




1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……



汉语拼音:ǒu ér








  1. 见“ 偶尔 ”。



  1. This, too, had been done sporadically, but now that it was regularly scheduled, it was easy to know who had been inducted.

  2. Again, ask open-ended questions and sit back and listen, with only the occasional " tell me more about that" if they seem to stall.

  3. The color of the outer jacket of multimode fiber is usually orange, but occasionally another color.

  4. So, the children are even and " digression " should understand , give tolerantly .

  5. It is better if children learn to view processed meat as an occasional treat if it is eaten at all.

  6. Similarly, an important customer is not likely to be abandoned for an occasional late payment.

  7. his white handkerchief was hanging out of his pocket behind , as usual on sundays - accidentally.

  8. Certain circumstances do occasionally arise in which more time will be needed to determine if you are approved for the card or not.

  9. However, the other kind of life is only also full of fun, happiness and content , but with gladness from calmness or sudden excitement.


  1. 我只是偶而去看看电影。

    I only go to the cinema from time to time.

  2. 我们偶而去田野里散步。

    We go for walks in the fields occasionally.

  3. 他偶而享受一支好雪茄。

    He occasionally indulges in the luxury of a good cigar.

  4. 乔治叔叔偶而喜欢喝一杯。

    Uncle George tippled off and on.

  5. 我偶而会借宿在我好朋友那。

    I lodge at my good friend that at times.

  6. 在我的唇边重复著叹息, 偶而

    As salt as mine, and hear the sighing years

  7. 你偶而会想于周末到实验室。

    Occasionally you may want come to the lab on weekends.

  8. 让你的客人偶而有机会插插嘴。

    Let your guest have a chance to talk once in a while.

  9. 他只是偶而喝一点酒,并不酗酒。

    He drinks a little occasionally, he is not an alcoholic.

  10. 他只是偶而喝一点酒,并不酗酒。

    He drinks a little occasionally, he is not an alcoholic.

  11. 他是个好学生,只是他偶而有些粗心。

    He is a good student except that he is occasionally careless.

  12. 不能偶而装疯卖傻, 就不是一个聪明人。

    He is not a wise man who cannot play the fool on occasion.

  13. 我收到他偶而写来的一封信, 如此而已。

    I get an occasional letter from him, that's all.

  14. 谁都想有个地方,偶而能独自耽一会儿。

    Everyone wanted a place where they could be alone occasionally.

  15. 除了偶而有鸟叫声外,一点声音也没有。

    There was not a sound save that from time to time a bird called.

  16. 妇女只是偶而被控罪名, 但时常遭受殴打。

    Women are only occasionally charged but are often beaten up.

  17. 这种并发症偶而发生在使用肠道抗菌剂上。

    This complication has occasionally occurred following the use of intestinal antiseptics.

  18. 沃利过去只是偶而吸毒而已, 可现在却今非昔比了。

    Wally used to be a kick freak, but all that has changed.

  19. 甚至现在,他的漫画还会偶而登到泰晤士报上。

    Even now, at long intervals, his cartoons were appearing in The Times.

  20. 尽管家中偶而有时也会出现一些温柔和和解的迹象。

    There were also, however, some signs of tenderness and reconciliation.

  21. 偶而在孤寂荒凉的山间小湖,我觅得一只神奇的小帆船。

    Sometimes on lonely mountain meres, I find a magic bark.

  22. 即使你的伴侣偶而了会为你做些改变,最终你仍会感到失望。

    Even if your partner accommodates you with occasional changes, eventually you'll be let down.

  23. 热空气微微吹动着萎缩的藤叶时, 葡萄确实也偶而眨眨眼。

    These did occasionally wind a little, as the hot air barely moved their faint leaves.

  24. 他制作的人偶可爱而细致,场景与服装也一样精细而美丽。

    Figures produced by his lovely and detailed, the same scene and clothing fine and beautiful.

  25. 偶而也有些例外。

    There were rare exceptions.

  26. 偶而恶心和呕吐

    Develop occasional nausea and vomiting

  27. 阴天太阳偶而出现的时候

    lucid interval

  28. 偶而,猪瘟可伴发痉挛。

    On occasion, convulsions may be associated with HC.

  29. 偶而检查一下引擎的湿度。

    Check the engine temperature occasionally.

  30. 偶而,脐周淋巴结可触及。

    Occasionally, lymph nodes can be found in the vicinity of the umbilicus.


  1. 问:偶而拼音怎么拼?偶而的读音是什么?偶而翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偶而的读音是ǒu'ér,偶而翻译成英文是 From time to time; now usually written as "偶尔...

  2. 问:偶而提到拼音怎么拼?偶而提到的读音是什么?偶而提到翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偶而提到的读音是,偶而提到翻译成英文是 glance




【注音】:ǒu ěr


