











汉语拼音:měi xià yù kuàng








  • 【解释】:越往下越明显。表示情况越来越坏。
  • 【出自】:《庄子·知北游》:“夫子之问也,固不及质,正获之问于监市履希也,每下愈况。”
  • 【语法】:复杂式;作谓语、定语、补语;形容走下坡路


  1. Officer Smith: You know, this city is really going to the dogs.


  1. 你的情形每下愈况。

    You have been worse from day to day.

  2. 惩罚,汙辱并羞辱他们 年复一年,问题每下愈况

    They punished people and stigmatized them and shamed them more, and every year, the problem got worse.

  3. 因为他的健康每下愈况,他似乎很难恢复精力。

    As his health deteriorates, he seems to hang by a thread.

  4. 每下压患者胸部15次,向患者口中吹两次气。

    Breath two times into the victims mouth for every fifteen times you push down on the chest.

  5. 一般人的判断是这么蹩脚, 每下一次判断, 就等于冒一次险。

    The average man's judgment is so poor, he run a risk every time he use it.

  6. 并且他还记下每一条明显的疑点。

    and also he set down every sensible doubtful point.

  7. 松动油底壳螺栓, 拆下每一面的前螺栓。

    Loosen oil pan bolts and remove the front bolt at each side.

  8. 松动油底壳螺栓,拆下每一面得前螺栓。

    Loosen oil pan bolts and remove the front bolt at each side.

  9. 吃下每一克拉钻石, 不要怪爸爸啊

    And make him eat every carat dont fuck with dad

  10. 这些仪器将会记录下每一个方位或高度的变化。

    The instruments will register every change of direction or height.

  11. 关于那些历史是如何构建的,我们要记录下每一步。

    how is historical knowledge constructed, documenting each step.

  12. 坐骨神经是一个大的神经,从腰部向下每条腿去。

    The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that goes from the lower back down each leg.

  13. 务必记下每一关, 否则你的总数将与我的总数对不起来。

    Be sure to record every sling. Otherwise your'sum total amount won't be equal to mine.

  14. 我打了一个怪然后记录下每一颗水盾的球所回复的蓝。

    I attacked a mob and recorded the mana return from each WS orb.

  15. 油管每棱槽1和经常在每主棱下2, 在合生面上2。

    vittae 1 in each furrow and often 2 under each primary rib, 2 on commissure.

  16. 有时你不会赢下每一次拼抢, 所以你就必须争取拼下第二点。

    Sometimes you don't win every challenge, so you have to be aware of the second ball.

  17. 我们每多下一番劲,圣战者数量就往上增长。

    And every time we did it more, the number of jihadis grew.

  18. 一些观众对将取得第一,第二或第三名的每匹马下赌注。

    Some members in the audience bet on each horse to win, place, or show.

  19. 我的疏失导致左脚膝盖, 在每向下走一步就疼痛起来。

    My forgetfulness made the left knee painful at each downhill step.

  20. 常规机械式修井机每一档下的管柱起升速度为常量。

    The tubing string lifting velocity of the conventional mechanic rig under each particular gear is constant.

  21. 你不能每把都下注。

    You can't bet for you every hand.

  22. 每块石头下都会有蝎子。

    There is a scorpion under every stone.

  23. 传销具蛊惑性每朵鲜花下都是陷阱。

    Pyramid selling is deluding.There is trap under every flower.

  24. 在每张目录下,它们的范围都会被减少。

    In each list they will be reduced in scope.

  25. 这些电池给每支手臂下的发动机提供动力。

    These cells then power the motors located here under each arm.

  26. 这些电池给每支手臂下得发动机提供动力。

    These cells then power the motors located here under each arm.

  27. 我能看到每只胳膊下都湿了一大圈。

    I could see big circles of dampness under each arm.

  28. 概率函数已归一化,每条曲线下的面积为1。

    Density functions are normalized,and thus the area under each curve is 1.0.

  29. 概率函数已归一化,每条曲线下得面积为1。

    Density functions are normalized,and thus the area under each curve is 1.0.

  30. 如果你种植打桩的植物, 需要每半米下一个桩。

    If you grow stick staked plants ground about half a meter a part apart.


  1. 问:每下愈况拼音怎么拼?每下愈况的读音是什么?每下愈况翻译成英文是什么?

    答:每下愈况的读音是měixiàyùkuàng,每下愈况翻译成英文是 ailing; steadily deteriorate; go from bad to wor...

