


1. 查 [chá]2. 查 [zhā]查 [chá]考察:检~。调~。~验。~访。~阅。古同“槎”,水中浮木。查 [zhā]姓。同“楂”。古同“渣”,渣滓。……





汉语拼音:chá yàn







  1. 检查验看。

    清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·莅任·清查之法》:“如本年遇有应解裁扣缺官银两,俱要查验批迴,方准作数。” 鲁迅 《而已集·再谈香港》:“只是给钱呢,还是听他逐件查验呢?倘查验,我一个人一时怎么收拾呢?”



  1. Often he would sit with his nose to the sky, turning his head this way and that as if to check the wind.


  2. Then, the next time any of your other browsers checks with the Web account, it receives the change.


  3. Screening against comprehensive U. S. Government lists makes it easy to check status based on named parties or embargoed countries .


  4. To check the quality or content of(an electronic audio or visual signal)by means of a receiver.


  5. Check for locally cached CD information before trying to look up at remote CDDB server.


  6. Such inspection shall be conducted in the presence of the consular officer concerned or of his authorized representative.


  7. it should--and no doubt will--take place only with careful scrutiny and layers of legal oversight.


  8. Postal enterprises shall not post or deliver international postal articles that are not examined and allowed to pass by the Customs.


  9. In the case of an entrusted purchase, the relevant entrustment document as held by the purchaser shall be subject to examination.


  1. 查验所有权

    search a title.

  2. 集中查验场

    central checking sites

  3. 查验遗嘱的真实性

    prove a will

  4. 例行的证照查验

    A routine check of passports

  5. 出入境卫生检疫查验

    Entry and Exit Health Quarantine inspection

  6. 查验确定的权威性

    To establish the authenticity of.

  7. 他想查验这个遗嘱。

    He wanted to prove the will.

  8. 查验事实, 理论, 证据等

    examine facts, a theory, evidence, etc

  9. 海关人员在查验现场

    Customs officers working in the inspection area

  10. 我们将会替你查验。

    We will check for you.

  11. 请准备护照入境查验。

    Please have your passport ready for the immigration.

  12. 我查验了他的证件。

    I examined his credentials.

  13. 出示火车票以供查验

    produce a railway ticket for inspection

  14. 视察员查验工作得质量。

    An inspector checked the standard of work.

  15. 视察员查验工作的质量。

    An inspector checked the standard of work.

  16. 苏丹的领事查验我的签证。

    The Sultan's consul examined my visa.

  17. 广州海关, 检验检疫申报, 查验放行。

    Customs clearance on a temporary basis.

  18. 他们不是还要查验出境许可证吗

    Won't they ask for an exit permit.

  19. 请在检票处出示票以备查验。

    Show your ticket at the barrier.

  20. 海关凭允许进出口证明书查验放行。

    The Customs shall clear the imports or exports after examining the import or export permit.

  21. 一位海关官员查验了他的护照。

    A customs officer examined his passport.

  22. 索要船员名单复印件和查验海员证?

    May I have a copy of the crew list and all the seaman's book?

  23. 海关凭原入境申报单查验放行。

    Customs clearance shall be based on inspection of the original declaration made at the time of entry.

  24. 乘客应该留着火车票以备查验。

    Passengers should retain their train tickets for inspection.

  25. 乘客应该留着火车票以备查验。

    Passengers should retain their train tickets for inspection.

  26. 请打开附件文件, 查验帐单是否正确。

    Please check if the bill is correct, by opening the attached file.

  27. 在查验弹药方面也取得了显著进展。

    Significant progress in ammunition identification has also been achieved.

  28. 经查验合格后, 在证书上予以签署。

    The certificate shall be endorsed when the results of inspection are considered satisfactory.

  29. 校准与查验结果的记录,要予以保留。

    Records of the results of calibration and verification shall be maintained.

  30. 经查验后, 视察员认可了那一项目。

    The inspector passed the item after examining it.


  1. 问:查验拼音怎么拼?查验的读音是什么?查验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:查验的读音是cháyàn,查验翻译成英文是 check; examine; scan

  2. 问:查验内件拼音怎么拼?查验内件的读音是什么?查验内件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:查验内件的读音是chá yàn nèi jiàn,查验内件翻译成英文是 verification of contents

  3. 问:查验请求拼音怎么拼?查验请求的读音是什么?查验请求翻译成英文是什么?

    答:查验请求的读音是chá yàn qǐng qiú,查验请求翻译成英文是 demand of view

  4. 问:查验货物拼音怎么拼?查验货物的读音是什么?查验货物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:查验货物的读音是chá yàn huò wù,查验货物翻译成英文是 examination of goods

  5. 问:查验遗嘱拼音怎么拼?查验遗嘱的读音是什么?查验遗嘱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:查验遗嘱的读音是chá yàn yí zhǔ,查验遗嘱翻译成英文是 inspection of a will

  6. 问:查验引导人拼音怎么拼?查验引导人的读音是什么?查验引导人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:查验引导人的读音是chá yàn yǐn dǎo rén,查验引导人翻译成英文是 shewer

  7. 问:查验陪审团拼音怎么拼?查验陪审团的读音是什么?查验陪审团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:查验陪审团的读音是chá yàn péi shěn tuán,查验陪审团翻译成英文是 jury of view


