


1. 解 [jiě]2. 解 [jiè]3. 解 [xiè]解 [jiě]剖开,分开:~剖。分~。瓦~。~体。把束缚着、系着的东西打开:~开。~甲归田。~囊相助。除去,除,废除,停止:~放(a.使广大人民群众脱离压迫;b.解除束缚而得到自由……


1. 答 [dá]2. 答 [dā]答 [dá]回话,回复:回~。对~。~辩。~复。~案。对~如流。受了别人的好处,还(huán )报别人:报~。~报。答 [dā]义同(一),用于“答应”“答理”等词。……



汉语拼音:jiě dá








  1. 解释答复。

    宋 苏轼 《拟进士对御试策》:“极其巧辩,以解答千万人之口。” 茅盾 《无题》二:“当然这不是你所能够圆满解答的了。”



  1. Using Trapezoidal Rule, with 4 strips, work out how much poison she should buy. And use a large, clear diagram show the solution.


  2. It was a little obtuse trying to find the answers so I thought, well, that's the quickest way to give information.


  3. The burning question of my childhood had been richly answered.


  4. Marie Al-Ani said the IPCC's investigation into her son's death had been "a shambles" that left many unanswered questions.


  5. though this is the sort of thing that will work itself out over the next decade as more un. . . tumors data become available.


  6. We had hoped that you might help us answer that very question, considering your knowledge in symbology and your plans to meet with him.


  7. Our team is at your service via email, live chat or QQ to answer all of your questions concerning your WoW Gold orders or any other concern.


  8. This book is really trying to answer a question: What will the future of energy look like over the next 50 years?


  9. Let's think over the problem to see who can work it out first.


  1. 幂级数解答

    power series solutions.

  2. 问题的解答

    She solution to the question

  3. 通用问题解答

    general problem solver

  4. 解答抽取过程

    answer extraction process

  5. 分析与解答。

    He likes to do some read in the morning.

  6. 经典理论解答

    classical theory explanation.

  7. 解树解答树

    solution tree.

  8. 法学家的解答

    responsa prudentum.

  9. 物理习题解答

    solutions to physics questions.

  10. 问题解答介绍

    problem explanation introduetion

  11. 答案试题的解答

    A set of answers to a test.

  12. 向我们寻找解答

    looked to us for a solution.

  13. 销售政策解答会

    answering meeting of sales policy

  14. 特殊教育法解答

    The Answer Book on Special Education Law

  15. 归结中的解答抽取

    answer extraction in resolution

  16. 她喜欢解答问题。

    She loved to riddle out the solution to problems.

  17. 她喜欢解答问题。

    She loved to riddle out the solution to problems.

  18. 对某问题的解答

    an answer to a problem

  19. 一下使迷宫的解答。

    Below is the Maze solution.

  20. 练习期末考附解答

    Practice Final Exam with Solutions

  21. 好的问题容易解答。

    Good questions outrank easy answers.

  22. 理性问题的实践解答

    An Inquiry to the Problem of the Reason in Field of the Praxis

  23. 这个问题解答不了。

    This problem will not work out.

  24. 开域问题解答进展

    Advances in Open Domain Question Answering

  25. 一个解答自然出现了。

    A solution proffered itself.

  26. 他不能解答这个谜语。

    He could not solve the riddle.

  27. 我无法解答怎么做它。

    I can't work out how to do it.

  28. 他不能解答这个谜语。

    He could not solve the riddle.

  29. 解答一个问题。解答一个迷语。

    He get the answer to the riddle quick a flash.

  30. 一直到1655年才得到解答

    And it wasn't solved until 1653.


  1. 问:解答拼音怎么拼?解答的读音是什么?解答翻译成英文是什么?

    答:解答的读音是jiědá,解答翻译成英文是 answer

  2. 问:解答人拼音怎么拼?解答人的读音是什么?解答人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:解答人的读音是jiě dá rén,解答人翻译成英文是 respondent

  3. 问:解答器拼音怎么拼?解答器的读音是什么?解答器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:解答器的读音是,解答器翻译成英文是 countermeasurer

  4. 问:解答核拼音怎么拼?解答核的读音是什么?解答核翻译成英文是什么?

    答:解答核的读音是jiě dá hé,解答核翻译成英文是 solving kernel

  5. 问:解答校验拼音怎么拼?解答校验的读音是什么?解答校验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:解答校验的读音是jiě dá jiào yàn,解答校验翻译成英文是 solution check

  6. 问:解答法律权拼音怎么拼?解答法律权的读音是什么?解答法律权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:解答法律权的读音是jiě dá fǎ lǜ quán,解答法律权翻译成英文是 jus respondendi

  7. 问:解答方案叙述拼音怎么拼?解答方案叙述的读音是什么?解答方案叙述翻译成英文是什么?

    答:解答方案叙述的读音是jiě dá fāng àn xù shù,解答方案叙述翻译成英文是 Solution Narrative



词目:解答 拼音:jiědá 英文:Answer