







汉语拼音:miàn bǐng







  1. 亦作“麵饼”。用面粉做的饼。




  1. It was more like the entire contents of our refrigerator on a round crust.


  2. And will I go up to the front to have the bread and wine?


  3. One of the most unique Malay dishes is the "roti gala" , which is often served during special occasions.


  4. Instead, he said he had learnt to be as happy as Zeus if all he had to eat was a glass of water and a barley cake.


  5. Following in the bath, rub bread with this head, face, chest, shoulders, legs, that this pain can be eliminated.


  6. Which means that 300 centuries ago, Fred and Wilma might have had a kind of prehistoric pita bread on the menu.


  7. Theon broke his own fast with a tankard of dark ale, cloudy with yeast and thick enough to chew on.


  8. Then clutches and the good pasta the size same small pasta, and rolls each one cake to be ready to be used.


  9. And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred for God's sacred feast.


  1. 全麦面包, 通心粉, 面饼

    Whole wheat bread, pasta, tortillas

  2. 我的酒你喝, 我的面饼你撕扯。

    My wine you drink, my bread you snap.

  3. 把馅料放在圆形面饼上。

    Put some filling on the circles.

  4. 店主们回答它卖得跟面饼一样好!

    The seller said It sells like pasties!

  5. 服务员包括一只烤鸭,面饼,甜面酱,葱。

    This includes a roast duck, round flat cake, sweet soybean paste and leek.

  6. 面饼卷起来然后切段做成的点心。

    Biscuit made from dough rolled and cut.

  7. 如何保证到顾客手中的面饼温度适中?

    How do you get them at the right temperature for the customer ?

  8. 重复以上步骤, 用剩余得面糊制作12个面饼。

    Repeat the above steps, with the remaining cake batter making 12. 5.

  9. 重复以上步骤,用剩余的面糊制作12个面饼。

    Repeat the above steps, with the remaining cake batter making 12. 5.

  10. 东西真的太少, 连面饼也没被放过。

    To mend the scanty meal, their cakes of flour.

  11. 坚果糊和糖涂在面饼座上, 切成棒状。

    paste of nuts and sugar on a pastry base cut into bars.

  12. 影响发霉玉米面饼中亚硝基化合物形成的因素

    Factors Determining the Formation of Nitroso Compounds in Moldy Cornbread

  13. 将一片面饼放入加有少量橄榄油的烤盘。

    Place one sheet of dough in the bottom of a lightly oiled baking pan.

  14. 春饼又叫荷叶饼、薄饼,是一种烙得很薄的面饼。

    Merchant and mint cake pancakes is a burger very thin bunches.

  15. 法国奶酪面饼。记不住名字。安妮和欧荷伊做得。

    French pan cake. I cannot remember the name. Made by Anne and Aurore.

  16. 法国奶酪面饼。记不住名字。安妮和欧荷伊做的。

    French pan cake. I cannot remember the name. Made by Anne and Aurore.

  17. 把面饼放滚水内拖水至松身,即取出过冷。

    Blanch the egg noodles in boiling water until just loosened. Strain and rinse well with cold water.

  18. 当面饼里面的奶酪溶化时,把面饼移到切肉板上。

    When the cheese inside the quesadilla has melted, remove the quesadilla to a cutting board.

  19. 但是,将食物铺在面饼上的主意最早由意大利人发明。

    The idea of placing food on top of flatbread, however, dates before the Italian invention.

  20. 把擀好得面饼放入铁制平锅中烘烤, 直到它基本上熟透。

    Place the dough on a frying pan, bake the cake until almost cooked.

  21. 把擀好的面饼放入铁制平锅中烘烤,直到它基本上熟透。

    Place the dough on a frying pan, bake the cake until almost cooked.


  1. 问:面饼拼音怎么拼?面饼的读音是什么?面饼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:面饼的读音是,面饼翻译成英文是 flatbread

  2. 问:面饼锅拼音怎么拼?面饼锅的读音是什么?面饼锅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:面饼锅的读音是,面饼锅翻译成英文是 pattypan