


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……





汉语拼音:dǎ mà








打骂 [dǎ mà]
  1. 鞭打责骂。


打骂 [dǎ mà]
  1. 鞭打责骂。




  1. Have to wait four dead wife, the wife birthday to remember that his wife are willing to spend money, and abused wives have to be patient.


  2. Dama and the stepfather of her loss of reproductive capacity, but also inconsistent with her all the men, they did not dare to squint.


  3. When you are angry and fly into a rage when the child may wish to use these methods to replace the maltreatment-rearing methods.


  4. With you a very happy day, the surface we are and the past, not even quarreled with him.


  5. This woman, like many women of her sort, had a load of caresses and a burden of blows and injuries to dispense each day.


  6. Why are children, the smallest and most vulnerable members of society, the only people left in society who can be hit.


  7. His mother died and his father remarried so he has a stepmother who disliked him and often beat him.


  8. please do not be mad at your pal even when it makes mistake, because we all do.


  9. It is prohibited to scold and beat, to ill-treat or to insult the people who violate the peace and order regulations.


  1. 严禁打骂犯人。

    To insult or strike prisoners is strictly forbidden.

  2. 他们常受地主的打骂。

    They were frequently cursed and beaten by the landlords.

  3. 每当他喝醉酒, 他总是打骂交加。

    When he was drunk, he always added insult to injury.

  4. 农奴主有权任意打骂甚至杀害农奴。

    The serf owners had the right to beat,abuse or even kill the serfs at will.

  5. 严禁对罪犯施加酷刑, 侮辱和打骂虐待。

    It is strictly forbidden to torture, insult or otherwise maltreat prisoners.

  6. 她会用一串善意的打骂来对待他。

    She would greet him with a stream of good-natured abuse.

  7. 喂苦药时一定要耐心,不能打骂孩子。

    Feeds when the bitter medicine certainly wants the patience, cannot and scold the child.

  8. 只要郭兰军心情不好,就会打骂王静。

    As long as Guolanjun a bad mood, they will maltreatment and Wang Jing.

  9. 禁止对违反治安管理的人打骂,虐待或者侮辱。

    It is forbidden to beat or abuse, mistreat or insult the offender.

  10. 禁止对违反治安管理得人打骂,虐待或者侮辱。

    It is forbidden to beat or abuse, mistreat or insult the offender.

  11. 我感谢在我小时候你们每个人所给我的打骂。

    I give thanks for every blow, I had from any of you during my childhood.

  12. 我感谢在我小时候你们每个人所给我得打骂。

    I give thanks for every blow, I had from any of you during my childhood.

  13. 禁止对违反治安管理的人员打骂,虐待或者侮辱。

    It is prohibited to scold and beat, to illtreat or to insult the people who violate the peace and order regulations.

  14. 养牲畜, 自己马上也会像牲畜一样, 同他们计较, 打骂他们。

    Raising livestock, their livestock as soon will be like with them regardless, cursed them.

  15. 他不堪军官们的奴役和打骂, 想法逃出这支军队。

    Menial tasks and officer blows led him to seek a method of escaping the army.

  16. 行为问题与母亲患病、打骂或放纵的管教方式等有关。

    The above problems were related with parents'rearing behaviors, such as mothers'illness, abuse or indulgence.

  17. 请不要随意打骂他, 即使犯了错也会有他的原因。

    please do not be mad at your pal even when it makes mistake, because we all do.

  18. 因闯祸、倔强常被父亲打骂而渴望独立、自由和平等。

    Father often punished me for making trouble, but that only made me more determined to fight for my personal independence, freedom and equal rights.

  19. 事实上, 多数危险的罪犯, 都在小时候经常受到打骂和惩罚。

    Virtually all of the most dangerous criminals were regularly threatened and punished in childhood.

  20. 在记忆中, 爸爸从来都没打骂过我们, 甚至重话都没说过一句。

    In my memory, dad had never scolded and beated us, ever didn't show any serious words.

  21. 培养温和,宽容的心态,就是对方打骂折磨,精神上也不受刺激。

    Foster a moderate and tolerant state of mind when they beat interrogate and torture you, your mental state wont be agitated.



明 冯梦龙 《醒世恒言》第二十七卷:“常言:夫妻是打骂不开的。过了数日,只得差人去接焦氏。”