


1. 衣 [yī]衣 [yī]人穿在身上用以蔽体的东西:~服。~着(zhuó)。~冠。~架。~锦还(huān)乡。披或包在物体外面的东西:炮~。糖~。肠~。中医把胎盘和胎膜统称为“胞衣”。姓。……


1. 冠 [guān]2. 冠 [guàn]冠 [guān]帽子:衣~。~戴。~盖(古代官吏的帽子和车盖,借指官吏)。衣~楚楚。形状像帽子或在顶上的东西:~子。鸡~。树~。~状动脉。冠 [guàn]把帽子戴在头上:沐猴而~。超出众人,居第一……


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:yī guān bù zhěng







  1. Suddenly the door bursts open and the Time Traveler appears, dirty, disheveled, and bedraggled, with a nasty cut on his chin.


  2. But to many, Peter Falk will always be a dishevelled detective with a raincoat and a cigar.


  3. I had one of my greatest players that you probably heard of , Bill Walton. He came to catch the bus, we were leaving for somewhere to play .


  4. Dirty, disheveled, in full distressed costume and character, he looks lost and alone, much like the bums in every city that go unnoticed .


  5. Therefore, woman, in puts on is dressing up on cannot look down on, ten thousand cannot do oneself meets a dirty face, sloppily dressed!


  6. To one side stood a different category of rebel entirely: scruffy guys and gals staring down at their cell phones. They were tweeting.


  7. The day after his dismissal, the dissatisfied employee returned to the factory wearing disheveled clothes.


  8. I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance.


  9. Please behave in a civilized manner; no admission for the disheveled and the drunk; be quiet in the hall.


  1. 她衣冠不整。

    Her clothing was disheveled.

  2. 衣冠不整的旅客

    a disheveled traveler

  3. 他并非存心要衣冠不整。

    He did not mean to go unkempt.

  4. 我指,你总说我衣冠不整。

    I mean, you always say I look like crap.

  5. 我从未看过到他衣冠不整。

    I never saw him dress out of place.

  6. 我从未看过到他衣冠不整。

    I never saw him dress out of place.

  7. 简因汤姆衣冠不整而责骂他。

    Jane landed on Tom for dressing carelessly.

  8. 衣冠不整的部分但不完全穿衣的

    Partially but not fully dressed.

  9. 我正好衣冠不整,给人撞见了。

    You caught me in my shirtsleeves.

  10. 衣冠不整是发生强奸的主要原因。

    Poor dressing is the main reason behind rapes.'

  11. 请原谅我衣冠不整。我刚洗完澡。

    Excuse my appearance. I just took a shower.

  12. 他衣冠不整往往给人一种假象。

    His untidy clothes give one a misguided impression of him.

  13. 我们被拒堵门外,原因是我们衣冠不整。

    We were refused entrance because we weren't properly dressed.

  14. 他到了,有点衣冠不整,胡子也没有刮。

    He arrived, somewhat rumpled and unshaven.

  15. 那个男孩老是衣冠不整,袜子总是没有拉直。

    The boy is so untidyhe always has his socks hanging at half mast.

  16. 他回家时,衣冠不整,脸色苍白,看起来很疲惫。

    He looked tired, disheveled and very pale when he came back home.

  17. 反之,穿着马虎,衣冠不整,就会使人产生反感。

    Conversely, wearing careless, in untidy clothes, can make the person be counterproductive.

  18. 自从他太太离家后,他一天比一天衣冠不整,不修边幅。

    Since his wife left him he has become more and more untidy every day and let his appearance go hang.

  19. 谢绝吸毒,酗酒,衣冠不整,有违法乱纪行为的顾客入住。

    No drug abuse, alcoholic addictiveness, untidiness, or illegitimate act is permitted for a lodger, please.

  20. 有时这个漂亮的姑娘会是个衣冠不整的调皮捣蛋的小家伙。

    Sometimes this beautiful girl can is a disheveled little sprite.

  21. 她想使自己显得美艳入画,结果却叫人感到她衣冠不整。

    She tried to look picturesque, but only succeeded in being untidy.

  22. 我靠做义工来抵船费,这就是我衣冠不整得原因了。

    I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance.

  23. 我靠做义工来抵船费,这就是我衣冠不整的原因了。

    I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance.

  24. 一位衣冠不整的小伙子出来招呼他进去, 领他进了一间客厅。

    An untidy lad let him in and took him into a drawingroom.

  25. 而一个人没人注意,他也就变得灰头土脸,衣冠不整了。

    Otherwise, when ignored, he would become uncared about appearance or even look shabby.

  26. 衣冠不整者不得入内

    No admittance for anyone who is not properly dressed

  27. 衣冠不整者不得进入该餐馆。

    The restaurant excludes anyone who is not properly dressed from entering.

  28. 他们素面朝天, 衣冠不整地来了。

    They came with their uncombed hair and unmade faces.

  29. 他仪容不整。

    He had an unkempt appearance.

  30. 衣冠不能造人品。

    Clothes do not make the man.



衣冠不整( yī guān bù zhěng ),形容词,指人穿戴不够整齐。