







汉语拼音:kuà zuò






  1. 两腿分在物体的两边坐着。

    苏振华 《高虎垴战斗》:“有的干脆跳到工事的土堆上,骑马似地跨坐着。”



  1. She got up on her knees and straddled him, and this time when she kissed him, he did not pull away.


  2. One shot, "Samson" , of a guy straddling huge metal cylinders, was created on the grounds of an abandoned industrial site in Sydney.


  3. He put his hand to my cheek and I could feel him sit up. He moved his legs so that he was now straddling me and our kiss grew heated.


  4. Americans are not omnipotent, not all virtuous, they should remind themselves, they do not bestride the world.


  5. Riding amidst its cargo was a group of four Orcish warriors, equipped with strange, shining armor and beautifully exotic weaponry.


  6. Kingman Reef is part of a chain of Pacific atolls and islands (called the Line Islands) that straddles the Equator south of Hawaii.


  7. While still on top of your victim, slide down so you are sitting across their waist.


  8. If the motorcycle was huge, it was nothing to the man sitting astride it.


  9. You must ensure that the passenger sits astride the motorcycle on a fixed seat behind you with feet firmly on footrests.


  1. 他跨坐在椅子上。

    He sat down, straddling the chair.

  2. 跨坐在一颗星上。

    And sit on a star.

  3. 跨坐在某人的膝盖上

    Sit astride somebody's knee

  4. 两腿分开跨坐或站跨坐

    to sit or stand on with the legs astride straddle.

  5. 小男孩跨坐在篱笆上。

    The boy was bestriding the fence.

  6. 那个男孩跨坐于围墙上。

    The boy sat straddling the fence.

  7. 你面向他, 跨坐在他身上, 屈膝。

    You face him, bestride on his body one's knees.

  8. 骑士一跃而跨坐在马鞍上。

    The jockey vaulted into the saddle.

  9. 他的小孩跨坐在他的肩膀上。

    Holding his little child up on his shoulders.

  10. 我让你跨坐在我膝上好吗

    Shall I ride you on my knees

  11. 如果摩托车很大, 男人跨坐上去就很容易。

    If the motorcycle was huge, it was nothing to the man sitting astride it.

  12. 在我死之前, 我想跨坐国际日期变更线。

    Before I die, I want to straddle the International Date Line.

  13. 戴斯蒙要的只是孩子能跨坐在他肩膀上。

    All Desmond wants is to hold his kids up on his shoulders.

  14. 围墙给园子挡住了北风。那个男孩跨坐于围墙上。

    The wall shelters the garden from the north wind. The boy sat straddling the fence.

  15. 你跨坐他身上,面向他的腿,手掌着地以作支撑。

    He gets on your bestride personally, face his leg, palmar touchdown is propped up with making.

  16. 这幅画北海真人, 坐跨于灵龟之上, 在水上遨游, 神情洒脱自然。

    He sits on the back a turtle, roams on the water a carefree expression.

  17. 骑士一跃而跨坐鞍上。

    The jockey vaulted into the sandle.

  18. 重庆跨坐式单轨转向架的研制

    Development of the Straddle Type SingleRail Bogies in Chongqing

  19. 跨坐式独轨车辆动力学模型及仿真

    Dynamics Model and Simulation Study of a Straddle Type Monorail Car

  20. 跨坐式单轨高架车站结构型式的选择

    Structure Type Selection for Overhead Station in Straddle Type Monorail

  21. 跨坐式单轨交通预应力混凝土轨道梁制作技术

    Fabrication Techniques of Straddletype Monorail PC Track Girders

  22. 基于特征根的跨坐式独轨车辆的稳定性分析

    Hunting Stability of Straddletype Monorail Car Based on Equation Eigenvalue

  23. 我跨过长凳,迅速地坐到了自己的书桌前。

    I climbed over my bench and sat down at once at my desk.

  24. 我跨过长凳,迅速地坐到了自己得书桌前。

    I climbed over my bench and sat down at once at my desk.

  25. 我一纵身跨过板凳就坐下。

    I jumped over the bench and sat down at my desk.

  26. 我跨过板凳, 坐到了自己的书桌前。

    I climbed over my bench and sat down at once at my desk.


  1. 问:跨坐拼音怎么拼?跨坐的读音是什么?跨坐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:跨坐的读音是,跨坐翻译成英文是 bestride