


天黑的时间,与“日”或“昼”相对:~晚。日日~~。~阑(夜将尽时)。~盲。~幕。~宵。~话。~袭。~行(xíng )。~战。……


1. 雨 [yǔ]2. 雨 [yù]雨 [yǔ]从云层中降落的水滴:~水。~季。雨 [yù]下雨,落下:~雪。……







汉语拼音:yè yǔ duì chuáng







  • 【解释】:指亲友或兄弟久别重逢,在一起亲切交谈。
  • 【出自】:唐·白居易《雨中招张司业宿》诗:“能来同宿否,听雨对床眠。”
  • 【语法】:紧缩式;作定语;指亲友或兄弟久别重逢在一起亲切交谈


  1. na.
  2. (

  3. of friends or brothers) have a heart-to-heart talk after a long separation

  1. 这个席梦思对床不好的。

    This matrix is no good for the bed.

  2. 你可以告诉您的男子放下对床上。

    You can tell your man to lay down on the bed.

  3. 是的,不过政治家们对床下的红酒更多疑。

    Yes, but politicians were even more paranoid about reds under the beds.

  4. 床单位臭氧消毒器对床单位消毒作用的实验研究

    Clinical experimental investigation of disinfencting effect of bed unit ozone sterilizer on bed unit

  5. 通过成立床单位消毒中心对床单位实行集中管理。

    Observed Bacterial Content on Suspension Bed Sheet in Burns Intensive Care Unit.

  6. 对床底部的右侧, 我使用调色板刮刀来让它淡出。

    For the bottom right of the bed, I used the palette knife to fade it out.

  7. 前者是共用一个空间来休息,选用双人床或者对床。

    The former is sharing a space to rest, the choice of double bed or to bed.

  8. 对。晚上床对身体没好处。

    Yes.Staying up too late is not good for your health.

  9. 你还没跟她上床 对吧?

    You haven't slept with her yet, have you?

  10. 牛身对劈床

    beef bed

  11. 这张床对我来说够大了。

    This bed for me sufficed to be big.

  12. 和我上床对你来说就这么痛苦吗?

    Sleeping with me is this awful? No, George!

  13. 如何兴利除弊,对老矿床封水?

    How can the water in the old deposits be sealed?

  14. 考察了投药量、污泥床对出水浊度的影响。

    Effects of the coagulant dosage and the sludge bed on the turbidity of effluent were investigated.

  15. 考察了悬浮载体流化床对生活污水的处理效果。

    The treatment efficiency of domestic sewage by suspended carriers fluidized bed was investigated.

  16. 这是因为我离开车床对高速从我最后一次用它。

    This is because I left the lathe on high speed from the last time I used it.

  17. 研究了复合催化剂床对合成低碳醇反应行为的影响。

    The synthesis of higher alcohols from synthesis gas over double bed catalysts was studied.

  18. 对浮动床生物膜硝化反应器的研究

    A Study on the Moving Bed Nitrifying Biofilm Reactor

  19. 逆向气体射流对下行床颗粒混合的影响

    Solids Axial and Radial Mixing Behavior in Downer with Gas Jet in Reverse Direction

  20. 植物净化床对双龙湖水体有机污染物的去除效果分析

    Analysis of the efficiency of organic contamination removal by planting purify beds in Shuanglong Lake

  21. 速度进口边界条件对鼓泡床流动影响研究

    Study of the impact of the velocity inlet boundary condition to the bubbling fluidized bed

  22. 土壤改良剂对草坪床土理化性质的影响

    Effects of soil amendment on the physical and chemical properties of soil for turf.

  23. 固体生物质对扩张床吸附的影响和方法研究

    Methodological Approach to the Influence of Biomass on Expanded Bed Adsorption

  24. 水循环周期对生态床内氮形态转化过程的影响

    Effect of Effluent Recycling on Nitrogen Transition in Ecology Filter

  25. 对火药床的颗粒间应力作定性和定量的分析。

    The paper also analyses qualitatively and quantitatively the intergranular stress of the propellant bed.

  26. 倾斜布风板对流化床内颗粒流化特性影响的研究

    Effect of Inclining Distributor on the Fluidized Characteristics of Particles

  27. 助剂对沸腾床渣油加氢催化剂结构性能的影响

    Effect of Promoter on Structural Performance of Residue Hydrotreating Catalyst in Circulating Fluidized Bed

  28. 接触式风水共冷对流化床灰渣的活化作用研究

    Activation effect on fluidized bed combustion ash ofcontact cooling with air and water

  29. 对金矿床本身而言,一般细粒级,破碎的黄铁矿含金量高。

    Gold contents in pyrite may as highly as ten times.

  30. 前驱体物相转变对浆态床合成甲醇催化剂活性的影响

    Influence of the Precursor Phase Transition on the Catalyst Activity in Slurry Methanol Synthesis

