





1. 令 [líng]2. 令 [lǐng]3. 令 [lìng]令 [líng]〔~狐〕a.古地名,在今山西省临猗县一带;b.复姓。令 [lǐng]量词,印刷用的原张平版纸五百张为一令。令 [lìng]上级对下级的指示:命~。法~。朝(z……



汉语拼音:shǐ lìng







  1. 差遣,使唤。

    《孟子·梁惠王上》:“便嬖不足使令於前与?”《京本通俗小说·西山一窟鬼》:“神君声诺道:‘真君遣何方使令?’”《水浒传》第一一○回:“次日, 王都尉 自来问 宋江 ,求要铁叫子 乐和 ,闻此人善能歌唱,要他府里使令。” 清 唐甄 《潜书·去奴》:“有一奴一婢以供使令,已过望矣。”

  2. 亦作“ 使伶 ”。供使唤的人。泛指奴婢仆从。

    《汉书·外戚传上》:“左右及医皆阿意,言宜禁内,虽宫人使令皆为穷絝,多其带。” 颜师古 注:“使令,所使之人也。” 唐 韩愈 《永贞行》:“左右使令诈难凭,慎勿浪信常兢兢。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二二:“﹝ 七郎 ﹞一旦得了刺史之职,就有许多人来钻刺投靠他,做使令的。” 清 梁章鉅 《称谓录·使》:“廝役,谓之使伶。”



  1. Smoking prematurely ages skin by wearing away proteins that give it elasticity, depleting it of vitamin A and restricting blood flow.


  2. Hence we can conclude as follows: (1) The basic classification of causative verb structure has been in a steady state all the time.


  1. 这差使令人厌倦。

    It was a weary business.

  2. 使令类动词和致使词

    The Imperative Verbs and the Causative Words

  3. 不要使令我去迢遥的宫廷。

    Do not send me to distant courts.

  4. 你的外交特质将有助于你使令人不快的状况得到好转。

    Your diplomatic nature will help you in straightening out unsavory situations.

  5. 禁酒令使许多罪犯变得富有和声名狼藉。

    Prohibition made a lot of criminals rich and infamous.

  6. 他急躁的脾气使他令人讨厌。

    His hasty temper made him offensive.

  7. 他的急躁的脾气使他令人讨厌。

    His hasty temper made him offensive.

  8. 禁烟令使他们不能跟朋友一起在雪茄吧享受快乐时光。

    But cigar smokers around the country are fed up with smoking bans that prevent them from enjoying stogies in cigar bars with friends.

  9. 一阵狂风使帐篷令人惊恐地鼓起了。

    A sudden wind billowed the tent alarmingly.

  10. 这声音使长相令人害怕的巴瑞哭了。

    Makes Scary Barry cry.

  11. 激起得橡木香十分持久,使之令人回味无穷。

    The palate is very characteristic of peach and apricot.

  12. 整个骑士精神得概念就是把它包装起来, 使它令人尊敬。

    The whole notion of chivalry was about dressing it up to make it respectable.

  13. 整个骑士精神的概念就是把它包装起来,使它令人尊敬。

    The whole notion of chivalry was about dressing it up to make it respectable.

  14. 他们唱歌或说笑话使这个令人疲惫的旅程不至于单调乏味。

    They broke the monotony of the weary journey with songs and jokes.

  15. 我挡住和可以看见被欺负正在使他令人难以相信地角。

    I held off and could see that being teased was making him unbelievably horny.

  16. 使着迷或令人喜爱。

    To be alluring or pleasing.

  17. 使复杂或令人困惑

    To make or become complex or perplexing.

  18. 有些人千方百计使他们得家令人钦羡。

    Some people go to great lengths to make their homes attractive.

  19. 你对于自由的渴求有时候会使你做出令人出人意表的事。

    Your urge for freedom sometimes causes you to do exactly the opposite of what is expected of you.

  20. 我们新的制作法能使每一格令的早餐食品中包含多磅能量。

    Our new process locks up pounds of energy in every grain of the breakfast food.

  21. 只要往错误方向迈出一步,就会使我们坠入令人憎恶的深渊。

    One step to the wrong side precipitates us into the state of repulsion.

  22. 使乏味使单调乏味或令人生厌

    To make vapid or wearisome.

  23. 低气压使人放松, 令人容易健忘。

    Low air pressure makes people feel relaxed and creates forgetfulness.

  24. 这前景既使我激动又令我忧虑。

    The prospects both excited and worried me.

  25. 美味的食物使味觉愉悦、令情绪欢快。

    Good food pleases the palate and brightens the spirit.

  26. 有些人千方百计使他们的家令人钦羡。

    Some people go to great lengths to make their homes attractive.

  27. 恶劣的天气使这趟旅行令人十分扫兴。

    The trip was spoilt by the bad weather.

  28. 你必须学会使自己摆脱如此令人烦恼的想法。

    You must learn to rid yourself of such troublesome thoughts.

  29. 他们的名气,服饰和作品确实使我陶醉,令我着迷。

    Their Name, their Garb, and Work did so intoxicate and bewitch me.

  30. 光滑和粗糙的表面, 冷和热的东西使我们惊讶, 令我们着迷。

    Smooth and rough surfaces, things cold and hot surprised and charmed us.



shǐ lìng ㄕㄧˇ ㄌㄧㄥˋ使令