majestic symbol with strength.

  7. 虎虎为山中之王,是威严和力量的象征。

    Tiger Tiger is the king in Mountains, as well is a majestic symbol with strength.

  8. 他与之相依为命相亲相爱的幼虎为救他而毁灭他。

    The cub that he loved dearly destroyed him for saving him.

  9. 这正是为什么所有书迷都视胖虎为故事中的坏蛋。

    This is how most fans considered Gian to antagonist of this story.

  10. 下午,公司将在市中心为参与活动的美洲虎汽车车主和贵宾组织车辆列队游行,晚上则是娱乐表演。

    The company will be organising an afternoon parade of cars in the city centre and an evening of entertainment for participating Jaguar owners and VIP guests.

  11. 这正是为什么所有书迷都视胖虎为故事中得坏蛋。

    This is how most fans considered Gian to antagonist of this story.

  12. 民间更视虎为神兽, 借其镇邪辟恶, 保佑安宁。

    Tiger is regarded as angel beast, able to press down evil and blest peace.

  13. 金虎形饰应为金蚕辨

    On the ornament of the Gold Tiger

  14. 彭虎,华为技术有限公司,高级工程师。

    Tiger Peng, Senior Engineer, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

  15. 笼养东北虎雌雄行为差异的比较

    Behavioral Differences of Male and Female Amur Tiger in Captivity

  16. 笼养东北虎雌雄行为差异得比较

    Behavioral Differences of Male and Female Amur Tiger in Captivity.

  17. 以吴虎鼎为应用案例进行了试验。

    As an application case, an ancient cooking vessel named Wuhu is tested.

  18. 伏虎寺上下13殿,为全山最大古刹。

    Fuhu Temple,the biggest Buddhist temple on the mountain,has 13 halls.

  19. 燕儿为救星虎而死, 星虎邪火攻心!

    Yan son died for emancipator tiger, star tiger evil have been fighting fire heart!

  20. 在裁员以前,雅虎的年度支出为39亿美元。

    Layoffs in the past, Yahoo s annual expenditure of 39 million.

  21. 西方私下付赎金的方式只会养虎为患。

    The western approach of surreptitiously paying ransoms has turned rats into tigers.

  22. 于是虎成了许多溢美之词, 历来为人所用。

    So many words of praise has become Tiger always been human use.

  23. 广告客户将继续为雅虎广告直接向我们付费。

    Advertiser will continue to be Yahoo advertisement to fee to us directly.

  24. 山间多泉, 以虎跑, 龙井, 玉泉为佳。

    Also among the hills one finds springs everywhere, perhaps best represented by tiger spring, dragon well spring and jade spring.

  25. 它的前身,虎耳转化为血花,指的是颜色。

    Its former name, Haemanthus translates to blood flower, referring to the color.

  26. 虎大姐, 你说对啦!我得顾客总是称我为英雄!

    Tigress, youve just got it! My customers always call me Hero!

  27. 虎大姐,你说对啦!我的顾客总是称我为英雄!

    Tigress, youve just got it! My customers always call me Hero!

  28. 杨仍然会为雅虎工作, 也会是股东会的一员。

    Mr Yang will continue to work for Yahoo and be a member of support board.

  29. 是故原来的虎、龙图腾也随之演变为狼、鹿图腾。

    The former totems of tiger and dragon became totems of wolf and deer.

  30. 青杨脊虎天牛雄虫精子分为头部和尾部。

    The sperm of male Xylotechus rusticus composed of head and tail.

