







汉语拼音:zhì gù







  1. 刑具。脚镣手铐。

    《史记·齐太公世家》:“ 鲍叔牙 迎受 管仲 ,及 堂阜 而脱桎梏。” 唐 柳宗元 《答周君巢饵药久寿书》:“ 宗元 以罪大摈废,居小州,与囚徒为朋,行则若带纆索,处则若关桎梏。” 清 李焕章 《宋连璧传》:“上大怒,执之,就斩西市,桎梏忽脱地,寂无人矣。”

  2. 拘系,囚禁。

    《孟子·尽心上》:“尽其道而死者,正命也;桎梏死者,非正命也。”《后汉书·陈蕃传》:“﹝ 朱震 ﹞收葬 蕃 尸,匿其子 逸 於 甘陵 界中。事觉繫狱,合门桎梏。” 宋 王谠 《唐语林·识鉴》:“﹝ 张守珪 ﹞见 陕 尉 李 桎梏 裴冕 。 冕 呼:‘ 张 公!困厄中岂能相救?’”

  3. 谓束缚,压制。

    唐 白居易 《朱陈村》诗:“以此自桎梏,信为大谬人。” 清 龚自珍 《反祈招序》:“作诗二章,以貽后之自桎梏者。” 孙中山 《伦敦被难记》一:“虽然, 华 人之被桎梏虽极酷烈,而其天生之性灵,深沉之智力,到底不可磨灭。”



  1. It was a night so beautiful that your soul seemed hardly able to bear the prison of the body.


  2. The US notion that markets should remain as free as possible from regulatory shackles "was as simplistic as it was dangerous" , he said.


  3. All this could reduce productivity growth at a time when labour forces in these countries will be growing more slowly or even shrinking.


  4. Don't be like the poor elephant and go through your life stuck because of a limiting belief you were given or developed years ago.


  5. A crown and an advantageous marriage need not be a set of shackles, and a plight can be an opportunity.


  6. These regional rankings might also break down the insularity that has long been a mark of Latin American academia.


  7. Where Reason makes kites of her laws and flies them, the Truth sets Fact free from its fetters.


  8. Shattering fetters, like a fish in the water tearing a net, like a fire not coming back to what's burnt, wander alone like a rhinoceros.


  9. Even have a design theory of traditional forms of dogma and experience of the shackles of, I do not know, and to use.


  1. 摆脱殖民主义的桎梏

    cast off the yoke of colonialism

  2. 现在父亲已经脱离桎梏

    Today, my father is no longer locked in.

  3. 政教合一,宗教桎梏沉重。

    Theocracy and the fetters of religion.

  4. 主观主义和形而上学的桎梏

    fetters of subjectivism and metaphysics

  5. 这种忠诚不是一种桎梏。

    This loyalty is not a shackle.

  6. 它变成了束缚生产的桎梏。

    They became so many fetters.

  7. 桎梏, 羁绊用来约束的事物束缚

    Something that serves to restrict a restraint.

  8. 迷信是人们思想的一大桎梏。

    Superstition is a great shackle on men's minds.

  9. 还是桎梏的心灵无法被火花点燃

    Or my dankish heart can not lighted by the spark

  10. 新疆家禽业发展的桎梏与钥匙

    The shackle and key of the development on poultry industry in Xinjiang province.

  11. 自残、是种释放被桎梏的灵魂的方式。

    The autotomy, is kind of way releasing quilt fetters and handcuffs soul's.

  12. 她强加于自身的桎梏常常不可忍受。

    The restraint that she imposed upon herself was often intolerable.

  13. 从主体理性桎梏的对象到艺术解构的对象。

    From a rational constraint to artistic deconstructing object.

  14. 愤怒吧, 终有一天我们会砸碎这桎梏!

    The rage, so that one day we break up the chain.

  15. 没有一种桎梏得爱情得桎梏更令人不可忍受。

    No fetters are so intolerable as those of love.

  16. 没有一种桎梏的爱情的桎梏更令人不可忍受。

    No fetters are so intolerable as those of love.

  17. 似乎还是看不出,我已逃离过去的桎梏。

    Can't seem to loosen my grip On the past.

  18. 这些没有束缚的桎梏, 缠绕在淫欲和错乱中。

    These bonds are shackle free, wrapped in lust and lunacy.

  19. 桎梏了我们荣耀的气息许久的枷锁已被打破。

    Shackles once that choked the inhale of honor's breath no longer bind us.

  20. 挪威人得桎梏最终被两个杰出得人物所粉碎。

    At last the Norse yoke was broken by two remarkable men.

  21. 挪威人的桎梏最终被两个杰出的人物所粉碎。

    At last the Norse yoke was broken by two remarkable men.

  22. 走出桎梏, 一身得轻盈与自由, 释放着纯真得热情。

    Be lightfooted and free without the shackle, you can feel the passion of naivete.

  23. 走出桎梏,一身的轻盈与自由,释放着纯真的热情。

    Be lightfooted and free without the shackle, you can feel the passion of naivete.

  24. 在监牢里面的人们伸展他们那被桎梏着的冰冷四肢。

    Men in their dungeons stretched their cramped cold limbs.

  25. 传统的大学科层制组织结构正成为知识共享的桎梏。

    Traditional hierarchy histological structure has been a shackle of sharing knowledge.

  26. 论唐代商人法律地位低下对资本主义萌芽的桎梏作用

    The low legal status of businessmen in the Tang Dynasty is a shackle of its capitalist germination

  27. 数十亿年轻人都想努力挣脱贫穷和冲突得桎梏。

    Billions of young people want to move beyond the shackles of poverty and conflict.

  28. 数十亿年轻人都想努力挣脱贫穷和冲突的桎梏。

    Billions of young people want to move beyond the shackles of poverty and conflict.

  29. 有我与我的兄弟姐妹分享了我的隐藏处,警察会桎梏我从前。

    Had I shared my hideout with my siblings, the police would have shackled me up long ago.

  30. 拜伦式英雄通过爱情把女性人物桎梏于爱的囚笼中。

    The female characters are constrained by the Byronic Heroes'love.


  1. 问:桎梏拼音怎么拼?桎梏的读音是什么?桎梏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:桎梏的读音是zhìgù,桎梏翻译成英文是 shackles



zhì gù 桎梏