


1. 从 [cóng]2. 从 [zòng]从 [cóng]依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。采取,按照:~优。跟随:愿~其后。跟随的人:侍~。仆~。参与:~业。~政。投笔~戎。由,自:~古至今。~我做起。次要的:主~。~犯。宗族中次于至亲的亲属……


武装部队:~威。~服。行(xíng )~。~功。~犬。~备。~纪。~衔。~阀。~令状。异~突起。溃不成~。军队的编制单位,是“师”的上一级。泛指有组织的集体:劳动大~。……



汉语拼音:cóng jūn







  1. Disney's Mulan, it turns out, fights as much for herself as she does for her family name and her country.


  2. Well, dear Marie , I will own to you that, in spite of his extreme youth, his departure for the army has been a great grief to me.


  3. I volunteered to serve as a temporary clerk, ready to hand the book in person to any young customer who wanted to buy it.


  4. But Gorgias, who was governor of the holds, taking with him the strangers, often fought against the Jews.


  5. The character from folktale is a daughter who disguises herself as a male soldier to take her father's place in the conscription army.


  6. Nathan used to be irresponsible, but he turned over a new leaf after he joined the military. Nathan.


  7. The government has made it a rule to fill the ranks by a draft, because the volunteers for military service never suffice.


  8. Jack would have liked to practise law, but his father told him to join the army.


  9. Lawyers from this organization have been working with and representing victims and their families since the midst of the military junta.


  1. 两兄弟从军去了。

    The two brothers went to the war.

  2. 他以志愿兵从军。

    He enlisted as a volunteer in the army.

  3. 从军的点子还可以吗?

    The army wouldn't be too bad, would it?

  4. 嘿, 胡特, 你为什么从军?

    Hey, Hoot, why do you do it, man?

  5. 花木兰代父从军

    Hua Mulan Joined the Army in Place of Her Father

  6. 战时知识青年从军运动述评

    On the Movement of Enlistment of Young Intellectuals in the War Time

  7. 木兰男扮女装从军。

    Mulan disguised herself as a man and became a soldier.

  8. 跟你哥一样去从军吧。

    Go join the army like your brother.

  9. 我们应该自动报名从军。

    We should sign up as volunteers.

  10. 伯承早年从军, 戎马一生。

    Bocheng joined the army when he was very young and served in it his whole life.

  11. 战争爆发,他自愿从军。

    When war broke out he volunteered for service in the army.

  12. 他从军的经历对他很有用。

    The experience in army is helpful to him.

  13. 我要从军的决定是自愿的。

    My decision to join the army was voluntary.

  14. 在牢狱和从军之间做选择。

    Between jail and joining the army.

  15. 年轻人们联合起来拒绝从军。

    The youth banded together to resist conscription.

  16. 年轻人们联合起来拒绝从军。

    The youth banded together to resist conscription.

  17. 从军, 当神职人员, 当国会议员

    go into the Army, the Church, Parliament

  18. 在蒙哥马利将军麾下从军

    to soldier under General Montgomery

  19. 我从军队里逃出来了。

    I've deserted from the army.

  20. 你从军不就是来学习的吗?

    Didn't you join the army to learn?

  21. 她的父亲老了,不能从军了。

    Her father is very old and cannot join the army.

  22. 你真要这么做吗,真要去从军吗

    You're actually doing this? You're gonna go?

  23. 他们一般有执法或者从军经历。

    And they frequently have law enforcement or military experience.

  24. 你替父从军,真是太勇敢了。

    You were so brave to take your father's place in the army.

  25. 他本可以子承父业,从军入伍。

    HE COULD have gone into the army, like his father.

  26. 士兵们从军队中开小差跑了。

    The soldier deserted from the army.

  27. 你可能记得当时他正从军。

    As you may recall, he was in the army then.

  28. 你报名从军,你认为你在为国效力。

    You sign up, you think you're serving your country.

  29. 志愿者中几乎没有人有从军经历。

    Few of the volunteers had military experience.

  30. 你可能记得当时他正在从军。

    As you may recall, he was in the army then.


  1. 问:从军拼音怎么拼?从军的读音是什么?从军翻译成英文是什么?

    答:从军的读音是cóngjūn,从军翻译成英文是 enlist

  2. 问:从军者拼音怎么拼?从军者的读音是什么?从军者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:从军者的读音是,从军者翻译成英文是 campaigner

  3. 问:从军女商人拼音怎么拼?从军女商人的读音是什么?从军女商人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:从军女商人的读音是,从军女商人翻译成英文是 vivandiere




【读音】cóng jūn


【出处】《史记·东越列传》:“旧从军无功,以宗室故侯。” 汉·王粲 《从军诗》之一:“从军有苦乐,但闻所从谁。” 唐·王贞白 《从军行》:“从军朔方久,未省用干戈。” 宋·苏轼 《赠李兕彦威秀才》诗:“先生少负不覊才,从军数到单于台 。”

【示例】清·王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈艺二·忆秦娥词》:“ 无锡秦简讨留仙,从军荆州 。” 许地山 《女国士》:“我怎能让驴哥离乡别井,远道从军呢?”