





破,透:~透。揭~。~窬(钻洞和爬墙,指盗贼)。~凿。通过,连通:~过。~行(xíng )。着(zhuó)衣服鞋袜:~衣。~鞋。……



汉语拼音:fāng chuān






  1. 方形的孔。

    《史记·田敬仲完世家》:“狶膏棘轴,所以为滑也,然而不能运方穿。” 司马贞 索隐:“狶膏,猪脂也;棘轴,以棘木为车轴,至滑而坚也。然而穿孔若方,则不能运转。”



  1. I finish the jumper for Fong. She is very happy and wears it in front of the mirror.


  1. 我们急需订购这批货,故请你方加快撞穿。

    The order is so urgently required that we have to ask you to expedite shipment.

  2. 流星就在教堂的矮墙上方穿过恒星轨迹。

    The meteor cuts across the star trails just above the lower church wall.

  3. 流星就在教堂得矮墙上方穿过恒星轨迹。

    The meteor cuts across the star trails just above the lower church wall.

  4. 她老爱穿方格呢外衣。

    She affects plaid coats.

  5. 玛丽老爱穿方格呢外衣。

    Mary affects plaid coats.

  6. 他穿着旱冰鞋,嗤溜一下滑向前方。

    He roller-skated forward with a sliding sound.

  7. 过去,学生在校要求穿方冠长袍,而不是身著便服。

    Students were supposed to wear cap and gown in school instead state academic nudity.

  8. 过去,学生在校要求穿方冠长袍,而不是身着便服。

    Students were supposed to wear cap and gown in school instead of being in a state of academic nudity.

  9. 她身穿方格子的绒布短裙和丝织的上衣, 相当朴素而入时。

    She dressed very simply and elegantly in short plaid skirts and waists of knitted silk.

  10. 他们穿苏格兰方格呢短裙。

    He's wearing a kilt.

  11. 毕业生为什么要穿长袍戴方帽?

    Why do we wear a Cap and Gown for graduation?

  12. 毕业典礼那天戴方帽, 穿长袍!

    Wear cap and gown on graduation day!

  13. 他穿着黄褐色的方头牛仔靴。

    He was wearing tan coloured cowboy boots with square toes.

  14. 他穿着黄褐色的方头牛仔靴。

    He was wearing tan coloured cowboy boots with square toes.

  15. 他穿了一件方格夹克、喇叭裤。

    He was dressed in a chequered jacket and bell bottomed trousers.

  16. 他穿了一件方格夹克、喇叭裤。

    He was dressed in a chequered jacket and bell bottomed trousers.

  17. 隧穿问题的方势垒逼近方法

    Rectangular potential barrier approximation in tunneling problems

  18. 她穿着腰带上方蓬松如袋的连衣裙。

    She wears a dress pouched over a belt.

  19. 埃迪穿着蓝色牛仔裤和方格布衬衫。

    Eddie wore blue jeans and a plaid shirt.

  20. 就像是想让方枘穿过圆孔一样。

    That'd be like trying to put a square peg through a round hole.

  21. 扣入篮从球篮上方击球使之穿过球篮

    To slam through the basket from above.

  22. 她穿那条红裙子真是美得不可方物。

    eg. She is a knockout in that red dress.

  23. 被书写的母鹿穿过被书写的森林奔向何方?

    Why does this written doe bound through these written woods

  24. 穿着法制服装正式拒绝对方政党的关于事实的断言。

    Deny formally in a legal suit.

  25. 类似地,美方人员所穿制服也都是顾问和教员的制服。

    Likewise, the US uniforms are those of advisers and trainers.

  26. 你穿上这件黄色休闲衫和方格裙子看起来很迷人。

    You look so dazzling with that yellow sweatshirt and checked skirt.

  27. 重叠在一起的时候, 上方人物的腿会穿过下方人的脑袋。

    Feet clip through head when stacking.

  28. 我认为中西方对正装和便装有不同的穿衣规则。

    And I suppose we have different ideas of wearing formal things or casual attire.

  29. 她身穿一件格子衬衫,衣角在肚脐上方打了个结。

    She wore a checked shirt tied in a knot above the navel.

  30. 戴着方帽,穿着长袍,拿到你的毕业证书,去哈佛上学。

    Wearing your cap and gown and get your diploma and go to Harvard.