


1. 荒 [huāng]荒 [huāng]年成不好,收成不好:~年。灾~。防~。备~。长满野草,或无人耕种:~芜。~地。开~。废弃:~废。~疏。~置。业精于勤,~于嬉。冷落偏僻:~村。~郊。~落(luò)(a.荒凉冷落;b.荒疏衰退)。~颓……





汉语拼音:huāng shū








  1. 亦作“ 荒疎 ”。指学业、技术因不常习用而致生疏。

    宋 陆游 《乞致仕札子》:“记问荒疏,文辞衰退。” 清 李渔 《风筝误·和鹞》:“你不可虚负时光,勤勤做些针指,就是笔砚也不可荒疎。”《红楼梦》第三三回:“在外流荡优伶,表赠私物;在家荒疏学业,逼淫母婢。” 巴金 《家》十一:“这两三年因为照料 海儿 ,把从前所学的都荒疏了。”

  2. 荒芜。

    元 宫天挺 《七里滩》第三折:“荒疎了俺那柳阴花径,有宾朋来呵谁人出户相迎。” 元 无名氏 《黄花峪》第三折:“急彪各邦踏折了剑菖蒲,见一道小路儿荒疎。”

  3. 懈怠。

    金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷六:“小生目下,身居贫贱,粗无德行,情性荒疎学艺浅。”



  1. I used to be able to play well but I'm out of practice now.


  2. I shall really love to do some occasional teach to keep my hand In .


  3. If only I'd kept up my German, I might have got that job in Berlin.


  4. I don't feel up to doing this translation, as my Spanish is rather rusty.


  5. My typing was better than it is now. I've gotten rusty in it.


  6. They direct the attention of research workers to this important but barren area of mechanics.


  7. I don't find much time to play billiards these days, but I don try to keep my eye in at the weekends.


  8. I've lost those skills through lack of practice.


  9. Even though he's retired, Mr. Reed likes to keep his hand in the business.


  1. 我的俄语荒疏了。

    My Russian is rusty.

  2. 我得俄语荒疏了。

    My Russian is rusty.

  3. 她对唱歌荒疏了。

    She was out of practice at singing.

  4. 不练习就会荒疏。

    If you dont play, you'll get out of practice.

  5. 我的荷语有些荒疏。

    My Dutch is rusty.

  6. 我的法语有些荒疏了。

    My French is a bit rusty.

  7. 最近我的网球荒疏了。

    My tennis is very rusty these days.

  8. 我的法语有点荒疏了。

    I am a bit rusty on French.

  9. 你若故意荒疏,你就会失业。

    If you lie down on your job, you will lose it.

  10. 由于忽视以致在技术上荒疏的。

    Impaired in skill by neglect.

  11. 我太忙了,所以荒疏了钢琴练习。

    I'mout of practice on the piano because I am so busy.

  12. 没想到我得琴法竟然没有荒疏。

    I was surprised my skills hadn't rusted away.

  13. 没想到我的琴法竟然没有荒疏。

    I was surprised my skills hadn't rusted away.

  14. 你的英语要继续学下去,否则会荒疏的。

    Keep up your English, or it will get rusty.

  15. 你的英语已经荒疏了,必须重新学过。

    Your English has got rusty; you must brush it up.

  16. 他时而写些文章, 以便笔头不至于荒疏。

    He still writes articles occasionally, just to keep his hand in at that skill.

  17. 我不能流利地说英语,因为我已荒疏了。

    I can't speak English fluently as I am out of practice.

  18. 我已经多年不打网球,技术已经完全荒疏了。

    I haven't played tennis for years, so I'm really out of practice.

  19. 因为长期居住国外,我的汉语有点荒疏了。

    My Chinese is a little rusty after a long residence abroad.

  20. 我很想偶然教教书以免荒疏了教学业务。

    I shall really love to do some occasional teach to keep my hand in.

  21. 我的德语有点荒疏了,我希望能有时间温习一下。

    My German is a bit rusty.I hope I can find time to rub it up.

  22. 尽管已经退休,里德先生仍不荒疏他的工作。

    Even though he's retired, Mr. Reed likes to keep his hand in the business.

  23. 你要把英语继续学习下去,外国语是很容易荒疏的。

    Keep up your English. A foreign language soon grows rusty.

  24. 把你荒疏已久得技艺重新练好, 准备担负新任务。

    Dust off your old skills and prepare for new responsibilities.

  25. 把你荒疏已久的技艺重新练好,准备担负新任务。

    Dust off your old skills and prepare for new responsibilities.

  26. 我的打字技术过去比现在好,因为荒疏而不熟练了。

    My typing was better than it is now. I've gotten rusty in it.

  27. 我的西班牙文荒疏已久,我觉得干不了这篇翻译。

    I don't feel up to doing this translation, as my Spanish is rather rusty.

  28. 在每个足球赛季的前几场比赛中, 我的球艺总有一些荒疏。

    I'm always a bit rusty for the first few games of the football season.

  29. 你在战争中干什么?她尽力用她荒疏了的俄语凑成一个句子。

    What are you doing in the war? she asked, straining her rusty Russian to compose the sentence.


  1. 问:荒疏拼音怎么拼?荒疏的读音是什么?荒疏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:荒疏的读音是huāngshū,荒疏翻译成英文是 neglect


荒疏,指浮躁、荒唐;没有注意而失礼。语出陆游 《乞致仕札子》:“记问荒疏,文辞衰退。”