


1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……





汉语拼音:ér nǎi







  1. 连词。表示承接。犹然后。

    《史记·吕不韦列传》:“乃往见 子楚 ,説曰:‘吾能大子之门。’ 子楚 笑曰:‘且自大君之门,而乃大吾门。’” 汉 王充 《论衡·初禀》:“当 汉祖 斩大蛇之时,谁使斩者?岂有天道先至,而乃斩之哉?勇气奋发,性自然也。”

  2. 连词。表示转折或另起话题。

    南朝 宋 宗炳 《明佛论》:“夫一局之弈,形算之浅,而 弈秋 之心,何尝有得,而乃欲率井蛙之见,妄抑大猷,至独陷神於天穽之下,不以甚乎?” 宋 叶适 《始议一》:“非惟不务讨伐二虏以定西北之疆域,而乃反行聘使封册以申百年之誓信。” 明 方孝孺 《豫让》:“苟遇知己,不能扶危於未乱之先,而乃损躯殞命於既败之后,钓名沽誉,眩世炫俗,由君子观之,皆所不取也。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致许广平》:“而乃年届结束,南北东西;虽尺素云能通,或下问之不易。”



  1. Sense-certainty is thus indeed banished from the object, but it is not yet thereby done away with; it is merely forced back into the I.


  1. 失误人皆有之, 而宽恕乃超人之举。

    To error is human, to forgive is divine.

  2. 盛名招来朋友, 成功来自朋友, 而逆境乃真正友谊之试金石。

    Publicity attracts friends, prosperity attaches friends, but adversity is the acid test of true friends.

  3. 盛名招来朋侪, 成功自有朋友, 而逆境乃真正友谊之试金石。

    Publicity attracts friends, prosperity attaches friends, but adversity is the acid test of true friendship.

  4. 我们不为食而生, 乃为生而食。

    We do not live in order to eat, but eat in order to live.

  5. 我的生命中, 我不因钱财的多少而快乐, 乃。

    In this life, I am gladdened by God, not by how.

  6. 凡蚌孕珠, 乃无质而生质。

    Every child, but without the clam qualitative and biofuel is.

  7. 莎士比亚与英吉利乃浑然而一。

    Shakespeare and England are but one.

  8. 春秋楼即以门楼下的通道为中轴线而建,乃祭祀关帝之场所。

    Chunqiu downstairs floor, that is, the access door for built axis is place of worship Guandi.

  9. 伯乐乃还而视之,去而顾之,一旦而马价十倍。

    Bole is also depending on the, the go and Gu, once the price tenfold Ma.

  10. 人皆生而为新, 乃前所未有之存在。

    Each human being is born as something new, something that never existed before.

  11. 犯错误乃一种人性, 而宽容则是一种神性。

    To arr is human, to forgive is divine.

  12. 相对菩提心乃为利益众生而开悟的初发心。

    Relative Bodhicitta is the motivation to attain enlightenment for the benefit of others.

  13. 玄德见瑁手将拈弓取箭,乃急拨马望西南而去。

    But Xuande had noticed Cai Mao reaching for his bow and arrow, so he hurriedly headed his horse southwest and rode off.

  14. 手术乃将其完全切除而并未进入胃腔内。

    The surgical procedure consisted of total excision without violation of the gastric lumen.

  15. 人的眼睛乃心灵的窗户, 而鞋则是这个窗户外的第一道风景。

    The person's eye is interior window, and the shoe is this window outdoor the first scenery.

  16. 而看这藤乃真气色。

    While watching the vine is really look.

  17. 气血不和, 百病乃变化而生。

    The disharmony of qi and blood may cause various diseases.

  18. 朋友乃时常亲爱, 弟兄为患难而生。

    A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

  19. 他们之所以成功,乃在于他们楔而不舍。

    They win because they refuse to give up.

  20. 而幸福问题的根本,乃在于生活方式的选择。

    The fundamentality of happiness lies in the choice of lifestyles.

  21. 朋友乃时常亲爱,弟兄为患难而生。箴言。

    A friends loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

  22. 所谓有容乃大, 而非用愤怒来代替。

    Instead of getting irritated, accept them as they are.

  23. 功与赏绝少结伴而行。赏罚不明乃司空见惯

    Desert and reward seldom keep company

  24. 受尽苦难而不厌,此乃阿修罗之道!

    Suffering and patience, this is Asura way!

  25. 高谈协同,阔论合作,其乃华而不实。

    Lofty talk of synergies is overstated.

  26. 唯前者乃内化、主观的,而后者则是他化、客观的。

    The former is introversive and subjective, but the latter, extroversive and objective.

  27. 故空间之本原的表象,乃先天的直观,而非概念。

    Also ist die urspruengliche Vorstellung vom Raum Anschuung a priori,und nicht Begriff.

  28. 这种否定性乃借助包括不动式在内的否定结构而实现。

    This negativity is realized with the help of negative configuration including Budingshi.

  29. 流感乃由人传人,禽流感则通过接触活禽鸟而感染。

    Normal flu is transmitted from person to person while avian flu arises from contact with live infected birds.

  30. 其形乃由法身而出,也融入法身,宛如浮云遨游天际。

    Their forms come from the Dharmakaya and dissolve into the Dharmakaya, like clouds in the sky.