






建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……



汉语拼音:tiān ān mén






  1. 原为 明 清 两代皇城的正门。在 北京 市区中心。始建于 明 永乐 十五年,称“承天门”。

    清 顺治 八年重修,改称“天安门”。在高大的朱红城墙上开有五个拱形门,城上有九开间的歇山式重檐城楼,红柱黄瓦。前后各立华表一对。门前有金水河,跨河有汉白玉石桥五座。桥前为天安门广场。天安门城楼壮丽雄伟,为全国重点文物保护单位。它的庄严肃穆的图形是我国国徽的主要组成部分。1949年10月1日 毛泽东 主席在此宣告 中华人民共和国 成立。



  1. Benjamin: Oh, you know more than I expected. Moreover, he stood on the Tiananmen rostrum, announcing its foundation.


  2. A Tiananmen police station officer said he was unaware of the incident, as did both the organizer and media contact person for the marathon.


  3. Large parts of that supervision, one of the underlying complaints of the Tiananmen generation, have disappeared.


  4. Don't worry. It's easy to find. It's a few hundred metres south of Tian'anmen, on your left.


  5. Accounting to my plan, we'll visit Tian'anmen Square. Then I'll show you to the Palace Museum right to the north of the square.


  6. Although without a ceremonial parade in 1974, there were still some activities held at the Summer Palace and places like this.


  7. Tian'anmen Square is quite far from where we live. We had to take a bus, and then travel underground with three changes to get there.


  8. The Tian'anmen tower is used for official ceremonies. It used to be a forbidden area.


  9. The appearance of Tiananmen Copied Poems is an important phenomenon in contemporary literature history.


  1. 天安门诗歌

    Tiananmen Poetry.

  2. 天安门叙事

    Tiananmen narrative.

  3. 天安门城楼

    rostrum of Tian An Men.

  4. 雄伟的天安门

    the magnificent Tian An Men

  5. 在天安门城楼上

    on the rostrum of Tian An Men

  6. 这是天安门广场。

    This is Tiananmen Square.

  7. 巍峨的天安门城楼

    the towering Tiananmen rostrum

  8. 天安门广场在北京。

    Tiananmen Square is in Beijing.

  9. 天安门城楼管理处

    Management Office of Tiananmen Rostrum

  10. 天安门城楼庄严雄伟。

    Tian An Men is magnificent.

  11. 天安门广场上红旗飘扬。

    The red flags are flying over Tian An Men Square.

  12. 下一站是天安门广场。

    The next stop is Tiananmen Square.

  13. 要用天安门作背景吗

    Do you want to have Tiananmen in the back grou nd

  14. 天安门迤西是中山公园。

    To the west of Tian An Men is Zhongshan Park.

  15. 天安门一直是北京的象征。

    Tiananmen has long been a mark of Beijing.

  16. 天安门广场有巨大的面积。

    he admired the ampleness of its proportions.

  17. 这是李明在天安门广场。

    This is Li Ming at Tian'anmen Square.

  18. 这张明信片上是天安门广场!

    This postcard has Tian'anmen Square!

  19. 可以送我们去天安门广场吗?

    Could you take us to Tian'anmen Square?

  20. 这车是不是直达天安门广场?

    Does this bus go straight to Tian An Men Square?

  21. 千万双眼睛仰望着天安门城楼。

    Thousands of eyes are fixed on the Tian An Men rostrum.

  22. 天安门是北京的城标性建筑。

    Tiananmen Square is the symbol of Beijing.

  23. 天安门是北京的城标性建筑。

    Tiananmen Square is the symbol of Beijing.

  24. 国庆节那天, 天安门广场上人山人海。

    On National Day, Tiananmen Square was a sea of people.

  25. 国庆节那天,天安门广场上人山人海。

    On National Day, Tiananmen Square was a sea of people.

  26. 你能告诉我怎样到达天安门广场么?

    Can you tell me how to get to Tian'anmen Square?

  27. 我们住在离天安门很近的地方。

    We live within easy reach of Tian'anmen.

  28. 我们住在离天安门很近得地方。

    We live within easy reach of Tian'anmen.

  29. 许多人去天安门广场观看升国旗。

    Many people go to Tian an men square to watch the national flag go up.

  30. 在天安门广场上空飘荡的彩色气球

    balloons of various colours flying over Tian An Men Square


  1. 问:天安门拼音怎么拼?天安门的读音是什么?天安门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天安门的读音是tiānānmén,天安门翻译成英文是 Tian'anmen , the main entrance to the Imperial Cit...

  2. 问:天安门东拼音怎么拼?天安门东的读音是什么?天安门东翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天安门东的读音是Tiān'ānméndōng,天安门东翻译成英文是 Tian'anmen East; 天安门东地铁站 Tian'anmen Ea...

  3. 问:天安门西拼音怎么拼?天安门西的读音是什么?天安门西翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天安门西的读音是Tiān'ānménxī,天安门西翻译成英文是 Tian'anmen West; 天安门西地铁站 Tian'anmen We...

  4. 问:天安门东站拼音怎么拼?天安门东站的读音是什么?天安门东站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天安门东站的读音是,天安门东站翻译成英文是 Tian'anmen East Station

  5. 问:天安门广场拼音怎么拼?天安门广场的读音是什么?天安门广场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天安门广场的读音是Tiān'ānménGuǎngchǎng,天安门广场翻译成英文是 Tiananmen Square

  6. 问:天安门西站拼音怎么拼?天安门西站的读音是什么?天安门西站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天安门西站的读音是,天安门西站翻译成英文是 Tiananmen West Station

  7. 问:天安门 (纪录片)拼音怎么拼?天安门 (纪录片)的读音是什么?天安门 (纪录片)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天安门 (纪录片)的读音是,天安门 (纪录片)翻译成英文是 The Gate of Heavenly Peace


