




1. 番 [fān]2. 番 [pān]番 [fān]遍数,次,回:三~五次。轮流更代:轮~。更(gēng )~。称外国的或外族的:~邦。~茄。~薯。倍:产量翻了二~。番 [pān]〔~禺〕地名,在中国广东省。……



汉语拼音:cǐ fān






  1. 这次。

    清 李渔 《奈何天·崖略》:“此番破尽传奇格,丑旦联姻真叵测。”《儒林外史》第十七回:“知县此番便和他分庭抗礼,留着吃了酒饭,叫他拜做老师。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第五六回:“他此番回到家乡,先不到家,在外面捱到天黑,方才掩了回去。”



  1. In past polls this might have been a sign of rigging but this time apparently not.


  2. Analysts said the regulatory push would definitely be a blow to AliPay but the company should still have room to grow.


  3. The pair, who starred in Brokeback Mountain together, play a pair of mismatched lovers who end up in bed for a large part of the movie.


  4. Among the questions facing investors: After such a shock, would investors run away from Treasurys, which have long served as a safe haven?


  5. Wheelchair-bound in recent years with heart and spinal problems, Taylor is appealing to her multitude of fans to pray for her wellbeing.


  6. John Buchan, that arch-chronicler of yarns about enigmatic African pioneers, would have been proud of a hero who made such a speech.


  7. Mrs. Clinton did not name China, but the target of her unequivocal remarks was clear.


  8. He was here as he frequently was for meetings, and he was heading to one of those meetings just when he was killed.


  9. The result was a set of 34m research papers, which he was able to mine in search of his answers.


  1. 感谢师父赐予此番经历

    Thanks To Master For Such An Experience

  2. 此番轮到基洛洛发呆了。

    Now Kelolo was astonished.

  3. 我说的是在此番冒险行动中。

    On this venture, I say.

  4. 此番高票通过得结果让人惊讶。

    The clarity of the outcome is a surprise.

  5. 此番高票通过的结果让人惊讶。

    The clarity of the outcome is a surprise.

  6. 毋庸置疑的是, 此番衰退才刚刚开头。

    To be sure, this downturn has only just started.

  7. 毋庸置疑得是,此番衰退才刚刚开头。

    To be sure, this downturn has only just started.

  8. 但此番整肃的力度似乎颇为温和。

    But this clampdown seems to have been mild.

  9. 此番争端的对立面是中印和美国。

    The dispute has pitted India and China against the United States.

  10. 此番争端得对立面是中印和美国。

    The dispute has pitted India and China against the United States.

  11. 此番前去,如有困难尽管去找张先生。

    For this visit, if there are any difficulties, don't hesitate to go to Mr. Zhang for help.

  12. 但大部分民众则将此番言论看作痴人说梦。

    Most people take it as a sign of derangement.

  13. 此番窘境,当然 都可以归结是夏天的原因。

    Behind all these quandaries, of course, lies the summer's basic political mystery.

  14. 回顾创业板这10年,此番热闹场面多次出现。

    Review do pioneering work board these 10 years, this lively occasion appears for many times.

  15. 而此番争先恐后的撤离正演变为一场竞赛。

    The rush for the exit is becoming a race.

  16. 此番谈话对这位次官产生了深远的影响。

    The conversation had a profound effect on the minister.

  17. 其实,此番演出与其说是艺术,还不如说是轰动新闻:

    The show has, in fact, become more event than art:

  18. 此番接拍叶问2甄子丹的片酬是否水涨船高?

    This retired Ye Q2 Donnie Yen is a corresponding rise in the fee

  19. 此番接拍叶问2甄子丹得片酬是否水涨船高?

    This retired Ye Q2 Donnie Yen is a corresponding rise in the fee

  20. 此番经验使他具备了有用得技能以及专业知识。

    Such experience has equipped him with useful skills and expertise.

  21. 此番经验使他具备了有用的技能以及专业知识。

    Such experience has equipped him with useful skills and expertise.

  22. 此番经验使他具备了有用的技能以及专业知识。

    Such experience has equipped him with useful skills and expertise.

  23. 此番意义上得年轻常存于60岁得老人, 而非20岁得少年。

    This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20.

  24. 此番意义上的年轻常存于60岁的老人,而非20岁的少年。

    This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20.

  25. 也不意味着你的人生中一定会有此番暗淡光景。

    Nor does it mean that this darkening outlook on life is necessarily going to afflict you.

  26. 当我着手进行此番探索时并不知道此举将徒劳无功。

    Little did I know when I embarked on this quest how futile it would be.

  27. 最近朱总理的此番言论被媒体第一次发表了出来。

    Zhu's comments, recently published for the first time, are translated to English here.

  28. 李磊认为,海航集团的此番交易或许也有难言之隐。

    Li Lei thinks, of sea boat group this trade to also have a painful topic probably.

  29. 加尼姆发表此番言论之际,英国石油正与中东投资者接洽。

    Shokri as BP made contact with Middle Eastern investors.

  30. 感谢您的信息,对此番好意,将来如有机会,一定答谢。

    We thank you for the information give,and shall be glad to reciprocate your courtesy,shall occasion offer.


  1. 问:此番拼音怎么拼?此番的读音是什么?此番翻译成英文是什么?

    答:此番的读音是cǐfān,此番翻译成英文是 This time.