







汉语拼音:hǎi cháo







  1. 海洋潮汐。指海水定时涨落的现象。

    北周 庾信 《哀江南赋》:“海潮迎舰,江萍送王。” 宋 叶适 《上陈提举》:“金铁所藏,山脉有夷伤之患;鱼盐通馈,仰海潮枯竭之餘。” 明 沉德符 《野获编·户部·西北水田》:“且地在三岔河,海潮上溢,可以灌溉。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈异六·超然瑯琊二台》:“又臺下入海十餘里,復有一碑,每海潮退时,乃可见。”



  1. Let the sea tide accompany me to bless you, please do not forget that I am forever invariable the yellow the face.


  2. The tide was running so that long streaks of foam tailed away from the reef and for a moment they felt the boat was moving steadily astern.


  3. But when he looked out across the crowd, the sea of faces, the thing happened again. The thing that had happened with the apple.


  4. It is possible to produce electricity by using the forces of tides to turn the blades of a turbine.


  5. and thus, with the help of the tide, I went at the rate of a league and a half an hour, as near as I could guess.


  6. Later, as I stood above the tide near the entrance to the pool, the promise of that rosy light was sustained.


  7. On a vast scale, that's what would happen if the WAIS collapsed, and the direction of the sloshing would hit the U. S. especially hard.


  8. But the queen often thrilled to the memory of it. She had to watch the sea tide to calm down.


  9. Of view, a huge cloud that, like the sea rage, devoured every valley, the impact of the ridge lines.


  1. 海潮的涨落

    the ebb and flow of the tide

  2. 海潮得涨落。

    the ebb and flow of the sea

  3. 海潮负荷效应

    Ocean tide loading effects

  4. 海潮负荷改正

    ocean tide loading correction

  5. 海潮的来回流动

    the swing of tides

  6. 海潮冲着峭壁。

    The waves dashed against the cliff.

  7. 海潮冲击着海岸。

    The waves dashed against the shore.

  8. 海潮拍打着港口的墙壁。

    The tide was lapping the harbour wall.

  9. 海潮拍击着港口的堤防。

    Waves dashed against the harbour wail.

  10. 水位受海潮影响的河流。

    A stream in which the effects of the tide extend far upstream.

  11. 汹涌的海潮冲蚀着海岸。

    High tides are eroding the coast.

  12. 海潮对重力固体潮的影响

    Effects of ocean loading on gravity tide.

  13. 海潮的涨落确实是个奇观。

    The ebb and flow of the sea is certainly a sight to behold.

  14. 海潮得涨落确实是个奇观。

    The ebb and flow of the sea is certainly a sight to behold.

  15. 无所畏惧地刺穿海潮的静寂

    Have no fear to pierce the stillness of the tide

  16. 迎着海潮游泳没有一点用处。

    There was no point in swimming against the tide.

  17. 迎着海潮游泳没有一点用处。

    There was no point in swimming against the tide.

  18. 海潮对天顶延迟测定的影响

    Effect of Ocean Tide on the Determination of Zenith Delay

  19. 海潮退得很远,看不见了。

    The sea goes out so far that it can no longer be seen.

  20. 海潮退得再远也会重来。

    The tide never gose out so far but it always comes in again.

  21. 如水力、风力及海浪海潮发电等。

    For instance, use water, wind, ocean wave and tide to generate electricity.

  22. 韩佳海塘就是抵御海潮的大堤。

    A hai tang is a seawall used to fend off tides.

  23. 他能看见海潮涌进渠道的底部。

    He could see the tide pouring into the end of the channel.

  24. 海潮, 风, 浪把小船向北推去。

    Tide, wind, and waves were swinging the dinghy northward.

  25. 抱住冲浪板, 海潮会带你上岸得。

    Hold the board tight and the tide will send you ashore.

  26. 抱住冲浪板, 海潮会带你上岸的。

    Hold the board tight and the tide will send you ashore.

  27. 他们划船与高海浪和强海潮比赛。

    They rowed against the high seas and strong tide.

  28. 他们划船与高海浪和强海潮比赛。

    They rowed against the high seas and strong tide.

  29. 预报会出现大风、暴风雨和高海潮。

    Strong winds, rainstorms and high tides are forecast.

  30. 佘山台倾斜固体潮观测的海潮负荷改正

    Ocean Tidal Loading Correction to Tilt Observations at Sheshan Station


  1. 问:海潮拼音怎么拼?海潮的读音是什么?海潮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海潮的读音是hǎicháo,海潮翻译成英文是 tide as it relates to the ocean

  2. 问:海潮型拼音怎么拼?海潮型的读音是什么?海潮型翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海潮型的读音是hǎi cháo xíng,海潮型翻译成英文是 marine-tidal form

  3. 问:海潮林拼音怎么拼?海潮林的读音是什么?海潮林翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海潮林的读音是hǎi cháo lín,海潮林翻译成英文是 tidal forest

  4. 问:海潮摄动拼音怎么拼?海潮摄动的读音是什么?海潮摄动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海潮摄动的读音是hǎi cháo shè dòng,海潮摄动翻译成英文是 Oceanic Tide Perturbation

  5. 问:海潮出版社拼音怎么拼?海潮出版社的读音是什么?海潮出版社翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海潮出版社的读音是Hǎicháo Chūbǎnshè,海潮出版社翻译成英文是 Haichao Publishing House

  6. 问:海潮附加位拼音怎么拼?海潮附加位的读音是什么?海潮附加位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海潮附加位的读音是hǎi cháo fù jiā wèi,海潮附加位翻译成英文是 Additional Potential of Oceanic Tides

  7. 问:海潮高度修正拼音怎么拼?海潮高度修正的读音是什么?海潮高度修正翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海潮高度修正的读音是hǎi cháo gāo dù xiū zhèng,海潮高度修正翻译成英文是 Correction of Oceanic Surface Terrain

  8. 问:海潮摄影艺术出版社拼音怎么拼?海潮摄影艺术出版社的读音是什么?海潮摄影艺术出版社翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海潮摄影艺术出版社的读音是Hǎicháo Shèyǐng Yìshù Chūbǎnshè,海潮摄影艺术出版社翻译成英文是 Haichao Photography and Art Publishing House...


