







汉语拼音:máo wū







  1. 亦作“茆屋”。用茅草盖的房屋。

    《左传·桓公二年》:“清庙茅屋。” 杜预 注:“以茅饰屋,著俭也。” 唐 杜甫 《春日江村》诗之一:“茅屋还堪赋,桃源自可寻。” 唐 姚合 《将归山》诗:“闻道旧溪茆屋畔,春风新上数枝藤。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈艺六·鸡上木》:“日午吹烟絶,吟声出茅屋。” 周立波 《山乡巨变》上二:“他自己连茅屋都没得住的,东飘西荡,你到那里去找他?”



  1. When I stopped and turned round, my eyes fell on an old woman at her cottage door smiling at me, a bunch of flowers in her arms.


  2. At home, within and around her mother's cottage, Pearl wanted not a wide and various circle of acquaintance.


  3. That day old Jehan Daas took this dog to his own little hut and took good care of him.


  4. In the center of the hut a fire burned night and day from the beginning to the end of the year.


  5. There was a small deserted cabin nearby, just a few steps off the road.


  6. Dany found eight before the sun went down, but there might have been more farther out, hidden in the grass.


  7. It would be pleasant to tell of her life with the fisherman and wife in their cottage on the moors.


  8. he would beg and get enough to eat, and then he would go and meditate. It was very beautiful. And he had a small hut.


  9. She stood there , speechless . All she felt was that something strange was going on , and she knew that everything had been arranged by God.


  1. 茅屋在风雨中摇摆。

    The hut was shaking in the storm.

  2. 这个茅屋被洪水淹没。

    The hut was overwhelmed by a flood.

  3. 那些茅屋的确不体面。

    Those cottages are really a disgrace.

  4. 茅屋为秋风所破歌

    My Thatched Cottage Was Broken by the West Wind

  5. 我们是小茅屋的主人。

    We are Amphitryon of the JACAL.

  6. 步兵, 散开来, 搜查茅屋!

    Infantry, spread out. Search the huts!

  7. 往茅屋的墙上抹泥

    mud the walls of a hut

  8. 茅屋到宫廷, 处处有爱情。

    Love lives in cottage as well as in court.

  9. 得到一个小茅屋容易吗?

    Is it easy to get a Jacal?

  10. 我的茅屋很吵,我睡不着。

    My hut is very noisy, and I cannot sleep.

  11. 乔继续向茅屋的门走去。

    Joe walked on towards the door of the hut.

  12. 乔继续向茅屋的门走去。

    Joe walked on towards the door of the hut.

  13. 爱力大无边, 茅屋变金殿。

    Love can turn the cottage into a golden palace.

  14. 最后武士终于来到小茅屋。

    At last the knight reached the little hut.

  15. 树荫遮蔽的茅屋,耕耘过的农场。

    The shelter'd cot, the cultivated farm.

  16. 那里的茅屋提供了很好的掩护。

    Them jacales out there offer pretty good cover.

  17. 低垂的树荫盖住水边的茅屋。

    The hut by the side of the water is shaded by an overhanging tree.

  18. 尖顶茅屋逶迤漫延,直至森林边缘。

    The hatched pointed huts streamed away towards the forest.

  19. 他住在一所小茅屋里。

    He lived in a tiny cottage.

  20. 火很快地烧毁了那座茅屋。

    The flames quickly consumed the cottage.

  21. 他们一把火烧了那间旧茅屋。

    They set fire to the old hut.

  22. 爱情可使茅屋成为金碧辉煌的宫殿

    Love can turn the cottage into a golden palace

  23. 一间小茅屋被人放火烧着了。

    A small hut was set on fire.

  24. 似乎是他们 借鉴了山中小茅屋。

    In fact it appeared like they referenced a mountain cabin.

  25. 我在茅屋前面站着, 我不知道为什么。

    I stood before this hut, I know not why.

  26. 山和茅屋构成一幅美丽的图画。

    The mountains and the thatched cottages together became a beautiful paint.

  27. 听一段描述古代茅屋艺术的介绍。

    Listen as a guide describes the ancient art of thatching a roof.

  28. 其内茅屋二间, 一间坐客, 一间作房,

    There will be two rooms, one for the parlor, one for the study

  29. 看守人住在附近的小茅屋里。

    The watchman lives in a hut no far from here.

  30. 茅屋用木杆搭成, 上面以草席覆盖。

    The hut was made of poles covered with grass mats.


  1. 问:茅屋拼音怎么拼?茅屋的读音是什么?茅屋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茅屋的读音是máowū,茅屋翻译成英文是 thatched cottage; bothie; bothy

  2. 问:茅屋顶拼音怎么拼?茅屋顶的读音是什么?茅屋顶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茅屋顶的读音是máo wū dǐng,茅屋顶翻译成英文是 yelm

  3. 问:茅屋霉素拼音怎么拼?茅屋霉素的读音是什么?茅屋霉素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茅屋霉素的读音是máo wū méi sù,茅屋霉素翻译成英文是 tomaymycin

  4. 问:茅屋顶椽木拼音怎么拼?茅屋顶椽木的读音是什么?茅屋顶椽木翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茅屋顶椽木的读音是máo wū dǐng chuán mù,茅屋顶椽木翻译成英文是 buckle



用茅草盖的房屋。 《左传·桓公二年》:“清庙茅屋。” 杜预 注:“以茅饰屋,著俭也。”