







汉语拼音:xī bó






  1. 上面涂着一层薄锡的纸。迷信的人多用来迭成或糊成元宝形,焚化给鬼神。

    清 俞樾 《茶香室丛钞·杭州金箔》:“按今 杭 人犹以锡箔为业,其来久矣。” 鲁迅 《朝花夕拾·从百草园到三味书屋》:“他的父亲是开锡箔店的。” 叶圣陶 《线下·孤独》:“当初的酒伴渐渐地稀了,写一副挽联或送一刀锡箔时,总引起一回感叹。”

  2. 锡纸。

    何士光 《将进酒》:“ 吴祖德 趁着上菜的这一阵掏出一包卷烟来,是锡箔包装的。”



  1. a talented British designer, made detailed 3D replica of his own face out of regular tin foil.


  2. At dawn of a two-week lunar day, Edwin Aldrin strides across a small crater near one of Eagle's foil-wrapped landing probes.


  3. While working on improvements to the telegraph and the telephone, Edison figured out a way to record sound on tinfoil-coated cylinders.


  4. The ball should be hanging right next to the edge of the dish.


  5. An ornament hung on every branch of the tree, and the tinsel made the tree glisten in the dark.


  6. It is so much fun to get together with family and decorate the tree with lights, tinsel, strings of popcorn and ornaments .


  7. "Tinfoil helps tremendously, " reports one conference call participant, who describes wrapping it around her body underneath her clothing.


  8. She wrapped the roast chicken up in foil.


  9. But during the Saturday conference call, the subject of aluminum foil is deadly serious.


  1. 锡箔电容器

    tin foil condenser

  2. 锡箔制造机

    tin foil machinery

  3. 锡箔代用品

    tinfoil substitute

  4. 电容器用锡箔

    condenser foil

  5. 标重锡箔圆片

    Standard weight tin foil discs

  6. 锡箔手画挂扇

    hand painted hanging fan with tin foil

  7. 内衬锡箔袋

    Lined with Frescobag.

  8. 把锡箔压出皱纹

    Crinkle the tin foilby squeezing it

  9. 您把锡箔裹在哪里?

    Where do you put the tinfoil

  10. 牛奶瓶盖是锡箔做的。

    Milk bottle tops are made of tin foil.

  11. 巧克力通常用锡箔纸包裹。

    Bars of chocolate are usually covered in silver paper.

  12. 牛奶瓶盖是用锡箔做得。

    Milk bottle tops are made of tin foil.

  13. 牛奶瓶盖是用锡箔做的。

    Milk bottle tops are made of tin foil.

  14. 你可以用锡箔纸裹住它。

    You can wrap it up in tinfoil.

  15. 你可以用家用锡箔体现艺术

    This what you can do with some household tinfoil.

  16. 牛奶瓶盖是用锡箔制成的。

    Milk bottle tops are made of tin foil.

  17. 把肉用锡箔裹起来后再烧。

    Wrap the meat in foil before you cook it.

  18. 浙江一锡箔作坊600人铅中毒。

    Lead poisoning sickens 600 in East China.

  19. 测量锡箔球距离锡箔盘间的距离是多少。

    Measure how far the aluminum ball moves from the edge of the dish.

  20. 测量锡箔球距离锡箔盘间得距离是多少。

    Measure how far the aluminum ball moves from the edge of the dish.

  21. 将蛋糕连盘覆盖锡箔, 置于室温中。

    Cover cake pan with foil and let stand at room temperature.

  22. 您把锡箔裹在哪里?一个男士问。

    Where do you put the tinfoil? a man asks.

  23. 全自动锡箔机的设计与方案研究

    A Study on a Design and Proposal of the Automatic Silver Paper Machine

  24. 好的,这是我用家用锡箔作出的作品

    Okay, well, it's what I can do with some household tinfoil.

  25. 你要我的锡箔纸帽帽吗不要,因为你需要。

    Do you want my tinfoil hat No, you need that.

  26. 封边后用绳子沿盆边把锡箔纸捆紧。

    Tie the foil down around the rim with string.

  27. 烤箱预热至325度,烤盘扑上一层锡箔纸。

    Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line a baking tray with nonstick tin foil.

  28. 做熟以后,剥去锡箔纸,将布丁扣在盘中。

    Once cooked, remove the foil and turn out the pudding.

  29. 密封在锡箔袋中的食物可以放很长时间。

    Food sealed in foil pouches lasts for a long time.

  30. 为防止烤焦, 可以在饼的边缘盖上锡箔。

    To prevent over browning, cover edge of the pie with foil.


  1. 问:锡箔拼音怎么拼?锡箔的读音是什么?锡箔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锡箔的读音是xībó,锡箔翻译成英文是 tinfoil

  2. 问:锡箔鲃拼音怎么拼?锡箔鲃的读音是什么?锡箔鲃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锡箔鲃的读音是xībóbā,锡箔鲃翻译成英文是 Tinfoil Barb; Barbus schwanenfeldi

  3. 问:锡箔电容器拼音怎么拼?锡箔电容器的读音是什么?锡箔电容器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锡箔电容器的读音是xī bó diàn róng qì,锡箔电容器翻译成英文是 tin foil capacitor


