




1. 甚 [shèn]2. 甚 [shén]甚 [shèn]很,极:~好。~快。超过:日~一日。方言,什么:~事?表示进一层的意思:~至。~或。甚 [shén]同“什2”。……



汉语拼音:yǐ shèn






  1. 过甚,太过。

    《论语·泰伯》:“人而不仁,疾之已甚,乱也。”《汉书·霍光传》:“ 光 每朝见,上虚己敛容,礼下之已甚。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·闹榭》:“罢,罢!他既迴避,我们也不必为已甚之行。”



  1. 网络
  2. excessive;undue

  1. 他律已甚严。

    He does not spare himself.

  2. 而旧表磨损已甚且不可靠,终至不值得再修。

    An old watch, by contrast, becomes so worn and unreliable that it eventually is not worth mending

  3. 他已坠入情网, 甚为痛苦。

    He has fallen in love and is hard hit.

  4. 心已累了因为甚麽都已做了。

    Nuay Hua Jai Prok Tum Took Yahng Leu.

  5. 得知我方建议已被采纳,甚感欢慰。

    We are gratified to learn that our suggestion has been accepted.

  6. 他们人已疲倦而兴致甚高,决定先休息一下。

    They, weary but game, decided to take a break.

  7. 由于我是坐飞机到此的,我已对地球造成甚巨的影响。

    I have a big impact on the planet to travel here by plane.

  8. 她阅历甚广,已对人生感到厌倦。

    She had been around and become very bored with life.

  9. 方法之选择性和灵敏度甚高, 已应用于实样分析。

    The proposed method has been applied to the analysis of practical samples.

  10. 神既已做成这一切, 我们还要做甚麽呢

    If God has done all this, what is there left for us to do

  11. 海地是个岛国, 人口甚多, 滥伐森林得情况由来已久。

    Haiti is an island nation a high population a history of deforestation.

  12. 这个楼梯使用年代甚久,好几级台阶已几乎磨平了。

    This staircase is so old that some of the steps have almost worn away.

  13. 生涯已由实力自从和他现在是该队得队长及其甚殷。

    His career has gone from strength to strength ever since and he is now the teams captain and its lynchpin.

  14. 生涯已由实力自从和他现在是该队的队长及其甚殷。

    His career has gone from strength to strength ever since and he is now the teams captain and its lynchpin.

  15. 是甚么阻挠你渡约但河,进入神已赐给我们得应许地呢?

    So what is it that holds us back from crossing into the Jordan and receiving the Promised Land that God has given to us?

  16. 是甚么阻挠你渡约但河,进入神已赐给我们的应许地呢?

    So what is it that holds us back from crossing into the Jordan and receiving the Promised Land that God has given to us?

  17. 但至今已近一个月, 尚未得到贵方回音, 甚为遗憾。

    We regret to have heard nothing from you though nearly a month has passed.



【词目 】已甚


【英文】〖excessive;undue〗 解释 过分;过甚 不为已甚