




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:jiē zi






  1. 由葡萄球菌或链状菌侵入毛囊内引起的皮肤病。症状是局部出现充血硬块,化脓,红肿,疼痛。

    明 李时珍 《本草纲目·草七·葛》﹝主治﹞引 孙思邈 《千金方》:“癤子初起,葛蔓烧灰,水调傅之,即消。”



  1. Some of the boils were as large as pigeon eggs, and every boil had a hard piece in it the size of a shotgun pellet.


  2. However, increase in oil does not always lead to pimples and zits; you can also get boils or just have oilier skin.


  3. Thus the anger keeps festering, like a boil that cannot be lanced.


  4. on his back, and dozens of small boils all around it. They had tried all sorts of medicines and treatments, but nothing worked.


  5. The flies could have transmitted fatal diseases to cattle (the fifth plague) and boils and blisters to humans (the sixth plague).


  6. Another painful affliction was boils, big and frequent.


  7. The plants are used agriculturally as fodder for pigs and medicinally as treatment for boils and bone dislocations and fractures.


  8. "Then you're going to die of boils. " The scholar said that and left.


  9. " Look at this , my knees are all red and swollen . I must have boils , " Old Xu said, pulling up his pants.


  1. 疖子已经出头了。

    The boil came to a head.

  2. 因为感染才生疖子。

    Boils are caused by infection.

  3. 这种疖子往往会复发。

    Such boils tend to recrudesce.

  4. 那你会得疖子而死。

    Then you're going to die of boils.

  5. 我胸上的疖子化脓了。

    The boil on my chest has matured.

  6. 医生用柳叶刀切开疖子。

    The doctor lanced the boil.

  7. 以及疖子, 癣, 火斑所立的条例,

    And for a rising, and for a scab, and for a bright spot

  8. 你脸上的小疖子已经出脓头了。

    The boil on your face has headed.

  9. 我胳臂上长的疖子已成熟可以去脓了。

    The boil on my arm has ripened.

  10. 我用剪子刺破了疖子, 很多脓流了出来。

    I lanced the boil using a pair of scissors and lots of pus and nasty stuff came out.

  11. 我用剪子刺破了疖子,很多脓流了出来。

    I lanced the boil using a pair of scissors and lots of pus and nasty stuff came out.

  12. 但是疖子全没了, 所有的毒都离开了他的身体。

    But the boil was gone, and all the poison was out of his system.

  13. 疖病特征为经常出现疖子的一种皮肤状况

    A skin condition characterized by the development of recurring boils.

  14. 你应当去医院看看这个疖子,可能真的很严重呢。

    You should see a doctor for that boil because it could be something very grave indeed.

  15. 每当我写字的时候,右臂上的疖子就使我感到疼痛。

    The boil on my right arm rankled whenever I wrote.

  16. 我的眼睛肿了, 一动还有点疼, 可能是个疖子!

    My eye is swollen, still ache a bit easily, the likelihood is a furuncle!


  1. 问:疖子拼音怎么拼?疖子的读音是什么?疖子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:疖子的读音是jiēzi,疖子翻译成英文是 furuncle