


1. 骨 [gǔ]2. 骨 [gū]骨 [gǔ]人和脊椎动物体内支持身体、保护内脏的坚硬组织:~头。~骼(全身骨头的总称)。~节。~肉(a.指最亲近的有血统关系的人,亦称“骨血”;b.喻紧密相连,不可分割的关系)。~干(gàn)。像骨的东西……





汉语拼音:gǔ hái






  1. 指形体。

    《文子·九守》:“精神本乎天,骨骸根于地,精神入其门,骨骸反其根,我尚何存。” 明 唐顺之 《瘗河壖枯骨志》:“古人之于骨骸严而别,亦不欲其混也。” 明 徐霖 《绣襦记·闻信增悲》:“枝柯碧翠多瀟洒,清高不染尘埃。散天香薰透骨骸,龙涎奚足称哉。”



  1. And when it had touched the bones of Eliseus, the man came to life, and stood upon his feet.


  2. "There has not been a double burial found in the Neolithic period, much less two people hugging. "


  3. If it had been this disease you would expect to find large deposits of 14th century rat bones.


  4. Now, scientists say that skeletons may be able to reveal whether the person had some extra padding.


  5. These things together with the arena floor together all rotted away, leaving a pair of exaggerated bones, expose in the atmosphere.


  6. It was an ancient and enduring Chinese belief that flesh represented yin while human bones embodied yang.


  7. The newly raised skeleton is the fourth to be found in underwater caves around the town of Tulum (map).


  8. Anya runs away from school one day in a dark cloud of frustration and finds herself down a deep hole -- with a girl's skeleton.


  9. He thought all the bones at the site were those of dinosaur hatchlings.


  1. 骨骸石灰岩

    skeletal limestone

  2. 所有的眼泪, 骨骸

    The tears and the marrowbone

  3. 所有的眼泪,骨骸。

    The tears and the marrowbone.

  4. 硅藻的由硅藻或其骨骸组成的。

    Consisting of diatoms or their skeletons.

  5. 水熊有着非常有趣的骨骸。

    Water bears also have an interesting anatomy.

  6. 水熊有着非常有趣得骨骸。

    Water bears also have an interesting anatomy.

  7. 许多家庭得衣柜里都有骨骸。

    Many families have a skeleton in the closet.

  8. 许多家庭的衣柜里都有骨骸。

    Many families have a skeleton in the closet.

  9. 那蛋壳中还残留着骨骸,真恶心!

    The bone remains that fall out of the eggs are disgusting!

  10. 象藏骸所似的, 暗指或适合收藏骨骸的

    Resembling, suggesting, or suitable for receiving the dead.

  11. 他当时以为所有的骨骸都属于恐龙幼仔。

    He thought all the bones at the site were those of dinosaur hatchlings.

  12. 他的骨骸虽富有魄力,但要同他一起卧于尘埃。

    Though his frame is full of youthful vigor, this shall lie with him in the dust.

  13. 佛山明代古尸骨骸鉴定和塑化保存的研究

    Study on identification and preservation of the unearthed bones from the ancient tomb of Ming Dynasty in Foshan city

  14. 这骨骸可以提供关于这头熊生前体积与身体情况得资讯,

    This bone can provide information on the size and condition of the bear

  15. 回溯至十九世纪,牙刷是用动物骨骸与毛发制成的。

    Back in the 1800 s,they were made of animal bones and hair.

  16. 这骨骸可以提供关于这头熊生前体积与身体情况的资讯,

    This bone can provide information on the size and condition of the bear

  17. 海绿石、碳酸盐骨骸碎屑、海相化石和胶磷矿普遍出现。

    Glauconite, detrital carbonate skeletal debris, marine fossils, and collophane are commonly present.

  18. 通过所有这些努力,这些史前动物骨骸为进入一个时代打开了一扇前所未有的窗口,在这个时代,大自然正在为未来的进化作准备。

    Together, the remains open an unprecedented window into a time when nature was preparing for future evolution.