


1. 思 [sī]2. 思 [sāi]思 [sī]想,考虑,动脑筋:~想(a.客观存在反映在人的意识中经过思维活动而产生的结果;b.想法,念头;c.思量)。~忖。~索。~维。沉~。寻~。见异~迁。想念,挂念:~念。~恋。相~。想法:~绪。~……





汉语拼音:sī cǔn








  1. 考虑;思量。

    唐 元稹 《旱灾自咎贻七县宰》诗:“归来重思忖,愿告诸邑君。” 元 无名氏 《杀狗劝夫》第一折:“他他他,不思忖一爷娘骨肉,却和我做日月参辰。”《红楼梦》第四八回:“ 薛姨妈 听了,思忖半晌道:‘倒是你説的是。花两个钱,叫他学些乖来,也值。’” 柯岩 《奇异的书简·岚山情思》:“也正是由于这点感情与这点记忆的奇异作用吧,我常暗自思忖 周总理 说这句话的心情意境。”



  1. Anne went home to think over all that she had heard. In one point, her feelings were relieved by this knowledge of Mr Elliot.


  2. Birkin, pondering as he stood there, had forgotten Mrs Crich, as she had forgotten him.


  3. He began to go to the top of a hill each evening and look at the colors that filled the sky to try and understand how to make them.


  4. Melancholy was the dominant note of his temperament, he thought.


  5. For its own sake, as well as for the sake of Iraqis, the United States should reflect hard before accepting any of those possible futures.


  6. Just as I was trying to think of a suitably inflammatory reply, I opened a message from a retired lawyer called Stephen Gold.


  7. Did she think about this unknown relative who would have first choice? Did she wonder what he would be like?


  8. Jennifer watched as Michael Moretti rose to his feet. He looked calm and relaxed. Boyish was the word that came to Jennifer's mind.


  9. Thoughtful Japanese, looking at their country's debt and wondering what might be cut to reduce it, may regard the coincidence as a bad omen.


  1. 他思忖着他的失败。

    He brood on his failure.

  2. 戈尔斯坦思忖了一下。

    Goldstein debated for a moment.

  3. 他思忖着将来会如何。

    He contemplated what the future would be like.

  4. 尼姆反复思忖着另一件事。

    Nim weighed something else from time to time.

  5. 萨姆摩挲着谢了顶得光头思忖着。

    Sam rubbed his bald head thoughtfully.

  6. 萨姆摩挲着谢了顶的光头思忖着。

    Sam rubbed his bald head thoughtfully.

  7. 她开始忿忿地思忖着自己的遭遇。

    She fell to brooding about what had happened to her.

  8. 他在那里暗自思忖着倒霉的命运。

    He is brooding over his bad luck.

  9. 弗朗西丝卡思忖着这个问题。

    Francesca's mind worked the problem.

  10. 她思忖, 她真幸运, 能够博得他的欢心。

    She thought she was lucky to have attracted him.

  11. 鲁尔说话走火了。帕米拉暗自思忖。

    Rule was slipping, thought Pamela.

  12. 爱德华边扣衬衣扣子, 边思忖着。

    Edward thought, as he did up his shirt buttons.

  13. 爱德华边扣衬衣扣子,边思忖着。

    Edward thought,as he did up his shirt buttons.

  14. 他思忖自己的气质中主要的特征是抑郁。

    Melancholy was the dominant note of his temperament, he thought.

  15. 她呷了一口酒,思忖着她是否该首先行动。

    She sipped her drink and considered whether she ought to make the first move.

  16. 他一声不吭, 暗自思忖着一生倒霉的命运。

    He didnt say anything, brooding on the brutal luck of his life.

  17. 他思忖著要是没有这些孩子,将来又如何。

    He contemplate what the future will is like without the children.

  18. 我暗自思忖, 复试时他肯定是要被刷掉的。

    All the compassion in me was aroused in his behalf.

  19. 对于很是切确的测量,能够思忖选择切确的频率基准。

    To very accurate measurement, can consider to choose accurate frequency fiducial.

  20. 他已经明白了,并且非常难过,思嘉凄凉地思忖着。

    He knows the truth and it's killing him, 'she thought desolately.

  21. 弗朗西丝卡轻轻地笑了,心里思忖着安全和舒适。

    Francesca laughed quietly, thinking about safety and comfort.

  22. 我不该让他叫我回顾过去。她绝望地暗自思忖着。

    I shouldn't have let him make me look back, she thought despairingly.

  23. 德莱尼坐下来等着,始终可以听见他的呼吸声和思忖声。

    Delaney sank down and waited,all the while listening to his breathing,and wondering.

  24. 或许这样得思忖是由一只隐藏不见得手强行推向我。

    Maybe this contemplation has been thrust upon me by a hidden hand.

  25. 她会不会思忖那位不知名的亲属究竟是个怎麽样的人?

    Did she think about this unknown relative who would have first choice Did she wonder what he would be like

  26. 她蹑手蹑脚地走下楼梯, 心里思忖她自己为什么醒得这样早。

    She went quietly downstairs, wondering briefly why she had awakened so early.

  27. 我时常暗自思忖,生活中的赞美与恭维话实在是太少了。

    And from time to time I think to myself that there is too few of them.

  28. 彼得思忖着她女朋友脸上那神秘的微笑究竟意味着什么。

    Peter studied the enigmatic smile on his girlfriends face.

  29. 或许这样的思忖是由一只隐藏不见的手强行推向我。

    Maybe this contemplation has been thrust upon me by a hidden hand.

  30. 言毕, 乔肩扛扫帚走进屋里, 一面思忖大家会怎么说。

    With that, Jo shouldered her broom and marched into the house, wondering what they would all say to her.


  1. 问:思忖拼音怎么拼?思忖的读音是什么?思忖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:思忖的读音是sīcǔn,思忖翻译成英文是 to ponder; to consider; to contemplate



【词目】 思忖,考虑;思量。 思忖(1934~ )原名陈适存。福建泉州人。中共党员。