


1. 踏 [tà]踏 [tà]用脚踩:~步。~板。~青(春天到郊外散步。亦称“踏春”)。~雪。~月。践~。糟~。脚~实地。亲自到现场去:~看。~勘。~查。~访。……





汉语拼音:tà miàn






  1. 利用杠杆的原理,脚踏杵杆的一端,使另一端舂麦成面粉。

    明 朱国祯 《涌幢小品·长至警报》:“其实 天敍 等数人,皆庸流下贱,餘四十人则南都菜佣踏麵人也。”



  1. Vehicles are prone to hunt when the crown radius of the rail profile too closely matches that of the tread of the wheels.


  2. In the defective-stable region, the system has worse stability and wheel treads have heavy abrasion.


  3. The principle of the project is that the wheel tread will generate the impact load that induce deformation of rail when the train running.


  4. Therefore, the proposed method is an effective tread region segmentation method.


  5. The wheel tread is made from off the shelf rubber o rings which can be replaced easily when worn down.


  6. Influence on the dynamic performance of the vehicles is analyzed and compared with Chinese LM tread and German DIN5573 tread.


  7. Firstly, the tread candidate edges are detected by edge detection algorithm based on adaptive threshold stationary transform.


  8. Described are the function principles of the spring parking devices in tread braking units produced in our country and in Germany.


  9. the reasonable wheel tread conicity should match the rail cant, namely, equal to and a little bit bigger than the value of the rail cant;


  1. 剥蚀的踏面

    shelled tread.

  2. 轮缘踏面量规

    wheel flange and tread gauge.

  3. 客车车轮踏面故障分析及对策

    Analysis of Troubles in Passenger Car Wheel Treads and Counter Measures

  4. 剥离是车轮踏面失效的主要类型。

    Peeling is the main type of failure of wheel tread.

  5. 列车车轮踏面擦伤信号处理算法研究

    Study on the Signal Processing Algorithm for Tread Surface Scrapes of Rail Wheelsets

  6. 车轮踏面下凹磨耗危害大应旋修

    Harmful Concave Worn Wheel Tread Needing Turning

  7. 你看见对些车轮踏面回到海峡了吗?

    You see the size of those tire treads back at the sound?

  8. 机车闸瓦踏面制动工况监测仪的研制

    The Study About The Sensor of Locomotive Shoe Brake

  9. 铁道车辆踏面平轮故障危及列车行车安全。

    A fault in the wheel flat of a railroad car would threaten the safety car.

  10. 钢轨踏面斜裂纹伤损原因及对策的研究

    Causes of Rail Tread Oblique Crack and Countermeasures

  11. 高速动力车磨耗型车轮踏面的参数研究

    A Study of Parameters of Wheel Tread Profile for High Speed Power Vehicle

  12. 差影算法在轮对踏面磨耗检测中的应用

    The Application of Subtraction Algorithm in the Measurement of Wheel Tread Wear

  13. 盘形制动轮对踏面剥离原因分析及预防措施

    Analysis of Causes to Tread Peeling of Wheelset with Disc Brake and Preventative Measures

  14. 粉末冶金闸瓦踏面制动仿真计算方法的对比分析

    Contrast Analysis of the Simulation Methods on Tread Braking Process Using Brake Shoes with Powder Metallurgy

  15. 车轮踏面擦伤是危及列车运行安全的主要原因之一。

    Wheel flats on any tread of trains are one of the main causes that threaten safety of trams.

  16. 切比雪夫多项式在磨耗形踏面设计中的应用

    Application of Chebyshev Polynomials on the Design of Worn Tread Profile

  17. 车轮踏面擦伤的预示诊断对列车安全运行具有重要意义。

    The prognostics of surface scrape on wheels is important for train safety.

  18. 车轮踏面擦伤得预示诊断对列车安全运行具有重要意义。

    The prognostics of surface scrape on wheels is important for train safety.

  19. 缺损和小裂口则是因重轨踏面局部熔融所造成得。

    It is also found that the spall and fine cleft are due to local melting of heavy rail tread.

  20. 缺损和小裂口则是因重轨踏面局部熔融所造成的。

    It is also found that the spall and fine cleft are due to local melting of heavy rail tread.

  21. 本文首先研究了轨道车辆车轮踏面缺陷的种类及扩展规律。

    Firstly, the paper researches the crack styles of wheels and its extending law.

  22. 提出一种基于结构光视觉传感的轮对踏面擦伤检测新方法。

    A novel method for automatically detecting the scrape exfoliation of train wheelset tread surfaces was proposed.

  23. 车轮踏面磨耗及轮径差对高速动车组动力学性能影响研究

    Study on the Influence of Wheel Tread Worn and Roll Radii Difference on EMU System Dynamics


  1. 问:踏面拼音怎么拼?踏面的读音是什么?踏面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:踏面的读音是tà miàn,踏面翻译成英文是 landing pitch