


1. 雨 [yǔ]2. 雨 [yù]雨 [yǔ]从云层中降落的水滴:~水。~季。雨 [yù]下雨,落下:~雪。……





汉语拼音:yǔ hòu






  1. Silly love whatever one rainy day, still I wait for you to appear, I believe, the street, the sun appeared smiling face.


  2. Jing Fang grassland wildflowers after rain, like a flower just a water-soaked turbans, and even dew are all children of a colorful!


  3. They spring up quickly after rains, when the surface is moist. Then, for a brief time, the desert can be literally carpeted with color.


  4. One set of our ancestors allegedly found a baby wrapped in vines after a storm, she said.


  5. A few days ago , after a quick rainstorm , I walked across Central Park near the lake and I thought I had never seen a city so lovely .


  6. Led the son of a bitch right to it, he told himself, and wondered how he could have been stupid enough to walk the road on a rainy morning.


  7. even in front of rain reaching the sky, perseverance allows you to see the sunny day after rain.


  8. The deformations at the surface of the crust after rainfalls have close relations to the occurrence of shallow shocks in the upper crust.


  9. The Indian prefers the soft sound of the wind itself, cleansed by a midday rain, or scented with pinon pine.


  1. 雨后草长。

    Grass grows after rain.

  2. 雨后地面板结。

    Ground packs after a rain.

  3. 雨后河水浑浊。

    The river looks thick after the rain.

  4. 雨后土地易耕。

    The field ploughs well after the rain.

  5. 雨后太阳出来了。

    The sun came through after the rain.

  6. 雨后气温下降了。

    There was a descent of temperature after rain.

  7. 雨后丁香花的芬芳

    the fragrance of lilacs after a rain

  8. 雨后天气迅速放晴。

    It cleared up soon after the rain.

  9. 雨后草地更加翠绿。

    The grass was greener after the rain.

  10. 雨后樱花更妩媚。

    Rains only make the oriental cherries more beautiful than ever.

  11. 雨后天空出现彩虹。

    A rainbow appeared in the sky after the rain.

  12. 为什么蚯蚓雨后出来

    Why Do Earthworms Come Out after a Rain

  13. 他常雨后送伞。

    He often offers help when it is no longer needed.

  14. 雨后地上是湿得。

    The ground is wet after the rain.

  15. 雨后地上是湿的。

    The ground is wet after the rain.

  16. 雨后,花变得清新。

    Flowers freshen after rain.

  17. 雨后禾苗开始生长。

    The seedlings of cereal crops began to upspring after the rain.

  18. 雨后场地情况很糟

    poor footing following the rain

  19. 雨后空气变得清新。

    The air freshened after the rain.

  20. 雨后河水正在上涨。

    The river is rising after the rain.

  21. 雨后地上都是烂泥。

    The ground was sodden after the rain.

  22. 雨后草木长起来了。

    The plants are shooting up after the rain.

  23. 雨后跟儿子出去走走。

    Walking outside with my son after rains.

  24. 雨后得草地柔软湿润。

    The grass is spongy after the rain.

  25. 雨后的草地柔软湿润。

    The grass is spongy after the rain.

  26. 雨后他们总是这么香。

    They are always so spicy after a rain.

  27. 香消在风起雨后

    The fragrance vanishes after wind and rain

  28. 雨后炎热减退了许多。

    After the rain, the heat abated considerably.

  29. 雨后,小草迅速长出。

    The tire sprang a leak.

  30. 雨后,天空出现一道彩虹。

    After raining, there is a rainbow in the sky.


  1. 问:雨后春笋拼音怎么拼?雨后春笋的读音是什么?雨后春笋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雨后春笋的读音是yǔhòuchūnsǔn,雨后春笋翻译成英文是 spring up like mushrooms

  2. 问:雨后春笋拼音怎么拼?雨后春笋的读音是什么?雨后春笋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雨后春笋的读音是Yǔhòuchūnsǔn,雨后春笋翻译成英文是 To be flourishing.; Literally translates to f...

  3. 问:雨后储水区拼音怎么拼?雨后储水区的读音是什么?雨后储水区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雨后储水区的读音是,雨后储水区翻译成英文是 redir