







汉语拼音:shì lì








  1. 举出或做出具有代表性的例子。



  1. The objective of this article is to take a real-world business example and analyze it against the concepts laid out in our earlier articles.


  2. The SDK includes other easy-to-understand examples that demonstrate how to use the Lotus Sametime Connect APIs.


  3. OData validation tool: A test harness and a few sample validation tests to make it easy to validate your OData endpoint.


  4. A common example of a drillthrough report might be a Monthly Sales report that contains links to individual sales orders for that month.


  5. It should be possible to run the program either standalone, or as part of a pipeline, as shown in the examples above.


  6. The physical test environment shown in Figure 3 has been used to test the Call Forwarding sample.


  7. Examples of protocols are TCP, UDP, ICMP, comma-delimited list of any combination of these three protocols and ALL (for all protocols).


  8. Notice that the example updates to show you how the merged attributes will look as you add delimiters, as the bottom of Figure 34 shows.


  9. One interesting example is called Hive, which is a data warehouse infrastructure with its own query language (called Hive QL).


  1. 此示例假定

    This example assumes that the.

  2. 学习课业示例

    exemplar learning task

  3. 此代码示例呈现

    This code example renders the

  4. 剽窃示例如下

    Examples of plagiarism include

  5. 描绘的典型示例。

    of the depiction of the female form in the 18th century.

  6. 篇幅有限, 示例从略。

    Space does not permit the citation of the examples.

  7. 篇幅有限,示例从略。

    Space does not permit the citation of the examples.

  8. 数据库查询示例程序

    The demonstration program of data base query.

  9. 使用任务窗格示例

    To use the Task Pane sample

  10. 图2描述了这个示例。

    Figure2 depicts this example.

  11. 您可以下载示例文件。

    You can download the example files.

  12. 此示例采用默认端口。

    This example assumes default ports.

  13. 描绘示例检索和查询

    Retrieval And Query By Describable Example

  14. 此示例使用动态编译。

    This example uses dynamic compilation.

  15. 示例说明了产品功能。

    The samples illustrate product features.

  16. 下面的示例逻辑上将

    The following example logically turns the call

  17. 这就是递归得示例。

    This is an example of recursion.

  18. 这就是递归的示例。

    This is an example of recursion.

  19. 示例我后背疼得厉害。

    I have a bad backache.

  20. 如下是此示例的输出。

    This is the output from this example.

  21. 下面的代码示例移除

    The following code example removes all prefixes in an

  22. 请接着参看后面的示例。

    You will see an example next.

  23. 下面是这些方法的示例。

    Below are examples of these methods.

  24. 此示例将删除候选作业。

    This example deletes a job candidate.

  25. 请参见表3中得示例。

    See the examples in Table3.

  26. 请参见表3中的示例。

    See the examples in Table3.

  27. 电视接收机的配置示例

    Configuration example of television receiver

  28. 在这个示例中,验证失败。

    In this example, the validation fails.

  29. 它只是用于演示的示例。

    It is just an example used for illustration.

  30. 以下示例展示了此功能。

    The example below demonstrates this feature.


  1. 问:示例拼音怎么拼?示例的读音是什么?示例翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示例的读音是shìlì,示例翻译成英文是 give a demonstration

  2. 问:示例库拼音怎么拼?示例库的读音是什么?示例库翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示例库的读音是shì lì kù,示例库翻译成英文是 sample library

  3. 问:示例集拼音怎么拼?示例集的读音是什么?示例集翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示例集的读音是shì lì jí,示例集翻译成英文是 sample galore

  4. 问:示例函数拼音怎么拼?示例函数的读音是什么?示例函数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示例函数的读音是shì lì hán shù,示例函数翻译成英文是 sample function

  5. 问:示例原本拼音怎么拼?示例原本的读音是什么?示例原本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示例原本的读音是shì lì yuán běn,示例原本翻译成英文是 instant script

  6. 问:示例学习拼音怎么拼?示例学习的读音是什么?示例学习翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示例学习的读音是shì lì xué xí,示例学习翻译成英文是 learn-by-example

  7. 问:示例数据拼音怎么拼?示例数据的读音是什么?示例数据翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示例数据的读音是shì lì shù jù,示例数据翻译成英文是 sample data

  8. 问:示例文件拼音怎么拼?示例文件的读音是什么?示例文件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示例文件的读音是shì lì wén jiàn,示例文件翻译成英文是 instance file

  9. 问:示例网络拼音怎么拼?示例网络的读音是什么?示例网络翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示例网络的读音是shì lì wǎng luò,示例网络翻译成英文是 instant graph

  10. 问:示例软件拼音怎么拼?示例软件的读音是什么?示例软件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示例软件的读音是shì lì ruǎn jiàn,示例软件翻译成英文是 exemplary software

  11. 问:示例代码库拼音怎么拼?示例代码库的读音是什么?示例代码库翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示例代码库的读音是shì lì dài mǎ kù,示例代码库翻译成英文是 sample code library

  12. 问:示例关键码拼音怎么拼?示例关键码的读音是什么?示例关键码翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示例关键码的读音是shì lì guān jiàn mǎ,示例关键码翻译成英文是 instant keyword help

  13. 问:示例列表框拼音怎么拼?示例列表框的读音是什么?示例列表框翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示例列表框的读音是shì lì liè biǎo kuàng,示例列表框翻译成英文是 sample list box

  14. 问:示例信封地址拼音怎么拼?示例信封地址的读音是什么?示例信封地址翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示例信封地址的读音是shì lì xìn fēng dì zhǐ,示例信封地址翻译成英文是 sample envelope address

  15. 问:示例应用程序拼音怎么拼?示例应用程序的读音是什么?示例应用程序翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示例应用程序的读音是shì lì yìng yòng chéng xù,示例应用程序翻译成英文是 sample application

