


1. 暴 [bào]2. 暴 [pù]暴 [bào]强大而突然来的,又猛又急的:~雷。~病。~动。~力。~涨。~发。风~。~风骤雨(亦喻声势浩大、发展迅猛的群众运动)。过分急躁的,容易冲击的:脾气~躁。~跳如雷。凶恶残酷的:凶~。~虐。~君……


1. 饮 [yǐn]饮 [yǐn]喝,又特指喝酒:~水思源。~酒。~泣(泪流满面,流到口里,形容悲哀到了极点)。~鸩止渴。指可喝的东西:冷~。~料。~食。中医汤剂的一种类型:香苏~。~子(不规定时间服用的汤剂)。中医学指体内水液传输不利停于……


1. 暴 [bào]2. 暴 [pù]暴 [bào]强大而突然来的,又猛又急的:~雷。~病。~动。~力。~涨。~发。风~。~风骤雨(亦喻声势浩大、发展迅猛的群众运动)。过分急躁的,容易冲击的:脾气~躁。~跳如雷。凶恶残酷的:凶~。~虐。~君……


1. 食 [shí]2. 食 [sì]3. 食 [yì]食 [shí]吃:~肉。~欲。吃的东西:~品。粮~。零~。丰衣足~。俸禄:“君子谋道不谋~”。日月亏缺或完全不见的现象:日~。月~。食 [sì]拿东西给人吃:~母(乳母)。食 [yì]……



汉语拼音:bào yǐn bào shí








  1. Breakfast, and must not fall, or to meals at noon would be crapulent, and rich.


  2. When was the last time you gave yourself permission to be pampered?


  3. For women with brothers, bingeing was more likely if the father felt his son was more intelligent than his daughter.


  4. Every hour spent outside with your family is an hour when you're not overeating, overspending, or obsessing over blog analytics.


  5. One man binges as a way of accepting the love of his big Italian-American family.


  6. But do not often eat too much or too little arbitrarily. Your stomach will kick against your non-humane torture some day.


  7. 'If new medicines can be designed that limit neuron injury during overeating, they may be effective in combating the obesity epidemic. '


  8. Overeating is the addiction choice of carers, and that's why it's come to be regarded as the lowest-ranking of all the addictions.


  9. And that's why it's so often a woman's addiction of choice. All the quietly eating mums.


  1. 暴饮暴食而死

    die of a surfeit

  2. 暴饮暴食很伤身体。

    Binge-eating is very bad for one's health.

  3. 暴饮暴食引起的疾病

    Sickness caused by excessive eating or drinking.

  4. 暴饮暴食可以引起这些症状。

    Overeating or drinking too much can cause these symptoms.

  5. 控制食欲。暴饮暴食阻塞身心。

    Control appetite. Overindulgence clogs body and mind.

  6. 暴饮暴食被称为肉体的恶习。

    Gluttony and drunkenness have been called carnal vices.

  7. 医生劝他不要再暴饮暴食了。

    The doctor advised him to lay off eating and drinking excessively.

  8. 如果愿意,他们可以暴饮暴食,增加体重。

    They can overeat and gainweight if they want to.

  9. 过节不一定要暴饮暴食和过度放纵。

    The holidays don't have to be about gluttony and overindulgence.

  10. 经常暴饮暴食对消化道有不良影响。

    Often eating and drinking too much is bad for the digestive system.

  11. 经常暴饮暴食对消化道有不良影响。

    Often eating and drinking too much is bad for the digestive system.

  12. 经常暴饮暴食使他得体重增至200斤。

    His weight increased to 200 jin, because he eats and drinks too much at each meal.

  13. 经常暴饮暴食使他的体重增至200斤。

    His weight increased to 200 jin, because he eats and drinks too much at each meal.

  14. 经常暴饮暴食使他的体重增至200斤。

    His weight increased to 200 jin, because he eats and drinks too much at each meal.

  15. 暴饮暴食对健康不利,也容易发胖啊。

    Binge-eating is bad for one's health. Besides, it will make you fat.

  16. 不要暴饮暴食了,你近来体重增加了不少。

    Don't OD yourself; you're gaining a lot of weight recently.

  17. 当初人们为什么会暴饮暴食,染上烟瘾酒瘾?

    Why do people overeat, or smoke or drink in the first place?

  18. 暴饮暴食在吃喝上过分或无节制放纵

    To engage in excessive or uncontrolled indulgence in food or drink.

  19. 由于暴饮暴食,他现在已经胖得没有人样儿了。

    Because of overindulgence in food and drink, he is really fat now.

  20. 由于暴饮暴食,他现在已经胖得没有人样儿了。

    Because of overindulgence in food and drink, he is really fat now.

  21. 这本书让他们摆脱了暴饮暴食上瘾的习惯。

    This book gives tools to break the bondage of destructive eating habits.

  22. 这本书让他们摆脱了暴饮暴食上瘾的习惯。

    This book gives tools to break the bondage of destructive eating habits.

  23. 规律饮食可避免出现由于隔餐饮食出现的暴饮暴食。

    Regular meals aoid the irritability and oereating that can come from skipping meals.

  24. 规律饮食可避免出现由于隔餐饮食出现得暴饮暴食。

    Regular meals aoid the irritability and oereating that can come from skipping meals.

  25. 而且还可以防止自己不在中饭和晚饭暴饮暴食。

    It might also prevent food binges at lunch or dinner.

  26. 在节日里暴饮暴食才可能是犯困的真正原因。

    Eating lots of food and drink at holidays are probably the real cause of sleepiness.

  27. 减少次数和分量,才不会产生暴饮暴食的现象。

    Reduce frequency and weight, ability won't produce the phenomenon that eat and drink too much.

  28. 那么这是不是意味着基因变异会导致暴饮暴食呢?

    Does this finding mean that the gene variants promote binge eating

  29. 如过度消费,暴饮暴食,抽烟或者其它任何的坏习惯。

    Such as overspend, overeat, smoke cigarettes, or any other bad habit.

  30. 由于长期暴饮暴食,他现在已经痴肥得不象样了。

    After long time of over eating, he is now obese.


  1. 问:暴饮暴食拼音怎么拼?暴饮暴食的读音是什么?暴饮暴食翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暴饮暴食的读音是,暴饮暴食翻译成英文是 engorgement



暴饮暴食是种不良的生活习惯。根据发生的频率和心理作用会发展成暴食症。 岁末年初,宴请、聚餐的机会增多,因此暴饮暴食成为一种常见的“节日综合征”。暴饮暴食是一种不良的饮食习惯,它会给人的健康带来很多危害。