







汉语拼音:gǔ dào








  1. 古代之道。泛指古代的制度、学术、思想、风尚等。

    汉 桓宽 《盐铁论·殊路》:“夫重怀古道,枕籍《诗》《书》,危不能安,乱不能治。” 唐 韩愈 《师说》:“余嘉其能行古道,作《师説》以貽之。” 宋 文天祥 《正气歌》:“风簷展书读,古道照颜色。” 清 钱泳 《履园丛话·杂记上·裹足》:“国朝八旗妇女皆不裹足,古道犹存,其风足尚。”

  2. 古老的道路。

    唐 杜甫 《田舍》诗:“田舍清江曲,柴门古道旁。” 元 马致远 《天净沙·秋思》曲:“枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。” 明 高濂 《玉簪记·追别》:“夕阳古道催行晚,听江声泪染心寒。” 清 方文 《留别吴锦雯》诗:“古道江云厚,愁心浦月迟。”



  1. There was little to see around the ancient road except yellow sand, withered grasses and the occasional crow flying homewards.


  2. Within a few months of her arrival, Goodall met the famed anthropologist and paleontologist Louis Leakey.


  3. " With the opening of the trade and business that will be referred to as the " Tea-Horse Road.


  4. Therefore, protection and restoration project of ancient path landscape resource is imperative, imminent and of great significance.


  5. To make everyone enjoy the taste of coffee from China, let the friendship between the recycling of a new "Tea-Horse Road. "


  6. Xiong Guan Road, are now mostly Moping years of prostitution, only one third as customs clearance Lian, since old still exist.


  7. The large figures and resolute expressions of the camels represent the hardships of traveling on the long and ancient Silk Road.


  8. In fact, you are traveling 300 days a year for your conservation charity, the Jane Goodall Institute.


  9. If I also took this road to go to my home in Europe, before long is would be called Daniel Ancient Road.


  1. 古道西风瘦马,

    On ancient road in the west wind a lean horse goes.

  2. 茶马古道云南烧烤

    Cha Ma Gu Dao Yunnan Barbecue

  3. 夏塔古道雪岭冰川

    The ancient Xiata road and snow glacier

  4. 桶后越岭古道登山口。

    The trailhead of TongHou Hiking Trail.

  5. 这里是著名的茶马古道。

    It's the ancient path of Chama.

  6. 古道从城台券洞下通过。

    Road from the City Desk tickets through the hole.

  7. 它连接的是著名的徽饶古道。

    It connects the famous Huirao trade route.

  8. 我们应该尊重古道, 更要与时俱进。

    We should respect the old ways while proceeding with the times.

  9. 我们应该尊重古道,更要与时俱进。

    We should respect the old ways while proceeding with the times.

  10. 我们要去的步道叫做草岭古道。

    We've going to a trail called Caolin Gudao.

  11. 东坝自古就是茶马古道的驿站。

    There was a courier station in Dongba in ancient times.

  12. 我要在这条古道上多走一走。

    I'd like to walk along it a little longer.

  13. 茶马古道的历史研究与现实意义

    Historical research of Ancient Tea Horse Road and Its current value

  14. 篱笆外的古道我牵著你走过

    Outside the fence, i walked with your hand in mine, along the ancient lane

  15. 这条古道向东西伸延好几英里。

    This ancient track ran east and west for many miles.

  16. 远处,驼铃声中,古道上走过西域商队,

    amid the sound of camel rings, a team of Persian merchants pass along the Silk Road.

  17. 独立,密苏里,是俄勒冈古道的起点。

    Independence, Missouri, the starting point of the Old Oregon Trail.

  18. 然而,这些古道承载的并不全是美好的历史。

    Not all of their histories are happy.

  19. 从瞎子摸象故事的流传看丝绸古道上的文化交流

    The cultural exchanges on the ancient Silk Road seen from popularity of the story blind men and elephant.

  20. 最后对比研究了仙霞古道沿途村镇的住宅特点。

    Finally, it contrasted characters of residences in different villages and towns along Xianxia ancient road.

  21. 导游介绍说,这是一条具有两百年历史的古道。

    According to the tour guide, this is an old road with a history of 200 years.

  22. 古道无他物,除却黄沙枯草和偶尔几声乌鸦归巢。

    There was little ancient road except yellow sand, withered grasses and the occasional crow flying homewards.

  23. 古道有一定的陡度,三驴友各自寻觅心中的美丽。

    The ancient road is high in gradient. Three hiking mates are seeking their own beauties in heart.

  24. 这个村落过去曾经是一个通往印度的茶马古道的中转站。

    The village used to be a stop for old tea caravans traveling to India.

  25. 这个村落过去曾经是一个通往印度得茶马古道得中转站。

    The village used to be a stop for old tea caravans traveling to India.

  26. 黄沙古道,掩埋了多少流放者饥渴的白骨和孤寂的灵魂。

    Yellow sand trail, and buried the number of those who hunger and thirst of Avicennia exile and lonely soul.

  27. 第三节是讲他们兴起得学理基础, 不复古文安复古道。

    The third section is academic foundation of their rise. Can not be restored ancient poetry will not be able to restore the ancient truth.

  28. 第三节是讲他们兴起的学理基础,不复古文安复古道。

    The third section is academic foundation of their rise. Can not be restored ancient poetry will not be able to restore the ancient truth.


  1. 问:古道热肠拼音怎么拼?古道热肠的读音是什么?古道热肠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:古道热肠的读音是gǔdàorècháng,古道热肠翻译成英文是 considerate and warmhearted; warm-hearted an...

  2. 问:古道拼音怎么拼?古道的读音是什么?古道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:古道的读音是gǔdào,古道翻译成英文是 An old road.; Politics, thoughts and trends in a...