






1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:tiān xià dà luàn








  • 【解释】:天下:指中国或世界。全国或全世界的局势动荡不安。
  • 【出自】:《后汉书·曹节传》:“天下大乱,曹节、王甫幽杀太后,常侍侯览多杀党人,公卿皆尸禄,无有忠方者。”
  • 【示例】:如今朝廷不明,~,天子昏昧,奸臣弄权,我等归顺宋公明,且居水泊。


  1. But then China would be in a war. It would make for bloody chaos.


  2. Why not? It's going up in flames, sooner or later. Let it burn.


  3. To those who would tear the world down, I support you, and I will give you chinese cake and assorted vegetable soup.


  4. Second, it came to China AT the most opportune moment when China was in disunion AT the end of the powerful and prosperous Han Dynasty.


  5. The fusion wreaks havoc in a cell by stringing together all the chromosomes.


  6. That would be out of order.


  7. Without Party leadership there definitely will be nationwide disorder and China would fall apart.


  8. Ellen: Society known to man will no longer exist and all hell will break loose .


  9. Consider the kerfuffle about last week's Peter Kenyon statements.


  1. 奸党弄权, 天下大乱。

    As a wicked clique held power, the land was thrown into turmoil.

  2. 奸党弄权,天下大乱。

    As a wicked clique held power, the land was thrown into turmoil.

  3. 东汉末年,天下大乱。

    The country was in great disorder during the end of the Eastern Han dynasty.

  4. 然后你就能在天下大乱时生还

    So you can survive when law is lawless

  5. 如果每个人都像你就天下大乱了!

    If everybody resembles you the world is big disorderly!

  6. 你非要血流成河, 天下大乱了, 你的内心才能获得安宁吗?

    Will you not be satisfied until rivers flow with blood and the world is submerged in turmoil.

  7. 一旦所有的染色体因此连了起来, 也就造成细胞里天下大乱。

    The fusion wreaks havoc in a cell by stringing together all the chromosomes.

  8. 大仁者,修治天下,大恶者,挠乱天下。

    The good bring order to the world, the bad plunge it into confusion.

  9. 西元二十世纪八十年代,天下大乱,玻璃之城上演传奇。

    In the 20 th century during the 80's, there has been a legend happened in this city.

  10. 天下大治。

    The country enjoys peace and prosperity.

  11. 民心大乱。

    The people are fearful.

  12. 教室里大乱。

    Chaos reigned in the classroom.

  13. 杂烩大乱射

    Chowder and began shooting indiscriminately at large.

  14. 他悲痛得心神大乱。

    His mind is distracted by grief.

  15. 警察一走,就会大乱。

    If the police leave, disorder will result.

  16. 他的到来引起一场大乱。

    His arrival created a terrible confusion.

  17. 狂风暴雨交通运输秩序大乱。

    The violent storm out the transportation system out of order.

  18. 我在求职面试中分寸大乱。

    I blundered during the job interview.

  19. 敌人的猛烈攻击致使全军大乱。

    The fierce onset of the enemy broke the ranks of the army.

  20. 敌人得猛烈攻击致使全军大乱。

    The fierce onset of the enemy broke the ranks of the army.

  21. 狂风暴雨使交通运输秩序大乱。

    The violent storm out the transportation system out of order.

  22. 人人开始大声喊叫,会议变得秩序大乱。

    Everybody started shouting and the meeting became very disorderly.

  23. 因为内分泌大乱额头上起了豆豆该咋办?

    Because fabaceous beans rose to should do how on endocrine big random forehead

  24. 科技上不断地升级改变使许多公司阵脚大乱。

    Constant and escalating technological change has left many organizations reeling.

  25. 迷惑敌人大乱他们的计划是精灵最喜欢的战术。

    Confusing the enemy and disrupting their plans is a favourite tactic of the Elves.

  26. 迷惑敌人大乱他们得计划是精灵最喜欢得战术。

    Confusing the enemy and disrupting their plans is a favourite tactic of the Elves.

  27. 班上像开了锅似的,一下子又大乱起来。

    The class looked very much like a boiled over kettle as there was complete disarray everywhere.

  28. 天降威, 我民用大乱丧德, 亦罔非酒惟行

    Heaven neville, I bereave DE civil chaos, also thought the wine but did

  29. 那时,出入的人不得平安,列国的居民都遭大乱。

    In those days it was not safe to travel about, for all the inhabitants of the lands were in great turmoil.

  30. 大家一下子全都喊叫起来, 会议秩序大乱而被迫中断。

    Everyone began shouting at once and the meeting broke up in disorder.